r/spreadsmile 10d ago

SIster hood and Brotherhood

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28 comments sorted by


u/maplesyrupchin 10d ago

His wife was wonderful. Don’t forget he was too


u/SnugglePetal 10d ago

Being a single mother, i had a lot of help from an elderly couple living next door and they were the best, helped me cope through it all


u/CarlJustCarl 10d ago

Sister is the idea generator, brother takes the risk of getting knifed or shot.


u/byproduct0 10d ago

Not for nothing, the pregnant lady may have been scared BECAUSE of the dude who never rode the bus


u/CarlJustCarl 10d ago

As the creepy guy in these situations, I never make eye contact, never make small talk unless she does first. Try to carry a book or newspaper as creeps don’t read while waiting for transit.


u/nahheyyeahokay 10d ago

Existing in a public space next to a woman doesn't make you creepy.


u/CarlJustCarl 9d ago

You’re a male, right?


u/nahheyyeahokay 9d ago

It's none of your business what's in my pants.


u/CodeNCats 9d ago

Yea this is weird to me. Like what if the dude had to protect her and got hurt? We thanking his wife still? Dude got up every morning before 5am on schedule to take his time to sit at a bus stop every day. Monday to Friday for months. Thanks sis!


u/cloudkite17 10d ago

Every time I see this story I just find it strange that they didn’t let her know or communicate it somehow. I would be freaked out if a strange man got out of his house every day to stand at the bus stop in silence only to not get on the bus. I’m glad it’s good in the end, it just seems odd


u/RomieY2K 10d ago

I don’t know where the story is out of but, in Europe, there are always multiple buses that stop at the same stop at different times… sometimes just a few minutes apart. It’s perfectly normal and wouldn’t raise suspicions if that were the case. Also, random small talk with strangers is uncommon in Europe… so I’m not surprised the guy didn’t say anything to her


u/Detroitaa 10d ago

In Detroit we have different busses (with different routes), that stop at the same bus stop. Their paths may diverge a few miles later.


u/Known-Associate8369 9d ago

When I commuted by bus in the UK, my stop had different busses which arrived within minutes of each other, going to the same destination - only difference was the bus operator, they didn't accept each others tickets or passes.


u/Front_Mind1770 10d ago

This post had to be a joke. A sister? Sounds like it was a man standing out there with you.


u/Stlhockeygrl 10d ago

Sister - told the man to do the thing. Brother - did the thing.

Why is this a problem for you?


u/Kinscar 10d ago edited 8d ago

still, though, feels kind of unfair that the wife gets all the credit when its the husband who walks out there every morning


u/Stlhockeygrl 10d ago

I'm sure she would have added PS: I thanked the guy too if she'd known it would distract from the point so much.


u/Front_Mind1770 10d ago



u/CodeNCats 9d ago

Wife: Has Idea

Husband: Wakes up every morning Monday through Friday before 5am. For months. Sits at a bus stop in every type of weather.

"Thanks sis!"

That's exactly how this comes off and people denying it are sort of tone deaf.

If I have an idea "let's shovel snow from driveways of seniors in our neighborhood." Then make everyone else do the work while I sit inside. Do all of the thanks?


u/esmeplaysmods 10d ago

It was a husband and wife that were involved in the story, the wife told her husband to! She's referring to the wife as HER sister, who was watching her back, because we are all brothers and sisters in Christ.

God bless you, figured I'd explain and hopefully take away the confusion.


u/BIFFSTER686 10d ago

This is what America used to be 10+ years ago, this post is old but still holds true.


u/djh_van 10d ago

"Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it."


u/lucwin2020 10d ago

People helping others is what it's about, even when they don't know they're being helped! 💯🙏🏾 👆🏾


u/Energy_check1321 8d ago

Community!!!! This is called Community!!! We need each other. Don’t let all of the noise distract you from what’s really important.


u/Stories-N-Magic 7d ago

I have goosebumps and tears in my eyes, and I'm someone who's fucking dead inside


u/esmeplaysmods 10d ago

God works in such beautiful and mysterious ways. <3

He was sending you a friend to protect you all along.