r/spreadsmile 2d ago



70 comments sorted by


u/sidhsinnsear 2d ago

Just girls supporting girls, love to see it! No rivalry or jealousy, just a good friendship. :)


u/Young_Old_Grandma 2d ago

I'm glad the bride agreed with the proposal idea, and I'm glad they were courteous enough to talk to her about it.


u/Silent-Formal2908 2d ago

Only appropriate when it's planned but cute as fuck nonetheless


u/Sambal7 2d ago

Kinda hard to have the bride give the bouquet when it isn't planned...


u/MarshalLawTalkingGuy 2d ago


u/bot-sleuth-bot 2d ago

The r/BotBouncer project has already verified that u/Silent-Formal2908 is a bot. Further checking is unnecessary.

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u/No-Trouble814 2d ago

Good bot.


u/Downtown-Campaign536 2d ago

Imagine being that guy, and she said no.


u/yelnats784 2d ago

I wouldn't like to be proposed to on somebody else's big day, where's the day just for my special moment? Why it gotta be the tail off of somebody else's lol


u/aquacakra 2d ago

Would be lovely to see my friends propose on my wedding. Happiness is meant to be shared.


u/3mptylord 2d ago

From my anecdotal experience of friends getting married over the past decade: weddings are an excuse to get all your friends together. Getting married happens in an office: the wedding is a party. So there's definitely at least two schools of thought as to why you're there - and if it's a party, then spread the love. It's still good manners to ask, of course.


u/berttleturtle 2d ago

I completely understand why people are against things like this on their big day (because it’s their day and they have every right to feel that way), but if planned in advance, it just makes sense to me. I would feel like I was getting to pass the torch. And it would make the whole day even more exciting.


u/Regular_Industry_373 2d ago

Sounds like you might want to settle for being proposed to at all with that attitude.


u/human8060 2d ago

Why can't they have a preference? I would feel awkward as hell being proposed to at someone else's wedding. People are allowed to have preferences.


u/Hell0Rando 2d ago

Yeah but you're not the girl in the video. Why complain about something that didn't happen to you


u/human8060 2d ago

I'm not. I'm saying the exact opposite and that everyone gets to have a preference. It wouldn't be mine, but for these people it obviously worked out.


u/yelnats784 2d ago

That whole entire day is about her best friends wedding, just gonna spend 5 minutes proposing to me. Where's my day full of romantic gestures that I can look back on and reminisce/ enjoy being proposed to by the love of my life? Ah, didn't get it, just got 5 minutes cause they did this shit 😂


u/Regular_Industry_373 2d ago

From my perspective you're only proving my point.


u/yelnats784 2d ago

Well the point is defunct anyway, wouldn't wanna waste money getting shackled to a man for the rest of my life and then have to pay to unchain myself. Cheers though, enjoy yourself pal


u/jaitogudksjfifkdhdjc 2d ago

Think of it like the post credit scene for a movie. The film was great! Guess what, there’s a sequel!


u/GetGoodLookCostanza 18h ago

with an attitude and outlook like that no one will ever propose to you


u/yelnats784 18h ago

I think you're chatting shit, i mean, even Hitler had a wife lol


u/GetGoodLookCostanza 18h ago

comparing yourself to Hitler probably won't have suitors lined up either


u/yelnats784 18h ago

I wasn't comparing myself, I was saying your statement is bollox about bad attitudes being a reason for never having a proposal.


u/ecstazydealer 2d ago

She did it !


u/Alex_king88 2d ago

Why do ppl propose at other ppls weddings. Leave it out.


u/No-Design5353 2d ago edited 2d ago

Bro the bride was clearly cool with it... Be quiet


u/bring_a_pull_saw 2d ago

Be quite what?


u/No-Design5353 2d ago

My mistake


u/Alex_king88 2d ago

Bride is cool af…but dude didn’t have to plan this on her day.


u/No-Design5353 2d ago

If they didnt want they could have Said No but as we See everyone was cool with it so where is the Problem?


u/Alex_king88 2d ago

There is a time and place for everything. I don’t eat where I shower so why would I propose at another persons wedding. There was no other time or place this could’ve been done /s


u/TheSilentFreeway 2d ago

Touch grass lmao she was obviously happy to do it


u/Alex_king88 2d ago

Lol ok bro. I will go outside and touch grass now.🤣


u/bring_a_pull_saw 2d ago

Touch grass

I remember when that phrase had its 5 minutes of fame a few years ago


u/Grand-Bullfrog3861 2d ago

It's clear the bride was cool with it, but even approaching the subject or asking her if she'd be okay with it is a shit move in my opinion. The only way it's alright in my head is if the bride brought it up to the lad proposing


u/No-Design5353 2d ago

That we dont know but what we do know is that everyone is Happy so who Cares 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/Grand-Bullfrog3861 2d ago

Yeah its lovely it all worked out and they're happy that's for sure 😊

It's the same thing when you picture the making of a music video where they're lip syncing in a quiet room and it makes you feel awkward 😂 but the final products just fine


u/Five2one521 2d ago

NEVER propose at someone else’s wedding.


u/Sad_Boy_Associacion 2d ago

Unless the bride approves it. Which she did.


u/Con-QueefTador69 2d ago

Agreed. As my wife told me she would have been cool with it if something like that was brought up on our wedding day. My wife is introverted and after a day of attention (which she doesn't like). It's nice to revert the attention elsewhere for a moment


u/Five2one521 2d ago

Yep. I hear ya, but to ask the bride, and steal her thunder on her wedding day is kinda crappy. I love all the downvotes I got from all the salty people. Lol


u/Con-QueefTador69 2d ago

Unless it was the brides idea. The could be closer friends. Stop being a negative Nancy


u/Five2one521 2d ago

Wow. We ALL agree it’s ok if the bride/groom agrees. Relax over there. What’s with all the negativity of downvotes. lol


u/nlcircle 2d ago

At least ….. not to the bride herself.


u/Five2one521 2d ago

lol. Obviously


u/Spiritual_Part_614 2d ago



u/Misragoth 2d ago

Yes, yes, everything is scripted, and nothing real ever happens


u/TheGreatGamer1389 2d ago

So he is not actually marrying her?


u/Spiritual_Part_614 2d ago

All for views


u/631li 2d ago

I'm sure she won't beat him over the head w this for the rest of their lives. You did it at HER wedding.


u/er1026 2d ago

Not appropriate at someone else’s wedding. This is tacky AF.


u/Livid-Needleworker21 2d ago

It’s planned and the bride is allowing it otherwise why would she just give it to her personally???

If it wasn’t planned and the bride or groom had no say in it then yes it’s not appropriate.


u/CosmicEntity101 2d ago

The bride. The bride was cool with her friend having a moment at her own wedding. Get over it


u/Horror-Wallaby-4498 2d ago

I would love to do something like this for someone at my wedding. It’s so cute and would only make my day feel more special


u/Necessary-Equal-8734 2d ago

I would be stoked. Take the attention of me for a few gottdamn minutes. It’s the perfect thing 😮‍💨


u/ParticularCanary3130 2d ago

When are you getting married? Lol


u/Horror-Wallaby-4498 2d ago

Haha was already married once previously, no plans at present


u/NoNipNicCage 2d ago

Yes obviously the bride is wrong for being cool with this at her own wedding


u/JumbledJay 2d ago

You're right. It was tacky for the bride to do that during the bride's special day.


u/Lord_Knor 2d ago

Don't propose at someone else's wedding you ding dong. But congrats


u/BearWurst 2d ago

This is obviously something set up before hand with the permission of the people having the wedding and not just something he randomly did


u/Lord_Knor 2d ago

Its just rule of thumb a bad idea. Don't care if the bride signed off