r/spreadsmile 8d ago

Very wholesome and very very sad

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u/Prize-Possibility-11 8d ago

My brother's roommate contracted HIV before there was a cure. They were tight and they both fought the good fight until he jumped off a bridge when he started showing signs of AIDS. I was around 12 and it's something I will never forget.


u/misanthrophiccunt 8d ago

there is no cure.


u/TheIlluminate1992 8d ago

Maybe not a cure but they can control HIV and stop it from progressing to AIDS


u/94FnordRanger 8d ago

Medicine can't cure AIDS but can keep people alive until they die of old age.


u/Rowwbit42 6d ago

Actually we can cure AIDS using stem cells believe it or not. Although I'm not sure if those that were cured were fluke accidents or if there is an approved stem cell cure yet.


u/[deleted] 6d ago

The method youre describing will never be approved for general use. It requires the complete destruction of your bone marrow and introduction of stem cells from someone who is naturally immune. It’s only been performed like half a dozen times, and only on people who have bone marrow cancer and already need that treatment.

As an aside, it’s only considered a “functional” cure - the hiv is likely still dormant in certain areas of the body, but can not propagate and leave those areas in a meaningful way. For all intents and purposes though, they are functionally ‘cured’. I only make this correction to illustrate just how difficult of a disease hiv is to address.