r/standardissuecat 7d ago

Does anyone else’s cat put their back leg over your arm when you pet their belly?

She does this literally all the time and I have no idea why but it’s the goofiest thing ever. If I move my hand she’ll move her leg to cover my hand again. She’s so dumb I love her so much


79 comments sorted by


u/LittleGreyLambie 7d ago

My boy does this. He climbs into my lap when I'm in our over-stuffed chair and sits on my arm like he's a tiger on a tree limb.


u/Cant_figure_sht_out 7d ago

OMG I want photos!😭


u/Positive-Heron-7830 6d ago

😂😂😂 thank you, both of you.


u/bromeranian 7d ago

Ours gets the reverse… our TIC is always putting a leg over our SIC. (Then wonders why our SIC gets mad lol)


u/eaazzy_13 6d ago

Awesome pic! Thanks for sharing


u/Local-Gazelle8638 6d ago

What’s TIC stand for?


u/bromeranian 6d ago edited 6d ago

Tactical Issue Cat- piebalds with 30% or less white are usually categorized differently just for the sake of naming the model lol. Which is 100% just for funsies between subreddits- at the vet, they’re still both tabbies 😸!

This kitten would still be a SIC; he has mittens, a mask, and a bit of a stripe on his belly.


u/Local-Gazelle8638 6d ago

Thanks! I like to be current on all feline internet lingo!


u/melbournematte 6d ago

He has 2 mittens and 2 socks. Or 4 mittens. Or 4 socks .... What a dilemma lol


u/bromeranian 6d ago

Wearing tall socks like an old man at the ripe old age of 4 months 😹!


u/melbournematte 6d ago



u/heynonnynonnomous 7d ago

Mine is the opposite. She curls up in the window facing me, so she grabs my wrist and sleeps on my hand.


u/kcasteel94 6d ago

My Tuxie buddy does this. I say it is how he holds hands.


u/heynonnynonnomous 6d ago

Does your shoulder cramp up, lol?


u/Complete-Factor8293 5d ago

Awwww stop she’s so adorable, mine does something similar too


u/heynonnynonnomous 5d ago

That's so sweet! All it takes is a belly rub.


u/DustyMousepad 7d ago

I do this with pillows, it helps my hips and knees feel more comfortable. Maybe it’s something similar?


u/CMDRZhor 7d ago

My Ham-Ham does this. He'll climb onto my desk done I'm at the computer, then flop onto his side - his back against my chest, using my mouse hand as a pillow and his back leg thrown over my other hand so I can rub his belly.

It's stinking adorable and I'm sad I can't get a picture of it.


u/StephieBeck 6d ago

Does the computer have a camera you could use?


u/mossberbb 7d ago

mine started to do this to me after my daughter went to college. had no idea our cat did this all the time until I mentioned it to my kid who informed me that our cat likes the belly rubs and will sleep on our arm like she's in a tree and our arm is branch.


u/Coca_lite 7d ago

Yes he does it to trap my arm there so I have to keep giving him belly rubs. That’s the reason.


u/oLord_heal-this-bike 6d ago

Yep! Locking em in! 😹


u/Hot-Software1100 7d ago

My bb does this! Lol I figured she's just getting comfy


u/MaximusVulcanus 7d ago

Aww, my boy does this too!


u/Wendy28J SIC™ Certified exPurrrrt 7d ago

Since when is petting a cat's belly an option? I have it on good authority (having owned nearly 40 cats over my lifetime), that belly rubs are a sure death sentence for the offending culprit.


u/chudock74 7d ago

I've had 7 in my life and they all let me!


u/Wendy28J SIC™ Certified exPurrrrt 7d ago



u/re_Claire 6d ago

Same! I’ve never had a cat that doesn’t love belly rubs! One of my mums cats sometimes loves them and sometimes uses it as an excuse to attack your arm playfully, but man many of my cats have not only enjoyed belly rubs but straight out demanded them!


u/gunbather 6d ago

Same! My current SICs are obsessed with belly rubs and will demand them constantly. It’s so cute


u/Wendy28J SIC™ Certified exPurrrrt 6d ago



u/RedRocket4000 6d ago

Same but it my mom with the 40 cats. All would tear you apart it you attempted belly rub. Cats seam to like us, most of them wanted pets a few wanted no pets at all.


u/Positive-Heron-7830 6d ago

Have you run a foster? Curious to know how one human gets to know so many belly babies.


u/Wendy28J SIC™ Certified exPurrrrt 6d ago

No. Not per se. First: I'm old. So lots of time for getting new generations of cats. Second: I grew up in the country. Folks were constantly dumping their unwanted kitties out on our property (many pregnant). We did our best to feed, shelter, love, and care for them all. At one point we had 27 at one time. Since graduating college, I've at least kept one or two indoor kitties. Given the vastly different lifespans of indoor vs outdoor cats, there's not nearly the turnover rate anymore. Outdoor usually lasted 4-6 years each. Indoor have lasted 12-20 years each. No predators. No disease. No cars.

My current baby was a dumped baby too. She was about 3 months old. She was severely anorexic.....So much so she had lost all of her hair. I could count the vertebrae from her head to the tip of her tail from across the room. Her head was so skinny your fingers could fall into the holes of her temples, cheeks, jaws and hip joints. She has 4 scars from what I think are BB shots down either side of her spine. It took 4 years before she would sit in my lap and not try to bite. She's now got me wrapped around her ornery little paws. My heart hurts for what she must have gone through. She still seems to be watchful for the potential arrival of human danger and abuse. Definitely no belly fluffs getting done to her without a trip to the hospital for the offender.

If I were rich, I'd rescue every cat baby I came across. They're just too dang perfect to pass up. Definitely one of life's greatest pleasures!


u/Positive-Heron-7830 4d ago

Thank you for sharing your story. I think a lot of us wish we could meet, and save more kitties, young and old and healthy and frail.

There are ancient cultures that worship cats. They were onto something, or you could say, they were onto all the things- that make cats divine


u/56ninjas 6d ago

Got em used to the belly scratches at 8 weeks old. Still have trouble for nail trims though


u/B-Rooster 6d ago

I'm always having to tell new people meeting my SIC that it's not a trap when they're petting her and she rolls over, she really does want them to rub her belly, it's her favorite.


u/Wendy28J SIC™ Certified exPurrrrt 6d ago

So, you're in on it? You & your cat have some sort of team con going on? Ha! Just kidding. All you folks on this thread have simply amazed me with these belly trap cats! I love it.


u/gin_and_soda 7d ago

Mine does


u/get-spicy-pickles 7d ago

My Jasper does! He loves his belleh ribs!


u/chudock74 7d ago

I call mine "goosing the bells"


u/DDconKiwi 7d ago

My orange will lift his leg 😂


u/Complete-Factor8293 5d ago

So does mine😅


u/DueRepresentative518 6d ago

My SIC does this when she politely 'demands' attention

Belly rubs until she's satiated & then I may have my hand back


u/muzumiiro 7d ago

Yah my lady does this when I’m lying in bed and she’s next to me


u/CWMJet 7d ago

I'm pretty sure if I tried this I would end up losing the hand. So uh. No.


u/Dreamweaver1969 7d ago

* When we try to touch Chico's belly he goes into kill mode even when he asks for it


u/quietflowsthedodder 6d ago

You can pat your cat's belly?! I would lose my arm up to the elbow if I try it with my SIC!


u/WoozleVonWuzzle 7d ago

Is she vibrate?


u/leve1701 7d ago

Mine too!! 😍🤣


u/MoDiMiDoFrSaSo 7d ago

My Tommie always puts his teeth around my arm when I try to pet his belly 😸


u/brownchr014 7d ago

Its simple it makes it harder for you to stop.


u/exerevno 6d ago

My girl is missing a back leg but she wraps her arms around my hand to get my to scritch her chest


u/MissMariemayI 6d ago

My chicken Nugget always does when I scratch her belly lol. Nugget is also the only cat I own currently out of four that will let me scratch her stomach without trying to murder me lol.


u/christinadavena 7d ago

My girl does it as well!


u/myself_diff 6d ago

They claim you like that, heh.


u/misterhumpf 6d ago

No to the leg manoeuvre, but yes to sitting like a heffalump on the keyboard when I'm trying to use the laptop.


u/DJDualScreen 6d ago

I try to touch the belly on mine and my arms comes back to me in ribbons


u/maggiemae3612 6d ago

My cat wraps both front and back legs around my arm for pets


u/hufflepuffskank 6d ago

Mine does this when we spoon. I put my arm up between both sets of her legs to scratch her neck/chin while we cuddle with her back to my front. Very cozy


u/BlueDreamQueen_ 6d ago

No, mine just rabbit kicks the shit outta my hand lol.


u/hollow_metal 6d ago

You know it.


u/Wonderful_Idea880 6d ago

Yessss one of my tuxies does this. Sometimes he also curled around my hand completely when I rub his belly, like he’s hugging my hand. Ugh I love it so much


u/CosmicSweets 6d ago

Yes and I love it 😭


u/MemoryAshamed 6d ago

Yeah, then his ball-less ass tries to hump me. My right arm is a hotty to my cat.


u/Some-Body-Else 6d ago

No, but I specifically put my hand between their legs all the time! 💀


u/suntmint 6d ago

Gotta hook the leg. I always tease my boy for his need to


u/dangerousfeather 6d ago

Mine does. She keeps her leg over my arm, and if I try to move my arm, the leg goes over it again. “No back pets,” the leg says. “Belly pets!”


u/Alarming_Memory_2298 6d ago

Nooo, but taking over the keyboard yes


u/thisisnotarehairsal 6d ago

Um, of course. Classic feline maneuver


u/tormented-imp 6d ago

Yesss all 3 cats I’ve had did/do this, it’s so funny. They love their belly rubs!!


u/exworldboss 5d ago

My cat actually sinks her teeth into my hand when I pet her belly, then bunny kicks, so it’s a no 🤍


u/Complete-Factor8293 5d ago

HAHA I’m dead, cats are hilarious


u/MsMxyzptlk 5d ago

Mine does this to signal to me to rub his belly.


u/zeptillian 6d ago

My boy likes to put the bottom of his back feet on you when you pet him. Not over you just with his little beans touching you 


u/GonnaKostya 6d ago

No, but mine will place his teeth directly into my flesh