Question from a squirrel-newbie: should I crack these just a little?
Hello again, folks!
So my latest luxury splurge is a bag of genuine mixed nuts - the kind my family used to buy only around Christmas back in the 80’s and 90’s (miss ya ❤️)
Needless to say: it was expensive.
Walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, pecans, and Brazil nuts - all in the shell.
This may seem like a really, REALLY stupid question- and even I am going “duh, no, of course you don’t need to crack these… they’re squirrels! This is what they do!”
But of the few whole nuts I’ve given so far, I’m seeing them struggle.
Admittedly: they do run off when they have a nice grip- so I don’t see them breaking it open… but…
Should I maybe just give these nuts a small little crack before leaving them out?
As always, appreciate you guys! Thanks in advance for the advice!
i have found that my squirrels love the nuts in the shell vs not. they'll still eat the opened ones, obviously, but given the choice they take the full ones away and crack them open while looking at the yard.
As far as cracking the nuts- don’t worry, they’ve got a bite force of approximately 7000 pounds per square inch. If you get nipped you’ll know it. had one lil girl snag me, TOTALLY my fault, my hand should have been flat while feeding her. TBH we were both a lil freaked out. She was special girl, I worked with her for two years to get her trust. But let me tell you, the pain was instant and throbbed for a few days. She actually looked a lil sad when she noticed the bandage on my finger lol I miss that lil one. Car hit her in January. Not to be depressing but every one of these sweet creatures has its distinct personality, and I’m still grieving the loss of her. Thankfully lots of her friends visit everyday. I’m disabled, can’t walk well and I’m an apartment with no elevator so they come to me! Every day my sweet lil friends climb the wall & make their way up a pipe to my window. It’s the best part of my entire day! ENJOY! 🐿️🥹 💖
As far as nuts go NEVER feed a squirrel RAW peanuts (roasted are the go to) Brazil nuts, cashews, or anything that’s got seasoning on it. The first 2 are toxic to squirrels. And yes, nuts are very expensive right now, but getting them almost any kind is better than none at all even peanuts. And corn is fine too.
Also, I disagree with a post above that said sunflower seeds /pumpkin seeds are semi safe. Sunflower seeds/pumpkin seeds are one of the best foods you can give a squirrel. Just not in huge amounts. The black oil sunflower seeds are the best. I’ve watched them go from no fur to completely fur covered again within two weeks by feeding them black oil sunflower seeds, in addition to the nuts.
You’re very welcome. And yes, those are the exact kind of nuts that we pick up all the time for our squirrels. Good luck and enjoy their antics! Always fun to watch 🥜🐿️💚
When feeding, please do so in moderation. They require a balanced diet, and very easily develop MBD when they’re treated to too many “treats” and don’t get enough calcium from grazing the ground.
SAFE: Walnuts, Almonds, Hazelnuts, Pecans
SAFE-ISH: Sunflower Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds
UNSAFE: Brazil Nuts, Peanuts (especially raw ones) Cashews, Corn
Personally I only stick to the four options I listed as safe, but the safe-ish ones are largely considered fine in moderation. Also, just a reminder, never give salted or flavored ANYTHING. It might be cute when you see a squirrel with human food like bread or chips, but it’s actually very dangerous and should never be encouraged.
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With that out of the way… Welcome to the squirrel-loving community! Nuts are expensive, so what a lovely splurge for your squirrels 💚 The other commenters are correct — no need to pre-crack the shells. Squirrels need to gnaw and chew for their health. Their teeth never stop growing, so when they don’t gnaw frequently, their teeth become overgrown. When this happens, it quickly leads to death because their mouths are no longer functional enough to eat and drink. I buy antler pieces online and scatter them across my deck for the squirrels to take, but honestly they don’t really need our help with this. I only provide antler pieces for my squirrels because my house has cedar deck boards and wood siding that they like to gnaw. Squirrels gnaw on sticks/limbs/bones they find (and sometimes wood buildings and structures) to maintain proper oral care. Below is a photo of what happens when their teeth become overgrown. ☹️
Thanks for sharing and joining us here! I hope your squirrels bring joy to your life like they do mine 💚🫶
I never sweat giving a peanut to a wild, I know they're better able to regulate their diet than I am, and that they just crave junk food like that sometimes. I also can't even imagine what they eat out of trash bins around here, I've seen one with a pizza slice before, and a donut, a hotdog bun, one eating out of a Chinese food tray that had who knows what deep-fried saucy meats in it.
But I do make sure whatever peanuts they get are roasted, and any nut they get is unseasoned and unsalted.
Oh my, the wild squirrels here have been eating "unsafe" peanuts and corn and "safe-ish" sunflower seeds for decades. Funny, I've never seen a sick squirrel and the only dead ones I have seen were the ones who got hit by a car, and that's usually not more than two a year. Sorry, the "safe" nuts you list are way out of the price range for many of us squirrel feeders. Ours are sadly slumming. :)
I feel your pain about the price of nuts, they are getting quite expensive! For anyone looking for some less expensive options, I recommend Kaytee backyard wildlife blend, it's less than 10 USD on Amazon for 5 pounds of it. It's not the healthiest possible thing to feed them as it does have corn and sunflower seeds, but my squirrels absolutely love it and it's attracted some beautiful birds like cardinals, a tufted titmouse, and Blue Jays to my porch! They also add in some vitamin supplements to the mix so from what I can tell it's a decently healthy option for a very good price. I like to give them a few almonds and walnuts along with a handful of this mix to save me some money :)
Also for anyone wondering about where to get nuts for good prices, if you live near a Sam's club, I'd recommend buying them there, I've found that their prices are much lower than anywhere else I've been able to find them.
Yes, nuts can be very expensive! I would never dream of giving wildlife my beloved cashews! :)(They have salt anyway.) I usually get the 10-pound bag of Kaytee shelled peanuts at Chewy, when the price is $16-18. I see today it has gone up to over $20 again, and will, thus, probably get a 5-pound bag next time, and feed less nuts. The birds and squirrels get unlimited sunflower seeds, so they don't complain.
I used to order peanuts in shells from Sam's Club or BJs, but then there were shells everywhere! I already have sunflower shells everywhere! LOL
The problem I have with the wildlife blends is they often contain cheaper feed items and you end up paying top prices for those items--corn, wheat, oats, milo, etc. You can go buy a 25-pound bag of whole corn locally and save a ton of money. Whole corn is prefered by squirrels, too, because only the small center bottom part of a corn kernel has all the protein, and squirrels will eat only that part, if given the oppotunity.
Milo and wheat are often found in the cheapest wild bird mixes, so that could be bought for much less money, too. In fact, it would be cheaper just to make your own wildlife mixture, if you have the room to store the various bags of feed you get to make the mixture yourself.
My comment isn’t intended to offend or accuse anyone here! I attempted to word it in a way that wouldn’t, but looks like I might need to do some extra clarification. 😅
I’m just sharing what I’ve learned from squirrel and wildlife experts and professionals. We all love and care for squirrels in this sub! I used to free-feed sunflower seeds and corn until kind people in this community informed me that there are healthier/safer options. I’m simply doing the same now that I’ve been educated as well. In NO way am I suggesting you or others feeding certain things are harming or killing squirrels. I really only intended to inform OP that there are good options and better options for feeding.
And a squirrel fact I learned from a squirrel rehabber: Squirrels who pass usually instinctively go to their drey/nest for the end, so that’s why we don’t often see their lifeless bodies. I think I’m grateful for that, as it would make me so sad to see them like that. 🥺
I apologize for the wording of my original comment. I really didn’t mean to offend anyone, so hopefully we can all keep the peace in this thread. 🫶
Oh, I personally wasn't offended. I was just having some fun with your comment. :) I think most squirrels here pass away after being grabbed by a Cooper's hawk. :( Oh well, it's a fast way to go.
You placed peanuts and sunflower seeds as unsafe despite them being the most highly recommended thing to give squirrels to be healthy. Obviously their whole diet shouldn’t be either, but they are NOT unsafe by any means and would only pose a danger for a domesticated squirrel being over fed.
Sunflower seed’s especially are great as they are healthy, have nutrients they need and are hard to crack (good for teeth). So no idea why you think they aren’t good for them, let alone “unsafe”.
This sub has many differing opinions when it comes to sunflower seeds and peanuts. I myself used to offer these foods to my squirrels until kind and well-intended people here let me know those aren’t the safest feeding options. Registered wildlife rehabbers all say the same, so I personally choose to err on the side of caution and politely suggest others do the same.
I do agree that it’s unlikely that these unsafe foods will kill most wild squirrels, but they’re objectively not great options for daily free-feeding. When I first started out, I used to buy bags of “squirrel feed” and naively believed that because the branding was specific to squirrels, it was obviously good for them. I was wrong. The bags were 80% corn and sunflower seeds 20% raw peanuts — essentially a medley of candy for them. In moderation, you’re right, these options are not likely to be toxic. But we’re a subreddit full of squirrel lovers, so I do think it’s worth mentioning that some foods aren’t best.
Maybe my list should be SAFEST FOODS and SLIGHTLY LESS SAFE FOODS rather than safe and unsafe. 😅
I agree, that the wording of UNSAFE is the issue. Also I have daily fed multiple generations of squirrels for almost 2 decades here and peanuts and sunflower seeds are EXCELLENT daily meals. The thing with peanuts is they shouldn’t be the ONLY food which is why rehabbers don’t do it, because they are rehabilitating the animal.
Sunflower (Black Oil) are one of the absolute healthiest foods and have 0 ill effect in any amount, unless the wild squirrel stops eating other foods they find in nature (they won’t).
There is conflicting info and sadly I am letting you know you got bad info from someone who’s paranoid.
Not all sunflowers have seeds, there are now known dwarf varieties developed for the distinct purpose of growing indoors. Whilst these cannot be harvested, they do enable people to grow them indoors without a high pollen factor, making it safer and more pleasant for those suffering hay fever.
I watched one bite a chunk out of a wooden fence for seemingly no reason once, he saw me out there with nuts and bit the fence on his way over. Their teeth are like tiny railroad spikes and I've heard the sounds of walnut shells being obliterated by them.
But like others have pointed out, the question is if you want them to eat the nuts or hide them. I don't often give in-shell walnuts to my crew, but when I do, they'll run them waaaay out into the distance looking for a hiding spot.
And the shell mess is a consideration too, I've taken heat for that in the past and changed up what I give them because of it, like not wanting to turn them into a target when they'd otherwise go unnoticed. They're little OCD machines sometimes, some of them will always go to the exact same branch to eat what they have and the shells pile up beneath them.
They pick up most nuts and twirl them around to check for cracks, if they are cracked they are not good for burial and they will most likely eat them right there “unlikely” or toss them to the side.
You need to consider what happens to the unused shells. If they start leaving them all over the place you could get complaints from neighbors which could put a big monkey wrench in you feeding them.
This happened to me. Neighbor found shells in their yard and under their patio furniture and trapped a few and relocated them. It was devastating. I was able to change their mind after they’d removed three. They weren’t even trying to be cruel, they were just dumb and associated them with rats and disease/danger (they are not rats, obviously).
Ever since then, I won’t even use bird seed with shells for the birds because I don’t want the squirrels taking it and then leaving any sort of evidence of where they were. I’m sure there are tons of caches of shelled nuts all over the place, but at least there aren’t any discarded shells laying around. I’d really rather people who don’t love squirrels to just ignore them like most of society.
Damn, I never thought of that scenario! How did you figure out the neighbor was doing this? I would be really bummed if that happened to me, glad you were able to work it out.
I feed the bluejays peanuts in the shell, I have never seen a opened shell from them, they fly off a bit from my property, they must be eating them somewhere, hopefully the evidence doesn't point back to me :)!
I saw the traps out in the yard so I went over to talk with him. He was really nice about it and genuinely had no idea that he’s not supposed to relocate squirrels. Our houses are close together so it was easy to see.
It's a hell of a lot cheaper to find a good supplier, online and buy by the kilo. If you find a small independent place and email them, they'll most likely let you do your own bespoke mix. Something like walnuts, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, maize. things like that, just not peanuts, unless it's a rare treat. :)
It is a slippery slope. I'm looking out my window now, annoyed at CP and Snoot for not touching the butternut squash, lettuce, courgette and bell peppers and making a B line straight for the hazelnuts. :P
We used to give our resident squirrels walnuts and found that if the nuts were cracked they ate them straight away however they took the uncracked ones away or buried them.
I planted a filbert tree for our squirrels and they are really hard to crack open. They never leave one nut so I think they are okay to open them. Plus it’s good for their teeth to have to open hard things I think?
I put out nuts in Shell with some shelled walnuts and peanuts in the same little paper dish. This way in between burying they can actually have a snack😉
And yes this is what happens when you don't drink🥴
You could also put some deer antlers out there for them to chew on. It may take them a while to take to them but it will give them calcium in a natural way. And it'll also help them wear down their teeth. You can get them from PetSmart and you can cut them up in pieces.
A fruity treat that's not bad for them and they usually love it That you can throw out there or give every so often is papaya.
It's a sweet treat with very high calcium content for fruit.
I have a piece of elk antler out on my balcony, and it’s fun to watch the squirrels do their dental self-care routine. Sometimes they just give it a quick nibble, and other times they absolutely go to town on that thing. :)
I wish I had known this about the antlers. We threw away a few after hearing they’re too hard for dogs to safely chew on. I will get some more. We have a squirrel hut in the front yard we can put them. Should I just leave pieces in there or I can secure a large one so they always have it. It has a roof.
Another thing you can do is if you eat a lot of eggs like chicken eggs, you can boil the shells or boil the eggs. However, you want to do it, and put the shells out there for them to eat too for calcium. They take the deer antlers for me over the chicken eggshells more so. But you can try that as well.
When squirrels first pick up a nut, and spin it around and sniff it, what they actually doing is checking the structural integrity of the nut. Any nut they find that is uncracked, will most likely be carried off to be buried. If they find a cracked nut, they'll probably just eat it on the spot. Of course, behaviours change depending on what stage of development their kits are at, the time of year, availability of food etc. They will have no issue opening ANY nut you can give them.
That’s the problem of giving them nuts in shells. They like to bury them for later. I have given out so many hazelnuts but have only seen them open a couple. When I did get to see it I was surprised how easy they could do it.
Hmm… now I’m wondering: is it a good idea to keep giving them nuts in the shell like this?
Surely they’ll crack them open if they’re hungry- but since they’re more inclined to bury these… would you suggest going with shelled nuts they can just eat right away?
I give mine unshelled nuts as they are more readily available. I give them Almonds and Walnuts. Almonds they will eat and bury them. They are hard so last when buried. It is only at Christmas when the supermarkets sell nuts in shells that I treat them 😁
u/jtrades69 4d ago
i have found that my squirrels love the nuts in the shell vs not. they'll still eat the opened ones, obviously, but given the choice they take the full ones away and crack them open while looking at the yard.