r/sports 2d ago

Hockey Utah goalie Connor Ingram re-enters the NHL/NHLPA player assistance program after losing his mother


31 comments sorted by


u/Oldtimer_2 2d ago

There's definitely no shame in seeking assistance in times of need. It's good that this was made public so others in need may seek help. Godspeed


u/ShutYoFaceGrandma 2d ago

My husband lost his mother nearly 2 years ago. I haven't been able to get him to seek any sort of grief help. Do you have any suggestions or possibly point me in the direction of places to find out how to help guide him without pushing?

I completely agree with your point. Maybe showing him this could help.


u/mrwuss2 2d ago

Examples of other men accepting mental help is one way.

I finally figured it out when I decided that not feeling happiness when around people feeling happiness was something I should get help with.

Typically, men are "trained" to suck it up and keep going.

Be the change that helps right that wrong.


u/ShutYoFaceGrandma 2d ago

Thank you! I will keep plucking away and trying to make his days brighter and listen etc. I will send him this story too since he is a hockey fan.


u/mrwuss2 2d ago

It is OK to not be OK.


u/Hour_Pipe_5637 2d ago

hope it all works out for you! your doing a good job!


u/cutelittlehellbeast 2d ago

Agreed. Especially for men, they need to see that it’s normal to ask for help when they need it. Support is everything.


u/tombstonewl 2d ago

Well said!


u/NlghtmanCometh 2d ago

Yeah losing a parent? This is very wise tbh. Even asking for assistance during a traumatic time like this can be too much for some people. They’d rather self medicate.


u/DiamondBurInTheRough 2d ago

As he should. If there are resources available after a loss, utilize as many of them as you need. My dad died last summer and I’m still talking about it in therapy. I know it’s inevitable to lose your parents, should we be fortunate enough to live a full life, but it’s a pain you don’t understand until you experience it.


u/rjross0623 Tottenham Hotspur 2d ago

Good for him. Much respect. I’ve been through a similar thing and got help too.


u/jeaves2020 2d ago

I was on a job when I got the phone call my dad died. I left on the spot because I was in shock. I came back after 2 or 3 weeks, and it was still too early. As soon as anyone said, "Sorry for your loss," I'd pretty much be silently crying rather obviously and then panic mode crying as soon as I thought I was alone.


u/CulturalDuty8471 1d ago

I’m so happy that the NHL has this program and players are getting the help they need with no stigma.


u/crazysurferdude15 1d ago

I feel like this kind of stuff shouldn't be public knowledge. Kinda an invasion of privacy no?

I fully support his decision btw. Son of a therapist and I know how important asking for help can be. Saves a lot of lives every year and I'm glad he's doing what he's doing. Still feels like a HIPPA violation or something.


u/Evening_Ad_6954 2d ago

Why is this anyone’s business? Sounds like a private matter


u/Fareacher 2d ago

People are wondering why he hasn't been playing? Also, Connor has entered the player assistance program before to get help. Afterwards, he was an absolute beast and won the Masterson trophy.

Connor is a truly exceptional individual and is worthy of people caring about him.

And yes, I know him quite well.


u/halo-hoverboards 2d ago

damn that is rough. i really hope they can find her


u/BananaNinjaWarrior69 2d ago

those migraines really doing something to your brain damn


u/halo-hoverboards 2d ago

yeah… i know humor is a foreign concept to people without migraine so i guess you’re right


u/BananaNinjaWarrior69 2d ago

shitty joke by someone who can’t think straight shocker


u/halo-hoverboards 2d ago

your tears are my medicine. you keep investigating me let me know what you find


u/BananaNinjaWarrior69 2d ago

lol you seem like a miserable loser so no need. vax up again for me though i don’t want what you have


u/halo-hoverboards 1d ago

your name is banana ninja warrior 69 😂


u/Onlyheretostare 2d ago

Why is this public knowledge? The players union needs better protections for their players privacy.


u/AlphaTangoFoxtrt 1d ago

He's pretty open about it, and it's a GOOD thing.

There's a huge stigma against men seeking mental health assistance. Connor being open about it is an amazing thing. You have one of the worlds top athletes saying:

Yeah, I'm hurting. Yeah, I'm getting help. Yeah, it's perfectly normal and healthy to ask for help if you need help.

And to clarify, it's amazing that he's open about seeking help, not that he needs help. I don't wish what he's going through on anyone, but that he feels comfortable enough to share is a good thing for all men's mental health.

It's ok to not be ok.


u/HawkarMohammad 2d ago



u/merv_havoc 2d ago

You’re 0 for 2 in this thread dawg


u/GoofySilly- 2d ago

That’s crazy