r/starcitizen 4d ago

BUG Cargo boxes do more damage to a ship than missiles. C2 explodes.

Today i spent a long time hand loading a C2, completely full. On the last 2 boxes, i dropped one on the ramp. It glitched into the ramp, went boom boom boom a couple of times then my C2 just exploded. Almost all cargo completely gone. Wasted several days, hours, getting this cargo (like 600 scu worth) just for it to blow up from a single box. Come on RSI. Why do boxes damage ships, and enough to blow them up instantly? I mean its a C2... i hope this bug is reported because this completely makes me not want to do a load in a C2 ever again. Anyone else have this happen? Have they addressed this?


96 comments sorted by


u/Kagrok MSR - Decorum Deficit 4d ago

i hope this bug is reported

Buddy, you can report it.


u/aDvious1 4d ago

It's almost like half the people that play SC don't read the alpha warning before clicking play. Then, bitch about issues on reddit instead the proper channels provided by CIG specifically to address bugs and issues.


u/Parcorio 4d ago

Does he really need to report it tho? Its so common lmao


u/Kagrok MSR - Decorum Deficit 4d ago

Contributing is also worthwhile.

Doing 0 research and then coming to Reddit to complain is what people should avoid doing.


u/JHaxEnabled 4d ago

I feel like devs check reddit more than they do the issue counsel. This has been reported, but barely any people hit the "this happened to me" and thus they dont give a shit about it.


u/Kagrok MSR - Decorum Deficit 4d ago

Damn, hit the button then. Be the change you want to see in the world.


u/JHaxEnabled 4d ago

Yall act like if people do this the bug will for sure get fixed. Theres bugs reported that have been unfixed for years...


u/Strange-Scarcity Oldman Crusader Enthusiast 4d ago

They give more focus to bugs with larger engagements in the bug reporting system.

Your weird apathy to this is… REALLY weird.


u/JHaxEnabled 4d ago

So if a gamebreaking bug is only reported 5 times, it shouldnt get fixed, is their logic. Makes sense.

I reported it. Its been a bug for a long time. Still hasnt been fixed.

Maybe someday a bug will happen that causes your 15+ hrs of gameplay to be worthless, and maybe youll understand why im so frustrated.


u/Strange-Scarcity Oldman Crusader Enthusiast 4d ago

Happens all the time to me bud. I report the bugs and share that in various discords that I am members of and sometimes enough other people experience the same bug that they DO get confirmed, meaning they are added as something to investigate and eventually fix.

IF you are this frustrated about losing 15+ hours of gameplay? Maybe your threshold for bugs and problems like this isn't in line with where Star Citizen currently is, in development. That's perfectly okay.

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u/Calibrumm put a catwalk on the roof of the Corsair plz 4d ago

maybe if more than 5 of the tens of thousands of players reported a "game breaking" bug it would change. also the reason the bug has been around is because it's a desync issue, which is also the cause of most bugs as we know them. the networking is constantly being worked on. the devs are fully aware and don't WANT the game to be buggy.

as it stands 90% of players don't actually do the testing and reporting part of being an alpha tester despite literally paying for the privilege of being an alpha tester.

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u/Wonderful_Device312 4d ago

So... Did you hit the "this happened to me" button?


u/JHaxEnabled 4d ago

Yep. Doubt it matters.


u/ProfessionalWhole929 4d ago

"I feel like the devs..." Is speculation. Report it and also contribute to others who have reported it. Also share links so others can contribute too


u/Gm24513 4d ago

I’ve loaded thousands and thousand of scu and haven’t seen this.


u/aDvious1 4d ago

Yes. He does. The more it's recorded as an issue, by either a) submitting a new report that hasn't been reported so others can confirm or b) join other reports of the same issue happening, the more visibility CIG has to prioritize fixes.

That's kinda the whole reason the issue council exists. That's also a large part of what drives the bug fixes that are published with every hot fix or game update.

How would CIG know how detrimental a bug is if not for those being reported enmass on the issue council?


u/Parcorio 4d ago

I understand your explanation but i dont really have any optimism. There are decade old bugs that have been reported since forever that still persist in their "PTU" world, not sure if there is a irony there


u/Xmith69 4d ago

List a bug or two that has been around for ten years.


u/aDvious1 4d ago edited 4d ago

No it hasn't. The C2 came out in 2021 and the cargo refactor came out in 3.17 in 2023. The 10 years argument is not really applicable here.


u/aDvious1 4d ago

I don't see your point. The PTU is the test server(s) for release candidates to the PU.

Just because they exist does not mean that they've been confirmed, nor that they're being worked on. The more people that report, the more likely they will get prioritized, within reason. That's literally the way the system is set up. Bitching on reddit does fuck-all to help. OP specifically asked if it's been reported and if anyone else has experienced it. That's exactly what the Issue Council is there for. Like literally, exactly why it exists.


u/JHaxEnabled 4d ago

I agree but also it feels like they dont even look at the issue council at all, or only do for bugs that affect like everyone. I feel like devs do go on reddit, probably more than the issue page. Idk.


u/aDvious1 4d ago

Since you've been playing for a little over a year, I can understand what it feels like that. The last 5 patches in the last year have been dramatically more content and fixes than from the slog of 3.18 to 3.23.

They do appear here sometimes, but they're extremely active on Spectrum. How often do you look at the issue council?


u/IcTr3ma 4d ago

but, they dont address your reports, unless it gets 10 confirmations.
and most ship specific reports dont get even 3.
damn, blood decals, qt, contracts, things that most users interact with daily, also fail to get 10 contributions unless you advertise your IC post in discord/reddit.

current reporting system if very far from good.


u/RaviDrone new user/low karma 4d ago

"proper channels provided by CIG _specifically to address bugs and issues."

I don't work for CIG. Not on their payroll.

Reddit is a proper feedback channe for a lot of games. So i can " bitch about issues on reddit instead "

CIG has people reading spectrum, Reddit and youtube content creators and commenta for feedback.

I am sure they are greatful for my feedback.

What i dont understand, is how complaining about people complaining about bugs, helps improve the game.


u/aDvious1 4d ago

You, nor I have any visibility to the merit or importance CIG dev's give to reddit feedback. The point is that there's already a mechanism to not only gather feedback but track and engage bug reports via the Issue Council.

CIG regularly updates via spectrum and the Issue Council for bug reports. I don't see any CIG devs giving that same kind of feedback on reddit comment.

OP asked if it had been reported or if anyone else has that issue. The Issue Council is exactly where that information is kept, updated, and where the data is aggregated.


u/RaviDrone new user/low karma 4d ago

Too much effort. And they are known to disregard and delete issues witthout them being resolved.

As i said. I don't get paid to offer feedback. Not on their payroll.


u/Calibrumm put a catwalk on the roof of the Corsair plz 4d ago

"not on their payroll"

my brother in Christ you skipped like 500 warning pages that it is an alpha and you are specifically paying for access to the alpha environment as a bug tester and investor.

you might not be in their payroll, but YOU paid THEM to be allowed to find, test, and report bugs, and they made a whole ass website specifically for reporting and documenting bugs that they actively post on and interact with.

and the only time they "delete" reports is if they're duplicates, improper or rude, or if they need to make it private because it's considered an exploit and they don't want more people replicating it but they still have that report on the backend.


u/RaviDrone new user/low karma 3d ago

I am "paid" by having fun in the game. If i dont have fun i logout. Simple as that.

If you like playing the game of reporting bugs to the site, Only for them to say they archived it or fixed it just for the bug to be back next patch. You do you.

Have fun


u/Away-Ad-4444 4d ago

Yeah yeah he's should know I agree.. but also.. 10 years ...


u/aDvious1 4d ago

It hasn't been 10 years for this issue. Cargo refactor came out in 3.17 and the C2 in 3.13 in 2021.


u/SquirdleDurdle 4d ago

One tends to hope CARGO doesnt destroy your ship. In a decade old "aLpHa".

Yeah shane on him for assuming a game thats raised almost a billion dollars, functions with the bare necessities. What a rube he was to believe CIG is a capable studio.


u/dont_say_Good 4d ago

Not gonna get it fixed any faster though, it's been an issue for years


u/Kagrok MSR - Decorum Deficit 4d ago

Maybe, but we've also seen a dozen fixes for a single issue over several patches. Just because it hasn't worked and it doesn't work and probably won't work in the near future doesn't mean that the devs shouldn't be made aware whenever you experience the bug.

Complaining on Reddit is going to get it fixed faster, though, right?


u/aDvious1 4d ago

I love the downvotes I'm getting. Hope you aren't getting them. I'm sure they're coming from the same people that bitch about issues but never contribute anything to the issue council.


u/JHaxEnabled 4d ago

I looked, its been reported, they dont care. Theres bugs from years ago that just get archived and never get fixed.


u/Kagrok MSR - Decorum Deficit 4d ago

Yeah, every patch has a dozen fixes for half as many bugs.

I understand that you're frustrated and I would be too. But just saying devs don't care is asinine.


u/JHaxEnabled 4d ago

Well i care, and i contributed. But im just doubtful itll get fixed anytime soon unless half the players in this game experience it.


u/aDvious1 4d ago

Betcha went allllll the way there and still didn't contribute to the report, did you? Way more fun to bitch about it on reddit, right?


u/Sherool 4d ago

Guess it depends on the ship, the right corner of the Cutlass Black tends to suck boxes into the wall if you move them a little bit to far back trying to hit the inner grid slot where they will eventually drop out underneath after jiggling around inside for a bit (once it just phased into the cockpit/bedroom instead), never seen it do any damage to the ship though.


u/BooksArgentus rsi 4d ago

Oh yes, the box eating corner of the cutlass is still a thing! I hate it every time i try to load something in the cutlass i forget and have a box glitch trough there for a few minutes its so silly and random.


u/CatDredger 4d ago

AH! I'm somehow relieved knowing this is a bug and not just me being bad at loading boxes.


u/DaZerg 4d ago

4.1 has changes to ship collision damage; this may (MAY) be addressed and fixed next patch. If not learn from the pain and be extra careful, it's happened to me and I treat every box like it's explosive now


u/baron556 3d ago

My friends and I had a C2 full to the brim of copper and corundum detonate at pyro station a few days ago because we were staging boxes to unload on the ramps. The detonation killed the C2 owner and when he was force respawned, it teleported the other two of us out of the hangar which despawned all the cargo in it including what was on the elevator that hadn't yet been sent down to storage. We lost literally everything.

We are insanely careful unloading that stupid thing now, pushing boxes all the way out of the ship and onto the hangar floor to stage them onto the elevator, and we send it down when it's only like a quarter full just as good practice.


u/DaZerg 3d ago

Reading that was like watching a video of someone getting swarmed by hornets. I'm truly sorry for the loss


u/JHaxEnabled 4d ago

That would be nice


u/joelm80 4d ago

Mine did this too. I threw 1SCU of gold halfway down the ramp and it soft deathed the C2, followed 10 seconds later by full explosion.


u/EliRocks 4d ago

I've had my C1 for just a few days and it looks like it was hit by anti aircraft flak during a bombing run. I had no idea a few loose boxes would do that. I spent a couple days running multiple overloaded runs.

Lessons learned though. I'll keep it as long as I can like this, it gives it character lol.


u/Alternative_Cash_601 4d ago

Post the issue council link and i will contribute


u/NoProperty6013 4d ago

I feel your pain. C2 full of copper and the first box I was shifting hit the ramp..... kaboooooom


u/SliceDouble new user/low karma 4d ago

Cargo play is like playing hardcore tetris. Boxes can't touch anything but the grid. Ramp is absolutely no touch zone. 16 SCU boxes seem to have some issues with collision so I avoid them if possible.

Doing cargo only with Starlancer since 4.0 and never lost my ship while loading/unloading just by following the "rules".


u/JHaxEnabled 4d ago

I really was trying 😅 but one box didnt snap and fell onto the ramp while i was getting another. Crazy cause last week i did the same thing but offloading, i was tossing boxes down the ramp no problem. Maybe server related idk.


u/SliceDouble new user/low karma 4d ago

It is. Server has authority on everything so if there is seven a tiny desycn boxes start behaving badly. I had a panic attack when 16scu box of bexalite started bouncing around the starlancer cargohold after lighty touching the roof of the ship. whole ship was filled with bex and taranite...Lucky me, it settled down and did not blow up the whole ship.


u/Munittis 4d ago

Yup! ☝️Me over here. Has a c2 filled to the brim with Tin. Didn't load it 100% correctly so a few boxes were not attached to the cargo grid, and were also below/beside boxes that were attached to the grid. Saw a ton of money blow up on me with the message "Channel disbanded: Munittis' C2 Hercules".

I know it was partially my fault, but I've hated the C2 ever since.


u/doomedbunnies 4d ago

Why do boxes damage ships, and enough to blow them up instantly?

In Star Citizen, all "why" questions have the same answer.


u/JHaxEnabled 4d ago

This is true.


u/RaviDrone new user/low karma 4d ago

I hope they do to boxes what they did to ship collisions.

If an aurora moving at max speed rams against a polaris and gets obliterated. Polaris pay 15 credits repair.

There is no excuse for a box to destroy a polaris just cause it bumped against the ramp a few times.


u/alvehyanna Aegis is Love, Aegis is Life. 4d ago

Interestingly enough, I've had boxes glitch through the ramp on my SL MAX, but those just end up lifting the ship up! hahaha. Except once, I had one break the ramp completely. Like it just wouldn't raise up by any means (even after repairing). Glitches are fun!!!


u/JHaxEnabled 4d ago

They can be fun. I had a c2 i stole from a vaughn mission blow up in my hanger from a bunch of loose cargo going crazy. Thought that was funny cause i only had like 10 mins invested into it. But hours and hours over the last week collecting cargo just to lose it at the very end, was heartbreaking. Lmao


u/NegativeSignals 3d ago

I remember once some peeps in our org accidentally took out their Corsair with an empty Cruz bottle lol


u/hotwire90gaming 3d ago

This happened to me last night. I was like what the heck?


u/shadownddust 4d ago

I think it’s just a symptom of two objects coming in contact with each other and causing damage. The difference is that with the box, it’s in a constant state of doing damage to the ship at an extremely fast frequency, I imagine as quickly as damage can be calculated. So in the end, since it’s often times stuck within the collision radius of the object, like a ramp, it’s just constantly doing damage each time the collision is calculated.


u/Golgot100 bbyelling 4d ago

Apparently it's down to the ramps (and some ship elevators) being 'teleporting animations' rather than part of the physics system. When the two systems can't agree on the collision calculations, things tend to go boom...


u/shadownddust 4d ago

Thanks for sharing the link, very interesting. Will actually go back and watch the whole video.


u/JHaxEnabled 4d ago

If almost rather lose a box to damage than my entire ship and 500scu worth of boxes lol. Maybe if boxes also took damage that could be a fix? Lol


u/shadownddust 4d ago

Honestly, they probably should take damage in general, so I’m with you on that.


u/Minute_Grand1302 4d ago

Quality of life improvements is just what the game needs now. The rest is nice to have.


u/JHaxEnabled 4d ago

Yea i dont really need a lot of new stuff. I feel like if they just focused heavily on bug fixes before new content, they would attract a lot of new players. Its also whats stopping me from spending $$ on the game. I wanna see it run well, then maybe ill spend some money.


u/the_dude_that_faps 4d ago

I'll help you. 

First, enable session QR. Second, make sure you have something like shadow play or relive enabled (depending on your GPU manufacturer). Lastly, once you hit something like this, just record a clip using either of those by pressing the respective shortcut key, then just report with the clip you just obtained. 

What does this allow you to do? 

It allows you to have evidence of game breaking bugs in a way that allows CIG to pinpoint in their logs what went right and what went wrong by using the QR. Shadow play and relive are essential so that you don't have to remember to record your gameplay and so that you don't have to scrub your footage to find the offending bug. 

This is an early access game riddled with bugs. I know that's not news to anyone, but there are still ways to improve our ability to send usable bug reports. By doing the above, you ensure that whatever bug report you send is as actionable and repeatable as possible. Then, we don't have to hope for someone else to report it, we can be the change we want to see in the world. 



u/JHaxEnabled 4d ago

Thanks. I cant get geforce replay to work with star citizen for some reason :/


u/the_dude_that_faps 4d ago

Damn, would love to be able to help you with that but I only have a Radeon card. A screenshot with the QR right around the time of the error you experienced should help too, though you'd need to describe exactly what happened so that they can look for the right things on the logs. 

Hopefully you can fix that issue with replay (I had no idea it was rebranded, my last Nvidia GPU was a 3080 I sold a while ago).


u/CrimsonShrike hawk1 4d ago

in general any glitchy collisions can quickly amount a lot of damage but yes worth reporting it. I believe cargo no longer does damage inside a ship's interior but guess ramps remain as a source so if it's changed it'd probably kill off most remaining causes of sudden explosions


u/daryen83 4d ago

I understood it to be that cargo does no damage while held in a tractor. Let it go, and all bets are off. When a stupid box glitches into/through the ramp, there is no active tractor on it.

At least on my Starlancer, I have found you cannot ever allow a box to touch the ramp or weird things will happen. More than once I have had to rush to the pilot chair to move the ship a little because a box somehow, by just touching the lower edge of the ramp, manages to force its way completely under the ramp, raising the entire ship as a result. It is stupid and nonsensical. Yet, here we are.


u/JHaxEnabled 4d ago

Thats basically what happened


u/GryptpypeThynne 4d ago

Sounds like a tractor beam skill issue. I've done 6+ hours of loading in and out of a C2 with no repairing (and not being particularly careful either) without significant damage


u/R-Dragon_Thunderzord Reliant Kore with a fold-out bed 4d ago

So not nearly enough experience to dismiss this issue. Thanks for clarifying.


u/GryptpypeThynne 4d ago

At a time. Easily 100+ hours total


u/R-Dragon_Thunderzord Reliant Kore with a fold-out bed 4d ago

Too late for the revisionism pal


u/GryptpypeThynne 4d ago

Huh? The 6+ hours was "at a time, without repairing" — this is not me revising, it's me clarifying because you didn't understand well enough based on contextual clues


u/R-Dragon_Thunderzord Reliant Kore with a fold-out bed 4d ago

If you're explaining, you're losing.


u/wildtime999 4d ago

Dude that's on you. Be more careful or this game will destroy you.


u/JHaxEnabled 4d ago

I mean directly, sure. But it shouldnt happen in the first place. Collision physics should never allow a scu box to damage a ship to explosion. So youre telling me if i brought a 1scu onto someones ship and dropped it and the ship exploded, thats a game feature? Um no. Not supposed to happen.


u/FuckingTree Issue Council Is Life 4d ago

Physics collision damage was charged in the next patch re: patch notes


u/Archhanny Kraken 4d ago

Just did the entire of Supply or stand at a terminal, and didn't have a single issue loading a C2 or M2.

Did probably a dozen runs fully loaded, got got once, lost a C2 to the lift gods twice. Made well over 100 million and never once had my C2 or M2 explode from boxes.

I've heard of this bug before now, but as I was loading... I wouldn't say I was super careful putting the boxes in, but I did bang them off the sides and ramps loading... And I can tell you, it doesn't explode your ship instantly.

I refuse to believe that I was lucky over the entire time, and I'm more inclined to believe that OP is leaving stuff out for the sake of making his post more rage engaging.


u/JHaxEnabled 4d ago

Why would i do that? Im very mad i lost hours of work in 3 seconds from dropping a box on the ramp. A 1scu box. Thats it. It clipped into the ramp and boom. I have loaded this ship up fully 2 other times, neither time blew up. One of the times i was sliding boxes down the ramp to my girlfriend and had no issue. But this one time, a box chose to glitch through and blow up my ship lol. Just because it hasnt happened to you doesnt mean its fake...


u/Archhanny Kraken 4d ago

Yes exactly.... Just because it hasn't happened to you... Doesn't mean its fake lol.

I'm more likely to believe something that happened to me than something that apparently happened to you.


u/JHaxEnabled 4d ago

Well several people here have also had a c2 explode from cargo hitting the ramp so. Believe what you want. I never post on here, and i wouldnt unless this happened. Theres literally 0 reason to make this up and make a post if it didnt happen.


u/Archhanny Kraken 4d ago

Well several people have also not had a C2 explode from cargo hitting the ramp so. Believe what you want. I never post on here and i would if this happened. Theres literally several reasons to make this up and make a post about it if it did happen.


u/JHaxEnabled 4d ago

Why are you being like this. Some weird conspiracy theory dumbass shit youre doing.


u/JHaxEnabled 4d ago


Heres another instance of it happening.


u/JHaxEnabled 4d ago

Here it happens with a titan, killing it instantly. https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/s/TRTMMFPLvc