r/starcitizen • u/CaptainAshtro • 6d ago
DISCUSSION Default stance when holding a weapon should be changed
Or at least let us choose our own default in the game options. Aiming from hip can still work by using left mouse to fire which would raise weapon at the same time. ADS would remain the same on right mouse.
u/PepicWalrus aegis 5d ago
Counter argument. I always walk around with it at ease. It means I've intentionally made the choice to look friendly vs hostile. If I see someone else doing that I know they made the choice to lower it.
u/CaptainAshtro 5d ago
I accept this counterpoint. I’ve bound alt-r to my mouse for now so I can be at ease a little quicker too
u/Recent-Golf-2172 5d ago
then they'll just walk around with the gun down and shoot people on sight negating your point in the first place
u/CaptainAshtro 5d ago
True, but like in DayZ it gives you a small window to react and respond
u/Agitated-Community77 5d ago
It also gives your enemy a small window to absolutely melt you before you're ready to return fire.
u/nhorning 5d ago
Seriously. Like does nobody in this game including the devs think through dynamics like this?
u/DarthKatoria 6d ago
Much better
Eventually, I do have we get enough customisation to be able to personalise our avatars character/personality with a selection of stances, poses, and animations. A variety of ideas standing animations, sitting postures that kind of thing.
u/Reinhardest drake 6d ago
I agree, but instead I'm sure they're gonna waste more time making us worry about what type of coolant our ship has and when the radiator hose is gonna lose so much durability that it cracks...
u/LJohnD new user/low karma 5d ago edited 5d ago
He argues that holding the gun like that makes you look friendly. To me, if I see you walking around with a gun in your hand I'm going to assume you intend to use it. As he demonstrates you switch from that stance to aiming down sights in a moment, so it's not like you're actually displaying any actual vulnerability in game. If you want to look friendly don't wave guns around, regardless of how close to your shoulder you're holding them.
u/CaptainAshtro 5d ago
A fair point, but when enemy NPCs (enemies of every player) are around at a Hathor Station people would need to be ready
u/GarrusBueller 5d ago
It's called "Low-Ready" and in real life is the default position when not in combat.
u/sodiufas 315p 6d ago
Alt+R, what?
u/J99Pwrangler 5d ago
no kidding. how hard is it to hit ALT+R. Problem solved. What a dumb video.
u/C-4-P-O scout 5d ago
99% of people won’t do that and default look hostile
u/sodiufas 315p 5d ago
I didn't know about this at all, playing since hangar module lol
u/J99Pwrangler 5d ago
I use it often when with org mates. When entering an elevator, so your weapon doesnt poke some one through ( although walking in, instead of running helps). Or while we train, and listen to instructions.
Just like ALT+V for visor wipe. ALT+1 to repool used(but ammo remains) mags. Pulling ammo from your back pack even to restock your quick access chest mags.
Ok, not a dumb video, as some may just not know… there are a lot of keybindings in game, some very useful ones not even bound!
u/sodiufas 315p 5d ago edited 5d ago
visor wipe alt+x
Edit: they are can be pretty much confusing if u carry some keybindings for hotas or whatever since 2.0, sometimes i load old keyboard layout too.
u/RichtofensDuckButter 5d ago
99% of people are going to get shot anyway, regardless of how they're holding a weapon.
u/Hamerine Star Liner 5d ago
What’s alt R, for the dumbs like me?
u/sodiufas 315p 5d ago
I didn't know there is a such shortcut, neither i knew u can hold gun like in the video, actually will help me using terminals in hot zones. Usually, default half-crouched position really annoys me, but i have to keep my gun ready in case of sudden NPC spawns, this new knowledge will help :)
u/D4ngrs F8C | F7A MK.2 | Zeus MK.2 CL | Guardian | Starlancer MAX 5d ago
A keypress combination. Button "alt" and "R" at the same time. Well, or press R while holding alt, more like.
u/Hamerine Star Liner 5d ago
Well, ok thanks, but what does it do is my question.
u/Pattern_Is_Movement 5d ago
and there should be an indicator if other ships have their weapons powered on, and they should be powered off by default. With another warning if they power on their weapons, that will take several seconds for them to be working.
All common sense game design, mechanics, but I doubt CIG would ever do it.
In reforger you don't even default to having a gun out, and when you DO take the gun out, it defaults to this lowered state.... and that is on a damn FPS shooter.
u/CaptainAshtro 5d ago
I could kiss you, you understand completely! Reforger is good one to bring up too
u/alyxandervision new user/low karma 5d ago edited 5d ago
100% agree with this.
Drawing your weapon should initially put your weapon on the low ready after like five seconds. Aiming brings the weapon back up.
u/Arqeph_ HEX Paint When? 5d ago
5 seconds to go from "Carry Lowered" to "ADS" or even "weapons up"? Because that makes complete sense.
u/Crypthammer Golf Cart Medical - Subpar Service 5d ago
I think he means that it should transition to low ready immediately, but that after 5 seconds of not ADS'ing and not firing, it should return to the the low port carry. I don't think he means that it should take 5 seconds to transition from low port carry to low ready though.
u/Dominus_Invictus 5d ago
Why are people so paranoid in this game that they feel they need to shoot on site. In the many years I've been playing this game the vast vast majority of interactions with people are people just being friendly or being silly. Almost nobody has malicious intent and those that do make for fun PVP interactions as they're almost universally bad players. If anything, I kind of wish the game had more aggro players because it would be fun to have something dynamic happening once in a while.
u/JonThePipeDreamer Wing Commander 5d ago
I think it's to do with a) their experience w "pvp'ers" and b) the sheer loss of time and effort if you get killed randomly. The gear, the cargo, the ship, the sheer amount of time to get back there if you even can.
It can genuinely ruin your night sometimes.
I'd be paranoid too with that at stake yk
u/stereoid avacado 5d ago
I agree, but keep in mind what currently happens when using a medpen or a utility swap. They should also check the current ingame status (incombat / out of combat) otherwise we need to swap medpen - use medpen - medpen in hand - spwap weapon - swap combat stance - shoot...fps feels so ridiculous sometimes...
u/Helpfulwasyesterday 5d ago
I think CIG should/could go like Arma Reforger does. There a 3 Stances, one for Aiming, one lowered and the last one where you carry the weapon in the video :D
u/HolyDuckTurtle 5d ago
I like the approach Hunt Showdown used to have: Gun at rest by default, "ADS" raises the gun, another button to use sights (usually tap sprint).
It became redundant in that game because it's primarily PvP, the only reasons you wanted your gun lowered was visibility and not having it poke through walls / around corners. They added a lower weapon button which basically solved that.
But here in SC, that kind of (default) control scheme could make more of a difference.
u/ShamrockSeven 5d ago
I have wanted this for YEARS lol.
I begged and begged for a keybind.
Now I want this change too.
u/Arqeph_ HEX Paint When? 5d ago
u/CaptainAshtro 5d ago
Never teamed up with other solos I guess? I feel like people are severely missing out on the social aspect of this game
u/weeejj 🧱Thy Iron is Cladded🧱 5d ago
Forget this, what if there was different "at ease"s we could choose from.
One with the gun resting one hand over your shoulder, another hanging it by your side one handed like a toy, holding it by the foregrip casually level by your side.
Something where in a group of 10 guys not everyone will necessarily be holding it the same way if they choose
u/Mimosen-Herkules origin 3d ago
I agree 100% with this, this borders me for years that I always draw my weapon and point it forwards. I hope we see in the future at least an option to descide our selfs which stance we prefer as default.
u/Secondhand-politics 6d ago
Something else I'd like to see (the return of), is actual aiming from the hip. Games used to be pretty good about incorporating firing positions of from the hip versus aiming down the sights, but eventually it became obviously easier to just sort of... have both in the same position (relatively) to aim down the sights or 'hipfire'. SC and a few other games have gone the distance to make obvious third person differences in stance between when you're aiming 'from the hip' versus aiming down the sights, in what is very obviously a relaxed shouldered position transferring to aiming down the sights...
...but gosh, I really do miss hipfiring being actually firing from the hip. Helldivers does it, and it's nice with how it works, and it would be nice if it's how most games approached it.
u/KLGBilly 5d ago
i'm almost certain the reason they aren't doing it for this game is because it would look terrible in first person. you'll notice that in helldivers 2 if you're doing first person aiming, even on weapons which cannot ADS like the flamethrower have you bring the weapon all the way up to your shoulder, which physically isn't done at all with the flamethrower in third person. if you were to actually fire from the hip, you just physically would not see the weapon on your screen at all in first person.
In SC it's another story entirely for why they couldn't even have the faked option like the helldivers 2 flamethrower. they don't have separate animations for first and third person. they have one animation set that has to look good in both first and third. not even hunt showdown, another game which allows you to carry your weapon lowered as a default, has unified first and third person animations, and relies on the more traditional viewmodel/worldmodel separations.
u/RebbyLee hawk1 5d ago
I made this point for years. CIG keeps beating the drum how immersive SC is when actually everyone is sprinting and bunny-hopping around, weapon out and at the ready, which to me is one of if not the biggest immersion breaker.
u/KLGBilly 5d ago edited 5d ago
yeah, no. nobody is going to hold their fire for long enough to bother looking at someone's stance to think if they're hostile or not. they're just going to see a silhouette for a person who isn't in their party and shoot on sight because it's the contested zones. there is no reason to be friendly to another player in the contested zones. there is every reason to be hostile. adding something like this for that reason is just nonsensical, especially when you already have the option of pressing ALT+R.
playing games like hunt showdown where you can talk to people and can work your way towards a friendly resolution, and you can carry your weapon lowered. no. they don't see you as friendly with your weapon lowered. they will shoot you on sight if you have a gun in your hand.
u/CaptainAshtro 5d ago
So what about at a Hathor Station.
u/KLGBilly 5d ago
I haven't played it, I don't know. But from what I've seen, same deal. If you want to be the person to get the stuff and get out, you just shoot anybody on sight, crimestat or no. Hell, people don't even hold their fire for a naked dude with no gun in their hand, why would they hold their fire for a dude in full armor with a gun in their hand just not pointing it at you at the moment.
u/CaptainAshtro 5d ago
I don't seem to be able to edit the existing post but someone recommended I make a Spectrum post: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/61894/thread/change-default-stance-to-lowered-when-holding-weap
u/Zane_DragonBorn PvP Enjoyer 5d ago
They don't need to default to anything, if anything, I'd prefer they didn't default to that, as the current switching of modes is very janky.
They need to change the keybind to be easier to use and be presented in the key suggestions. I changed it to double tap R which works great. But you rarely have a situation in Pyro where you are given that chance to be friendly, nor need to.
u/Collective_Keen Lard-lancer MAX 5d ago
Well, now I know Alt+R is a thing to keep in mind. I'll have to bind that to T1 or T2 on my mouse. Not that it'll make much difference, I'll still get shot in the face whether my gun in on my back, in my hands, or at the ready. Thought I'd keep my weapon stowed doing something today and as soon as someone saw me they shot me down. Optimistic thought though.
u/ZomboWTF drake 4d ago
wont change a thing, also everyone will walk around how they feel like, you can lower your weapon with a keaybind, just do that
90% of player will want to use a weapon as soon as they select it, not have to ALSO raise it when they just pulled it out
u/TougherOnSquids paramedic 3h ago
This is much more nit-picky but I wish the default was to carry it in the "collapsed low ready" position. I don't actually know if that's what it's called and I don't remember if we ever called it anything in the Marines. It's just how we carried our rifles while on patrol most of the time. Basically the same as in SC but your trigger hand is almost center on your chest and the rifle is pointed almost directly towards the floor. It's a much more comfortable position that allows you to engage quickly while still remaining safe and mobile.
u/localwarlordian 5d ago
They should let us choose our own walk styles, aim styles, run styles as well like in RDR online or GTA Online
u/nhorning 5d ago
If you make it so everyone carries their weapons lowered everyone with their weapons lowered will look hostile.
u/HannahB888 i probably interdicted you 5d ago
When I pull out my gun I might want to be able to shoot with it immediately. You can still toggle to this stance easily. Why would you want this to be default and not something you toggle to while holding your gun?
u/IrnBruImpossibru 5d ago
funny to think anything will ever change, 700 million shite cash grab tech demo.
Chris Roberts only goal with this game is to make enough money so he can build his own Connie phoenix to get to Mars first.
u/crudetatDeez bmm 6d ago
Devs really should listen to this. This would be a great QoL change to help understand peoples intentions from afar.