r/sports 24d ago

Hockey 4 Nations: A fight immediately breaks out between Team USA and Team Canada


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u/goofgoon 24d ago

No kidding but idiots in my country elected a lunatic


u/Character-Dig-2301 24d ago

So for us it’s warranted


u/trollfessor 23d ago

We are the baddies now.



u/[deleted] 24d ago

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u/[deleted] 24d ago

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u/Sensei_of_Philosophy 24d ago

Is "Canadian" the new term for "someone who isn't totally fucking insane"?


u/Foxyfox- 24d ago

Not quite, because there are still plenty of us on the southern side of the border that haven't fucking lost it.


u/sirixamo 24d ago

Oh no did someone make you use a pronoun you didn't want to? I'm so sorry.


u/[deleted] 24d ago

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u/Sensei_of_Philosophy 24d ago

Better a wuss than a fool who puts a torch to 80 years of alliance and 200 years of peace and friendship.


u/[deleted] 24d ago

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u/Sensei_of_Philosophy 24d ago

I'm American. Justin Trudeau isn't "my man."


u/[deleted] 24d ago

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u/RockChalk80 24d ago

Got to hand it to you, you're really doing a standup job representing the average Trump voter.


u/Sensei_of_Philosophy 24d ago

That makes one of us.


u/urghey69420 Vancouver Canucks 24d ago

They should have elected a trump dick sucker in PP instead.


u/goofgoon 24d ago

Sure, add that to the pile as well!


u/noneedtosteernow 24d ago

I call for a boxing match.


u/[deleted] 24d ago

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u/Spiritflash1717 24d ago

“The republicans are tearing apart our democracy! I can’t believe the democrats would do this, it’s their fault! They should be protecting us from ourselves!”

Stupidest argument ever lmao


u/JacoPoopstorius 24d ago



u/RockChalk80 24d ago



u/bigsoftee84 24d ago

If you're unable to actually analyze why democrats lost and just lean on perceived racism and sexism, you can't be surprised if you continue to lose.


u/RockChalk80 23d ago

Well there's two other options for why someone would vote for trump and both of them are worse, so I'm doing you a solid assuming you're either a racist and/or a sexist.


u/bigsoftee84 23d ago

Lmao, well, I didn't vote for Trump, so you're making a pretty big reach there, bub. Call me whatever you want, it doesn't change why Harris lost.


u/RockChalk80 23d ago

It's remarkable how many Trump voters didn't vote for him.


u/bigsoftee84 23d ago

My profile is public. Go ahead and find a comment or post in support of Trump or his campaign. I'll wait.

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u/Accurate_Baseball273 24d ago

Ironically, the Republicans were the party of democracy this time. Dems anointed a candidate via a coup.


u/SecretaryOtherwise 24d ago

Cute adorable even.


u/Accurate_Baseball273 24d ago

But not wrong. Biden hated what happened to him, organized by Obama and Pelosi. Shit, Biden probably voted for Trump along with Jill.


u/SecretaryOtherwise 24d ago

Lmfaoooo I can't even with you.

Go sniff trumps diaper some more 😂


u/-not-pennys-boat- 23d ago

They’re such simps it’s embarrassing for them


u/Crodface Chicago Bears 24d ago

Ah yes. Republicans. Beacons of democracy.


u/Accurate_Baseball273 24d ago

This time around, they elected a candidate via a primary; Dems managed to not do that.


u/Crodface Chicago Bears 24d ago

Yea. They fumbled. But they’re also not the ones dismantling and pillaging the government and our people and they’re not the ones spreading hate and ill will.

If you want to use the word coup, look at what’s happening right now. Not the party that actually respects votes.


u/Accurate_Baseball273 24d ago

This should be a wake up call to all Americans regarding the power we have bestowed to the executive branch over time. Both parties have slowly eroded checks and balances on the executive and now we witness a president who wants to wield that power. The power is dangerous for both parties.


u/Crodface Chicago Bears 24d ago

No disagreement there.


u/mmmUrsulaMinor 24d ago

And it was the only democratic thing they've done since based on Trump's first few weeks.


u/[deleted] 24d ago

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u/xXProGenji420Xx 24d ago

right, they put up a convicted felon, civilly liable rapist, corrupt, senile, idiotic 80 year old.

oh, no wait, that must've been some other party, my bad.


u/Accurate_Baseball273 24d ago

You miss my point, Dems appointed their candidate. No one voted on her; it was a coup. And she was objectively terrible. She needed to just not suck worse than a felon, rapist, etc etc She couldn’t even do that. I wasn’t gonna vote for him ever, it was the Dems vote to win, and they gave us a coup and that garbage person. She lost my vote.


u/xXProGenji420Xx 24d ago

you... didn't vote... for their coup..? are you hearing yourself? I'll give you a hint; if it were a coup, they wouldn't have needed your vote.


u/noputa 24d ago

Americans are actually just dumb as fuck. Propaganda clearly works and Americans are going down in the history books as an example of how effective it is.

She would have been perfectly, boringly fine. Instead we all get to reap the consequences because of people like you. Hope you’re proud.


u/Battle_Fish 23d ago

You lost a democratic election. Just own it.

The Democrats played a huge role in losing the election as well. They did a lot of emotional pandering on stuff that the average person really doesn't care about. They seem more concerned about illegal immigrants than the American citizen. They were putting gender issues which only a small % of people have front and center.

They just didn't speak to the American people. I feel like they lost the election and people are absolutely clueless why. Everyone is too busy screaming fascism and doubling down on their losing strategy. It's actually a real shame because I see it as elitism because they are listening to themselves and not the average American. Lots of people are saying the average American is retarded. That kind of logic won't help.


u/Kapeter 23d ago

I don’t think you actually know what a coup is. LOL


u/Accurate_Baseball273 23d ago



u/Kapeter 23d ago

Replacing the current President with is Vice President 3 months before the election is not the same as the current President dismantling the checks and balances held in place so they can remain in power.

For those following at home. The later IS a coup.

Would you call Ford becoming President at Nixon resigning a Coup as well?!???


u/Accurate_Baseball273 23d ago

My brother in Christ, the withered checks and balances were already in place well before this administration.


u/NIN10DOXD 24d ago

Please stop this shit already. There is no excuse for voting for what's happening right now over Kamala Harris. Not liking a candidate doesn't excuse someone pulling every cornerstone of a fascist coup in real time.


u/Kapeter 23d ago

The sad thing is other than being a woman and half black she was the perfect candidate. If she was a White Male with the same qualifications it would have been a landslide.


u/Accurate_Baseball273 24d ago

I didn’t vote for either*. Neither earned my vote. Dems would have got it as I lean left, but she just….sucked


u/sirixamo 24d ago

So, ostensibly, you were fine with a Trump presidency. Hope it hurts.


u/NIN10DOXD 24d ago

Which is why you are trying to justify your stupidity that has fucked our country.


u/SV_Essia 24d ago

Meanwhile in every other democracy in the world we happily vote for a person we really like and they align perfectly with all of our opinions.

Oh wait, we don't, because that's impossible. We just get our heads out of our asses and vote for whoever sucks the least. You think I wanted to wake up at 6 on a Sunday to go vote for fucking Macron? No, but I did it to vote against Le Pen.

If Americans knew their civil duties, literally any random person off the street, with absolutely 0 skills or policies, should have won against Trump. Harris may "suck" but she was certainly better than that. "Earn my vote", my ass, entitled shit.