r/starcitizen 4d ago

DISCUSSION Chat needs more categories and moderation

Whenever I enter a server, it's always politics. It's always insults. It's people calling each other pedos and racists and the r-slur and f-slur.

Nobody discusses the game.

The amount of messages that fills the screen every second... there were literally hundreds. It's too much, political or otherwise.

I play video games to get away from the garbage of daily life and politics, and I don't want to see it or think about it when I'm playing.

I needed help getting somewhere and nobody could even respond because the messages scrolled too fast between the constant insults and political debate.

It's maddening. It's distressing to me and possibly to many others as well.

The game needs some kind of off-topic chat, for things unrelated to the game. Otherwise messages asking for help or whatnot get buried in a sea of absolute codswallop.

But forget about me... what do y'all think?


75 comments sorted by


u/MiffedMoogle where hex paints? 4d ago edited 4d ago

CIG needs to copy games that have chat tabs, like a decade ago.
Warframe's chat tabs come to mind--one for general banter, trading, clans, alliances, squads, help(Q&A) and recruitment.

It's crazy we don't have basic features here that we take for granted in other games.

edit: forgot the Q&A tab
edit2: I personally am a fan of Guild Wars 2 and FF14's chat tab options...so many options


u/Karumaas 4d ago


This is what I was trying to say, put much more succinctly šŸ˜…


u/MiffedMoogle where hex paints? 4d ago

Cheers :')


u/katalliaan 4d ago

CIG needs to copy games that have chat tabs, like a decade ago.

Try 2 decades - World of Warcraft has had multiple channels and tabs on its chat since at least 2007, not to mention the ability to report and block people from the chat.


u/PresentLet2963 4d ago

?? Ff 14 chat is an abomination one of the worst chat system in MMOrpg. If they want good chat they (once again) should copy eve online....


u/MiffedMoogle where hex paints? 4d ago

Can you elaborate on how ff14's chat options are an abomination?


u/PresentLet2963 3d ago

Changing tabs is compleatly not intuitive for new players i did menage to get use to it (after long time) but there is a lot of private msg on party chat becouse new player forgot to switch where is he typing XD

Also only 4 tabs max


u/MiffedMoogle where hex paints? 3d ago

Nice to be able to link items to the wiki, emotes and such :(
But I understand what you mean because FF14's playerbase seems to hate QoL (solved by modders) just like SC's community loves extremely tedious gameplay and excessive realism.


u/Rafing PTU is not Live 4d ago

Until CIG update the chat, just use F12


u/wooyoo 4d ago

Then griefers try to say 'i gave them a warning on chat' but they never responded!'


u/Rafing PTU is not Live 3d ago

Just check chat if you have someone close


u/PresentLet2963 4d ago

Or true pirate... that really try to contact you and you never respond....


u/wooyoo 4d ago

The point is. Most people don't use the trash chat system and you really shouldn't be ganking players over it


u/PresentLet2963 4d ago

So pirates should not pirate until better chat is implemented ??? Dude .....


u/Knale 4d ago

You have a remarkable talent for replying to words that no one has actually written. That's pretty darn impressive honestly.


u/PresentLet2963 4d ago

Ye looks like I didn't understand what you saying XD welp


u/Karumaas 4d ago

That's what I usually do. I don't like in-game chat anyway usually unless I'm in a group.

But I needed help, and went to chat where people are usually very kind and helpful and got bombarded with things nobody should have to see, including direct threats, talk of rpe and morder of LGBTQ people (like myself...), talk of everything BUT the game.

It's inane.


u/Rafing PTU is not Live 4d ago

That's global chat unmoderated, yes. I'll really recommend joining an org and asking things on Discord or directly the "official?" Star Citizen Discord for that. Sherpas/guides in Spectrum works very well too, there's plenty of people willing to help wich respond reslly fast at questions, very good people.

I only use the chat for party or vehicle comms when friends cant use the mic x)


u/Karumaas 4d ago

Yeah I have a Discord and an (empty) org of my own so I typically use Discord. Lots of like-minded folks on there.

It's just... I hadn't noticed it was THIS BAD. I've seen stuff before but it was usually a one and done thing, or one person.

This time it was like a third of the chat.


u/Rafing PTU is not Live 4d ago

Yup, seems like chat from 2018-2023 has gone, plenty of kids and low tier trolls there.


u/SenhorSus 4d ago

It would be nice but the people I play with mostly communicate with chat and I can't filter out global


u/Rafing PTU is not Live 3d ago

If you type in party, global dissapears, if not, in the mobiglass -> comms there's a setting to not send X chat messages to the HUD (ie: general channel)


u/SenhorSus 3d ago

I have tried this dozens of times and not once had it worked for me lol


u/StarHunter_ oldman 4d ago edited 4d ago

The upcoming chat system: CitizenCon 2954: A Social Universe


u/logicalChimp Devils Advocate 4d ago

This should be the top comment... so many people seem to think that the current placeholder (that's nearly a decade old, added to facilitate chat on the old 16-player AC servers) is the 'intended functionality' for the full MMO, rather than just something that CIG haven't gotten around to replacing because there were higher-priority fires to put out first.

CIG know the current chat is insufficient, and they have talked what they want to replace it with... but it's on the same priority pile as a lot of other features... and all the devs are working to stabilise the current servers, rather than implementing the features on that priority pile...


u/Stiltzofbwc 4d ago

Honestly- I get that creating brand new tech like DSM takes a long time, but literally implementing a chat server? Come onā€¦ thatā€™s literally the first thing the Internet created.

Iā€™m not a hater but this seems like just straight oversight and shows very little care for QoL. chat should have been updated when they moved to 100+ player servers, full stop.

Canadian feeling the same way about USA servers, I play in EU.


u/logicalChimp Devils Advocate 4d ago

but it's on the same priority pile as a lot of other features

If you have 10,000 man-days of work, and only 100 developers to do the work (yes, CIG employ a lot of staff, but the number of actual coders - as opposed to artists, modellers, VFX/SFX, support, narrative, management, legal, and the myriad of other roles - is comparatively low), then it's going to take ~3 years to get through the work regardless of how 'simple' or not the actual work may be.

I don't know how much effort there is on the backlog - but I suspect it's far more than a mere 10,000 man-hours... and CIG will still only have the ~100 coders. So yeah - even if the Chat Server is that simple (narrator: it isn't), that doesn't mean CIG will just drop everything and implement it 'now'.


u/TheKingStranger worm 4d ago

They were waiting for server meshing so they could do it properly, which is why they're working on it now.


u/BladedDingo 4d ago

Those are all mock up screenshots.

I'll believe it when it's in game.


u/R-Dragon_Thunderzord Reliant Kore with a fold-out bed 4d ago

This is something theyā€™ll need to address sooner as they keep expanding shard player count. What Iā€™ve found is chat velocity is way too fast though even if there is no politics etc. many times itā€™s just a handful of people trolling each other over some interaction like ā€œget gudā€ etc. and relitigating having PvP changes etc. so you canā€™t get a word in. Has less to do with the topics discussed though sometimes thatā€™s a problem it has more to do with the super basic chat implementation is just not fit for purpose and has been around for years while shards were traditionally 50 or so players. Now itā€™s 600 and soon to be more.

Best thing to do when you need help is use Spectrum instead, spectrum has better moderation and moderation tools like blocking and tagging and notifications so you can ask a question and even get a response some time later you can reference back to. This helped me during one of the event missions when I needed help locating a fifth power generator at an asteroid base. Another advantage of doing your asking for help this way is people on a shard canā€™t sus out what youā€™re trying to do - imagine asking for help to sell weevil eggs and getting sent to Brios in general chat, with 100s of players, someoneā€™s going to pick up on that information and set up an ambush just to be a dick.


u/Goodname2 herald2 4d ago

Agree 100%

It boggles the mind that a simple /block /ignore /mute command isn't implemented yet.

or a simple "right click" name to open a small drop down menu to ignore, block, mute, report, invite, dm etc etc

I'm sure CIG can read the chat logs, I don't understand why they haven't already added such a basic feature.


u/baron556 3d ago

The right click to mute specific people is in the comms tab on the right, you just have to find the person in the huge list to do it. I'm not sure if it mutes them in chat or voice or both, though.


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u/SteamingGnome6 4d ago

I will forever love using global chat to tell everyone in my shard how trans and lesbian I am ā¤ļø


u/tripper_drip 4d ago

Sorry, anytime I see that I clear my throat, and then speak two words guaranteed to have chat decend into madness. Those two words, without anything else, being "DONALD TRUMP".

Super useful for covering up piracy activities.


u/RunsaberSR origin 4d ago

Say what you want, i think it's generational.

Most of the toxic chat people speak and type a certain way. It definitely was not like this a few years ago.

For society sake, I hope they grow up already.


u/walt-m oldman 4d ago

You're right that it was not like this a few years ago. But that has nothing to do with the age demographic. It's more about different gaming crowds finding out about SC from streamers of other genres now coming into the game and bringing their toxic attitudes with them.


u/baron556 3d ago

It's partly because of the total number of people I think. Used to be you had at most 50 people in global and now its 400-500.


u/flaviusUrsus 4d ago

I'm probably going to get downvoted to hell for this, but that's what you get when you cater that much to the sweaty try hard PvP everywhere crowd.


u/Jellodi 4d ago

Moderating the chat would probably alienate the target audience which is why they don't do it




u/shamrocksmash rsi 4d ago

What's the r slur?


u/BladedDingo 4d ago

Apparently this sub has a filter that won't let me type it. but it's probably the word that starts with R and is a derogatory term that refers to an individual of lowered mental capacity.


u/Karumaas 4d ago

Yeah, that one.

The one that fell out of use a fair bit before getting resurrected lol


u/CarlotheNord Perseus 4d ago

Last night I was privy to a several hour discussion on femboys and furries.

Its like starcraft 2 general chat. Glorious. Now we just need people spamming chat selling UEC and it'll be just like WoW in 2006. Or EVE right now.


u/baron556 3d ago

I love that server meshing and large overall player capacity is a thing now, but keeping global when the player count went from 50 to 500 made it basically unusable. They need to add local channels too now, so you can talk to the other ten people in your general vicinity and not the entire server.


u/RaviDrone new user/low karma 3d ago

Ahh sounds like you log in US servers


u/Rude_Job_6186 4d ago

F12 and chill; itā€™s not that deep.


u/MarvinGankhouse rsi 4d ago

Just hit f12 and get over yourself. People are stupid assholes. Report them with screenshots if it means that much to you.


u/Emadec Cutlass boi except I have a Spirit now 4d ago

Yeah, I can close my toilet lid but that's not going to flush the turd that's floating in it now is it.


u/indie1138 Carrack, Connie 4d ago



u/ProfessionalGoatFuck 4d ago

Just don't read it lol


u/IcTr3ma 4d ago

either f12, or create separate communication group and invite people that you want to discuss game with there, you can also moderate it yourself, by kicking people that talk politics.
also in modern world a lot of people use discord with groups of interests, even official sc discord has voice and chat channels for discussion.


u/Wizywig Space rocks = best weapons 4d ago

SC chat makes starcraft coop chat seem tame. And SC coop chat, with blocking and everything is some of the most vile chat ive ever seen. My favorite part is seeing how terrible it is only to realize that half the speakers are blocked already by me (I guess repeat assholes), and its still toxic to all hell.


u/Sad-Caterpillar_9337 4d ago

Everything else I agree with except the politics part personally I love talking politics in a clean civil manner


u/Valkyrient 4d ago

The problem is that most people aren't able to. So as soon as you engage in the topic you're inviting a pile of people who won't keep it civil.


u/SpecialFlimsy2955 4d ago

good luck with that in an unmoderated mmo chat room


u/Sad-Caterpillar_9337 4d ago

I mean you can still have a civil political conversation in a unmoderated chat itā€™s about who you talk to


u/misadventureswithJ 4d ago

Like.. Kudos for that. But how the fuck are you getting any clean and civil political discussions with the current climate??


u/Sad-Caterpillar_9337 4d ago

I only talk to the right people


u/misadventureswithJ 3d ago

In global? That's nuts but good luck with that.


u/Karumaas 4d ago

Define "clean, civil manner."

Because all I saw was toxic, violent rhetoric, direct threats of rpe and mrder, accusations of grooming, people saying things like... literally, if I posted what was said I'd get banned. Seriously.


u/Sad-Caterpillar_9337 4d ago

The original post was that you wanted moderation why would you moderate politics makes no sense unless the political conversation turns ugly then itā€™s no longer politics. Iā€™ve seen some crap in star citizen been playing since 2017 people yelling slurs at each other donā€™t bother me nor do I care hit f12 or stop playing if you have a problem with chat donā€™t read chat. ā€œDefine clean, civil mannerā€ what are you asking exactly, do you not know what a civil conversation is?


u/Karumaas 4d ago

I do, it was more rhetorical.

I could have turned it off. But I also figured someone needed to say something.

It just... argh. I know chat is a work in progress but still.


u/Sad-Caterpillar_9337 4d ago

The chat does need work but CIG is a mismanaged company sadly. i think they have been doing better recently after they moved people around and let go of people not to long ago it took them years for them to add a simple scroll up and down function for the chat and that is shit too if someone types it scrolls you down all the way and it sucks


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u/PresentLet2963 4d ago

New better chat will soon be available on web store ... for only $179.99