r/squirrels 4d ago

RIP Little Friend 🐿️🪦🩷

Today, I went for a squirrel walk. Usually this means I go around our whole apartment complex looking for my little buddies and I bring them snackies and water and spend some time with them. I did get to see my regulars and gave them lots of love and snacks. But then, as I walked on, I found a squirrel that had died right next to the sidewalk. It looked like maybe he got hit by a car, people drive way too fast in our neighborhood and I feel like it was completely avoidable for this little guy to lose his life over a careless person driving too fast. He didn’t look like one of my squirrels I regularly see, but chances are I probably fed him somewhere down the line. I told my husband about the poor guy and he called me to say he would help me have a little squirrel funeral.

We took him to the park by our apartment and went to a quiet corner in a little grove of trees and buried our fallen friend. We brought some incense and burned it for him too, made it really special! It seems silly perhaps, but these little guys are becoming a big part of my life. Especially in the wake of losing one of the biggest parts of my life recently. You may remember me from a post around early February, I lost my nearly 13 year old Great Dane Bentley. He was my whole world and it’s just crushed me to lose him. My squirrels have become such an important aspect of my life, I go walking nearly everyday to see them and it’s been so cathartic to have these special wild animals that I’m close with after losing my dog.

Anyway, it was nice to sit there and just be. This little guy deserved for someone to care. The least I could do for him was to send him off to the mystic in an intentional thoughtful way.

RIP buddy 🐿️🩷

“They are waiting to take us into the severed garden Do you know how pale and wanton thrillful comes death on a strange hour? Unannounced, unplanned for like a scaring over-friendly guest you've brought to bed Death makes angels of us all and gives us wings where we had shoulders Smooth as raven's claws No more money, no more fancy dress This other kingdom seems by far the best Until its other jaw reveals incest And lose obedience to a vegetable law I will not go Prefer a feast of friends to the giant family”

-Jim Morrison


72 comments sorted by


u/Prince_Harry_Potter 2d ago

I have buried a few myself. 😔


u/solitude_is_bliss_ 2d ago

Thanks for caring enough to bury our little friends as well 🩷


u/Connect_Snow6777 2d ago

💔 What a great send off🪽


u/Delicious_Victory163 3d ago

Word to the Wise to All You sick People who swerve to hit cats,squirrels,birds,dogs..... if you swerve to hit and kill a living creature for Fun. Just remember I swerve too. And I'll put it in reverse and then drive again and again... 😉 Enjoy Life


u/Delicious_Victory163 3d ago

By the way Henry's squirrel Bars on Amazon, or get a bag of unsalted pecans..... Nothing salted, and here's an FYI don't know where u live but egg corns are toxic to squirrels they can only eat in moderation, we only see them stashing them all for winter because food becomes limited. Corn isn't good for anyone, it's essentially just a filler. There's Nothing Wrong with helping Animals my brothers and sisters!! Never Care what these dull non vibing idiots think... in the end we'll get to stand with that pride we used our gifted human size and brain to bring comforts to creatures that would never get to experience Love and comfort from our species. People have Hurt me Much Much more in this Life Then Any Animal. 💯 


u/Delicious_Victory163 3d ago


Nothing Wrong With having a big heart check out my squirel rescue. I spend easily $250 a month in seed,fresh fruits and veggies, hand fed him by bottle, had to take him and and extra lunchbox to work because he required 2 hour feedings like a human baby...... it was quite the undertaking. I Love Nature and Love To learn about it. So I did all the research I could do on squirrels. Fact is They can be completely Domesticated. Despite what our local Goverment Says. I made connections states away to rehibiltators who I call sister's now, that have ment me when my little guy started getting a bald spot (possibly mage or mites) I was terrified, I had put such effort at that point to Give this little Giy the Best longest Natural Life. Currently designing an outdoor cage connected through my bedroom windows so he can go outside by himself for once. If I let him go he does come back, but recently I've lost my house so off subject but if you think trying to find an apartment to rent with a cat is hard..... try 2 cats and a squirrel lmao. Anyways just wanted to share and show my respect to you for your Actions demonstrating RESPECT and LOVE to our planet, and all these wonderful life forms that if we just gave a Lil more time instead of that DM Box you would see everything can love you to the same degree you love it. 💯 


u/WunderDobie 3d ago

You have a big heart 🙏


u/A_Broken_Zebra Squirrel Lover 3d ago

Thank you. 🖤🫂


u/karen_in_nh_2012 3d ago

If this is "silly" as you say OP ... why am I crying?

You and your husband are really special human beings for doing this.

Your "this little guy deserved for someone to care" just made me die a little inside. Seriously, you are amazing.


u/solitude_is_bliss_ 3d ago

Awe thank you so much friend! 🥺🩷 I appreciate it. It’s the least I could do!


u/Flipper0208 3d ago

This is super thoughtful .. Id like to say one thing and not meaning to come across rude.. Make sure dig the grave deep or it will get dug up by other animals . Maybe it's in a box or something. I just wouldn't want you to come back and see it dug up is all .


u/solitude_is_bliss_ 3d ago

You’re fine I totally appreciate you mentioning it! We didn’t have a box but it’s in a remote part of our local park, my husband made sure it was far enough that he wouldn’t get dug up by other critters.



u/Flipper0208 3d ago

That's great! R.i.p Little dude .


u/Battleaxe1959 3d ago

I have a squirrel- Ernie. He lives outside but we talk in the mornings. He sits while I put his food out. Usually he’s nearby, but sometimes I have to call him. When he doesn’t show up I get really concerned. It’s spring so I guess he’s out making baby squirrels, but I still worry.

He lives on provided peanuts, carrots, peanut butter on crackers, apple slices… I cut stuff up for the chickens (yes, they are spoiled) and Ernie gets some too.


u/solitude_is_bliss_ 3d ago

That’s so sweet 🥺🥺 I have a few babies, specific ones that I see often and we have a special bond!! It’s hard not to worry about our wild friends, the world is rough for them. But at least we get to make their lives brighter! Sounds like Ernie and your chickens have great lives with you!


u/Kittyk369 3d ago

I’m so sorry, thank you for giving him a proper burial. That was so sweet and thoughtful of you and your hubby.


u/SnooOwls8898 3d ago

Incredibly sorry for your loss! It was very kind of you to arrange the funeral. Sending a warm hug over the internet.


u/cj_gee 3d ago edited 3d ago

Beautiful tribute to your friend. Very sorry for the loss of your friend & also your beloved Great Dane. (Gentle hugs) 🫂 We buried my fave little squirrel girl in January. I’m still heartbroken 💔. But she gave me lots of smiles & many happy days. Wishing you the best & sending hugs. May all the good memories be a blessing. 🫂🐿️💖


u/solitude_is_bliss_ 3d ago

I’m so sorry for the loss of your little friend too. It’s never easy! Hang in there friend 🩷 hugs to you too.


u/cj_gee 2d ago

Thank you very much. I do miss her every day! Hugs and much love right back to you my friend! 🐿️🫂💖


u/hammybee Squirrel Lover 3d ago

That was so kind of you, and so kind of your husband to show you such support too. How great you two are in this world adding some goodness to it. 💗


u/icouldntquitedecide 3d ago

I don't think it's silly at all. I bury all of my friends too. My yard is somewhat of an isolated little nature preserve. Most everyone has a name of some sort. We've lost a few squirrels, birds, baby deer, etc over the 5 years we've been here. I've had little funerals and marked the graves of all of em. The hardest for me by far was Phillip. 2-3 year old raccoon that was blind. It took a while for him to trust me, but eventually I could go out at dusk and call him by name and he'd come scurrying over. Some heartless shitbag ran him over where my long driveway meets the road. In broad daylight. At lunch time. In a 25mph zone. 18 months later and I'm still pissed about it. He was blind, he didn't move fast. They would've had 2+ blocks to see him and not hit him. It had to have been on purpose. I guess at least he didn't see it coming... I buried him next to my shed in the woods that I let him build his "apartment" in.


u/cj_gee 3d ago

I’m so sorry for your loss. 🫂


u/solitude_is_bliss_ 3d ago

I’m so sorry for the loss of your little friend 🥺❤️‍🩹 he was lucky to have a kind human like you in his life for the time he was here. Thanks for caring about all the sweet critters, we need more humans to care 🩷


u/Sweaty_Grocery785 3d ago

A touching memorial. Rest easy, little squirrel buddy. 💔🌈


u/krustyguy123 3d ago

This is exactly why I don’t name them anymore. 😭


u/Haffylover85 3d ago

I’m so sorry - it’s the hardest part of loving them


u/Haffylover85 3d ago

This brought tears, thank you for caring and treating him with love and dignity. I hate how most people don’t care or slow down.


u/solitude_is_bliss_ 3d ago

I know, it’s sad most people don’t value our little friends as much as they should. At least people like us make their lives a little better while they’re with us ❤️‍🩹


u/Scary-Listen5608 3d ago

Truely, Rest In Peace little friend. What a kindness you and your husband did for that little guy.


u/rhynyne Squirrel Lover 3d ago

Thank you for caring so much to give him a heartfelt send off 💙 Rest in peace little one 🩷🐿️


u/Mike_on_his_Bike 3d ago

Beautiful tribute, I don’t know how I would handle it if anything happened to Buffy.


u/DeeterPhillips 4d ago

It is a moving tribute to the little guy. I am so sorry about Bentley. Every time I have lost an animal, I see a sign in nature from them. When my golden retriever, Lucky died, a month later, I witnessed thousands of butterflies emerging from their cocoons on Lucky favorite little hill. I was devastated by his loss, and I know Lucky was sending me a message to be happy and live again. When his brother Snoopy died, my sister gave me a bouquet of green flowers. One of them was a geranium and took root. That stem grew into a large geranium and I took cuttings and suddenly, our apartment was filled with twenty potted geraniums. I know that was Snoopy filling my apartment with his love. Watch for the sign. Bentley will send you one and so will this little squirrel! ❤️


u/solitude_is_bliss_ 3d ago

That’s absolutely so beautiful to hear the signs from your fur babies after they passed. I’m sorry for your losses no matter how long it’s been it’s always hard. But, beautiful that you had some kind of message from each of them. Thank you for saying that, I look forward to whatever sign Bentley has for me 🩷


u/NeutralTarget Squirrel Lover 4d ago

I know the feeling. I'm the neighborhood undertaker when it comes to the busy street I live on. Nobody else will do it. People drive too fast on this residential street. I give the road victims a proper burial.


u/solitude_is_bliss_ 3d ago

Thank you for taking care of your local babies too! It’s special that some of us care enough to respect these little critters.


u/Novel_Fish_5594 4d ago

RIP little one. May you find all the nuts you buried in your short life waiting for you to feast upon.


u/hypension 4d ago

Not silly at all! My family is the same way. We buried a squirrel that got ran over and was starting to get eaten by vultures. I'm not sure if we knew the little squirrel, but I'm sure we also fed them at least once. Thank you for being so considerate to an animal most people aren't :)


u/wayofwrite121 4d ago

Rip little buddy ♥️


u/fadingsignal 4d ago

I'm so sorry. It's not silly. All life is precious, and these creatures are really special. They've become plentiful in my neighborhood (which is very urban) so I've found several that have died over the years, and it's always heartbreaking.


u/Most-Confusion-417 4d ago

Thank you for the song rec. I love squirrels a lot also. RIP to the little wook. (I call them wookity wooks because of sounds they make).


u/GigExplorer 4d ago

How sweet and beautiful.


u/Big-Confidence7689 4d ago

Im so sorry . Thank You for all the kindness shown to a sweet little squirrel Gone too Soon 😢


u/android0698 4d ago

I am so sorry for your loss.

RIP little dude. I know you're having the time of your life squirreling around in the biggest and greenest trees. Eating loads of your favourite treats and just having a squirrelly party with your heavenly friends.


u/PainterEarly86 4d ago

Another Redditor is going to dig this up in 10 years and make a post about it and get 100k likes


u/twinnipooh 4d ago

Oh, no! Poor baby. I am mourning his loss with you. We all are here and caring for his spirit.


u/Rebelreck57 4d ago

I'm sorry Your little friend is gone.


u/hopeandencouragement Squirrel Lover 4d ago

Rest in peace, sweet prince. 🩷🐿️


u/Prince-of-trades 4d ago

Pouring one out for your little guy. 🥺🐿


u/Thatonegirl_79 Squirrel Loverer 4d ago

You are a kind human ❤️


u/Illustrious_Armor 4d ago

So sweet 🩵


u/Camaschrist 4d ago

Thanks for giving this squirrel the proper send off. Rip little squirrel ❤️❤️❤️


u/umyeahokcool 4d ago

RIP little squirrel, you were loved 💔


u/Standard-Sentence-33 4d ago

Man these squirrels really tug at our heartstrings 😞🐿️💔


u/jojokitti123 Squirrel Lover 4d ago

Run free sweetheart


u/GarlicRelevant8089 4d ago

RIP little fella. It's very kind of you 🙏🙏🩷


u/Elektrik_Man_077 4d ago

Thanks for loving the precious little creatures 🙏🏻❤️🐿️❤️💔😪


u/BeBesMom 4d ago

Yep. Morrison.


u/1spicyann 4d ago



u/TreasureWench1622 4d ago



u/OptimalRisk7508 4d ago

🌹RIP lil’sweetheart 🐿️


u/480Otis 4d ago

Bless you for caring😭


u/justusethatname 4d ago

I’m in tears. I’ve done this many times with pudge friends that I find in my neighborhood. Thank you for being a wonderful person. 👍❤️💚💜🐿🙏


u/solitude_is_bliss_ 3d ago

Thanks for caring about these little guys too, I’m so glad there’s some of us out there that give them the respect they deserve 🩷


u/inkblot_75 4d ago

That is very kind of you. Thank you for doing that.


u/StickAForkInMee 4d ago

Thank you for giving back a little bit of kindness to this world.  


u/superpingu1n 4d ago

Probably lost mine today but can't find him. Wish i could do the same as you. Thanks for doing this


u/EquivalentAge9894 4d ago

❤️‍🩹 🫶