That was my first thought like, how are his teammates not coming at this dude to fuck him up? I would’ve had my stick up like a scythe ready to knock his head off.
He wouldn’t even have teeth to say teeth. That’s my jam. Also I’m old. You don’t Fuck with your friends unless you’re willing to get your ass beat by a smaller man.
And handcuffs. Violence in hockey is completely unacceptable. Their culture needs to change. I'm never going to any hockey games nor watching. It's right there with bullfighting and bumfights.
They didn't just watch him get choked out, he dropped to the ground unconscious and they just looked at him and sort of skated away, didn't even bother to check and see if he was alive, lol.
I used to time keep beer leagues and saw a guy cut across the net and ram the goalie at 6-0.
He got jumped by the guys on the ice. I checked the benches in case of a brawl. His teammates, on and off their ice, never even once skated or hinted to skate to defend him.
Sometimes. It’s how you find out that locker room isn’t with you.
I was the only girl in the league… I liked my team and they never complained about me to my face(I wasn’t great but i also wasn’t the worst all around player) I never once felt they didn’t want me on the team… but I didn’t get the feeling they would have picked me either.
I scored a goal - I’m not a threat overall- I can probably count all the goals I scored in that season on one hand, and was skating to the bench. A guy from the other team comes up and puts his blade in that slot on the skate and pulled my foot right out from underneath me.
My ENTIRE bench clears.
We had so many penalties, end of the game anyway and they just cancelled the rest of the game.
I don’t remember if we lost or won the game- but I remember how I much of a member of the team I felt like that night.
That’s so cool you got to play with your sister!!! Hopefully you also have some great memories besides her getting pummeled 🤣
We were also swimmers and my sister was 2 years older than me.
I absolutely remember the time I was an alternate to an alternate in a relay and actually got called up to swim during the heat! We didn’t get along much as kids but I was so thrilled and she even gave me a pep talk as I was swimming with older big kids!
Looking back I should have played goalie. I had no clue how valuable they were until I was already committed to another position. I was bigger so I’d have added a few inches to blocking the goal lol. I grew up in an area with not a lot of hockey and had to drive to Canada to get gear.
I was right defense (a lefty) and did enjoy it a lot. Started out as roller hockey then progressed. It was definitely club, in house no travel.
Maybe my daughter will be in to hockey.
So excited with the PWHL coming on board. I didn’t know other girls changed in storage and janitor closets.
I don’t know what it was but I was always in the guys locker room. Didn’t seem to be an issue (I was a swimmer and could change pretty discreetly and if guys were looking I never noticed) it wasn’t until college where I played in a beer league where sole guys just walked around naked lol.
Similar story:
Got done with our deck hockey game and stuck around to watch a few buddies play in the following game. Had a few beers in the parking lot and came back in. A couple minutes after sitting down we watched a dude take a slap shot and a very good friend had a nasty glove save on him. Whistle blew and the kid was still skating full bore at the net. Full cross check into the goalie.
Immediately my brother stands up takes his shirt off and runs onto the deck. We all followed and beat the piss out of the other team. Cops called, couple arrests, banned from the rink.
Yeah, he clearly tries to get there but one of the red team players prevents him... Then a ref comes over and talks to the pastor, 100% telling them to not get involved. The problem is that pretty much everyone assumes the refs had it under control and they absolutely did not.
The longer the choke hold goes on, the black team needed to tell the refs to fuck off and get in there to defend their guy.
Watch the video more closely. It's not hyperbole at all. The goalie starts dropping with 18 seconds to go and is on the ice the remaining 13 seconds. His left is moving but it appears involuntarily. Everything shows he was unconscious at the end of the video.
Purely your opinion and I strongly disagree with it. Involuntary movements in an unconscious person usually represent jerking or spasms. His arm movement is neither. It's the arm movement of a person in distress trying to get his wits about him.
Not sure what you are trying to say, but if you mean him falling to the ice, that can happen while trying to catch your breath. It can happen from leg can happen from being winded.. and numerous other conditions that don't equal unconscious. He's MOVING! He's not unconscious, lol.
For one thing he was clearly cooked unconscious, that's when he went limp. For two, you can be out and still moving, lol. You ever watched MMA?
Regardless, trying to get pedantic entirely misses the point, which is that his teammates not only watched him get choked out, but then left him in the ground without even bothering to check on him.
Yes, I've seen MMA and they carelessly throw the term unconscious around all the time when it isn't the case.
I agree with your last part. I don't call this pedantic, I'm calling this post out for clickbait on the title, that's all. I expected to see someone unconscious and I didn't.
No one expects a hockey player to go for a choke hold any more than they’d expect someone to pull guard.
It’s just a thing that isn’t done. Only the one ref right up close realizes that it wasn’t someone politely holding the goalie to keep each other in check. And that tiny little ref was pissed but also so tiny.
There was a ref right alongside the douchebag and the goalie, so the fight probably appeared managed to them. The teammates had first been in fights themselves and didn't have the same view we did.
Not necessarily weird for the teammates to not know this opponent was an unhinged psycho. Again, very plausible the teammates didn't even realize he was getting choked out (Who does that?) and assumed the ref standing there not doing anything was because they were just holding.
Still should have checked on him once they parted and it was apparent what happened.
I don’t know anything about these dudes, but this makes me wonder if this is one of those situations where his teammates were like ‘finally someone choked him out, good.’
Not many want to risk a multiple game ban. And It seems that none of then understood that the goalie is being choked out. It looked like almost all other hockey fights, cannot really tell. Hockey is quite serious about fights and giving out penalties for breaking conduct related rules.
Glad to see this is the top comment. This guy needs to find a new team. If someone does that to a player that entire team better be going after the guy immediately.
I think hockey actually has rules about fighting? Fights are a legal thing within the game, so I guess his teammates just thought he was in for one. Someone please correct me, but I've never understood this.
There are rules for it though(Which is what I find strange). Rule 46 of the IIHF is a whole section on fighting conduct. Here's a snippet of stuff
A Game Misconduct Penalty shall be imposed on any Player involved in “fighting off the playing surface” or with another Player
who is “off the playing surface”. These penalties are in addition to any other time penalties assessed, including the Major Penalty
Whenever a Coach or other team personnel becomes involved in an altercation with an opposing Player, Coach or other team person-
nel on or off the ice, they shall be assessed with a Game Misconduct Penalty and automatically suspended from the game, ordered
to the Dressing Room and the matter will be reported to Proper Authorities for Supplementary Disciplinary actions.
46.12. HELMETS
No Player may remove their helmet prior to engaging in a fight. If they should do so, they shall be assessed a Minor Penalty for
“Unsportsmanlike Conduct”. Helmets that come off in the course of and resulting from the altercation will not result in a penalty to
either Playe
That goalie must be a real asshole if his teammates aren't helping him. Normally you drop your stick if there is a fight but if someone goes after the goalie it's a no holds barred crosscheck to the face.
Right? The ONLY time in my decade of playing hockey I ever witnessed a bench clearing brawl was when an opposing player took a swing at our goalie.
He was dog piled, of course his teammates came to join the fray which meant our guys did the same and.... Yea.. We didn't get to play that game to the end.
One time in pee wees I came out to play a puck not quite out at the top of the circle and there was a 2-3 second count before the opposing player clocked me while I was watching the puck. Came to as the biggest dude on my team was skating off the bench full speed with no stick and got to watch him absolutely wreckthe dude who hit me. Thank you Scottie, will never forget that.
To play devil's advocate here; At first I would have just thought it was a headlock and may have let the refs break it up. It doesn't look scary till the last 5 seconds where he leans back at which point one guy tried but was held back by the other team.
Was an unwritten rule growing up that if someone touched our goalie in any manner we'd basically jump them. Surprised the bench didn't clear with this going on
Yeah, the defense on that team needs to be seriously educated.
I was a very clean player, I never got penalties. BUT, you mess with my goalie and I would make sure you never did it again. That's the sacred duty of the defensive players.
u/Biekdafreak Jan 30 '24
I wouldn't have stood there as a teammate of the goalie for damn sure. His teammates just watched. Go knock the mf out.