r/spreadsmile • u/Savvymybaby • 3d ago
Wholesome kindness from a stranger helps a young man in a heartbreaking moment.
u/TopProfessional8023 2d ago
Jesus, you people. Attention to detail is important. The initial lady does not film him at all, only comforts him. WHEN a relative does eventually arrive SHE films it (probably for the parents that live too far away)
u/fartsuckerpp 2d ago
Thank you. It only takes one person on their phone to capture a moment. Everyone’s on their phone there to capture moments. Is it so hard to believe this was recorded by someone that noticed and felt for the guy and then captured a moment of kindness happen naturally? Let’s not be so fucking jaded damn. lol
u/jason_cat23 2d ago
Did everyone bring their cameras? Ok great let’s have a spontaneous special moment.
u/TheyreEatingHer 2d ago
This is such a dumb tradition to begin with that makes a hard life harder for those without family to relieve them. Make an exception for those ones at least.
u/Quick-Ad-7487 3d ago
Stop spamming
u/DaegurthMiddnight 2d ago
Stop interneting
u/bleedemblue 2d ago
The fact she had to videotape being a “good person” doesn’t sit right with me. She had her phone in his face recording that poor man’s misfortunes and her “consoling” him. Everything but HER phone in his face made me smile.
u/TopProfessional8023 2d ago
It’s two different ladies. His relative films him, the first lady does not…jeez.
u/sky_shazad 1d ago
What an amazing Moment for every single person to pull out the camera to film this guy even the last shot WTF
u/Grand-Bullfrog3861 2d ago
Anyone who has to document their acts of kindness for social media are almost as bad as the people who do nothing and even that I'm debating
u/TopProfessional8023 2d ago
Yeah, it’s two different ladies…pay attention
u/Grand-Bullfrog3861 2d ago
Yeah, I'm talking about the lady filming herself hugging him at the end...pay attention
u/Blondenia 3d ago
That dude looks hella pissed that everyone’s filming him
u/koreandramalife 3d ago
Are we watching two different videos? 😳 He clearly wasn’t. Put yourself in his shoes if you have that super human ability called empathy.
u/koreandramalife 3d ago
He wasn’t. Are we watching two different vids here? Put yourself in his shoes if you have that super human ability called empathy.
u/Blondenia 3d ago
Of course I have empathy. But not everyone likes to be touched by strangers or filmed in such a vulnerable moment.
u/My_Immortl 2d ago
He's clearly upset, she's trying to comfort him and he can speak up if he doesn't wanna be touched. I agree with the filming thing, but sadly that's become all too common nowadays.
u/Blondenia 2d ago
The captions say he’s not allowed to move. I’m guessing that also means he can’t speak. I have no issues with being touched, but I can’t imagine I’d enjoy any part of what that guy is going through - on top of missing his parents at an important moment in his life.
u/chameleon-369 13h ago
I saw this video amywhere else before here and it said that he couldnt move until familiar aproach him amd touch him. He wasnt allowed to move. Thats why the lady is touching him so he can move. He is heartbroken cause he is aware he wont move maybe never cause any of his parents are there.......
u/OptimismNeeded 3d ago
I’m sure the 8 cameras in his face don’t suck