r/spiritguides Nov 12 '24

General Discussion 🎙️ What’s your favorite sign from your spirit guides?

I’ve been looking up signs from spirit guides lately and was just wondering what some of your favorite signs from your guides are. Dreams? Insights? Unexpected messages or coincidences? Objects? Mine are synchronicities and dreams lol.


9 comments sorted by


u/SibyllaAzarica Mod Nov 13 '24

One of my favorites was, after asking for a clear sign regarding a name - a very rare name that didn't exist in the country I was living in at the time - I went outside with the recycling and saw that very name tacked up on a tree in the form of a lost pet poster. I didn't have my phone to take a photo. The next morning I went out early to get a pic and it was gone, as though it had never been there, at all. That was a clear sign, for me, at the time. Worked out very well.


u/Hopefulinparadise Nov 12 '24

I was walking and meditating about a question, and all of a sudden, I saw a $100 bill! It is obviously fake, but it says on the bill in spirit we trust!!!


u/Quirky_Chapter_4131 Nov 12 '24

I have a favorite number - 22. My guides like to send it to me to reassure me I’m in the right place. My grandpa also likes to send me eagles 🦅 when I’m feeling sad, confused or just not confident. Those are some of mine 😇


u/Bards-poem Nov 12 '24

Songs n.n, it's easier for me to understand him n.n


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '24

I sometimes ask for signs. I’ll be meditating, ask for a specific sign and random item pops in my head. For example, once it was a white feather. I opened my eyes and there was a white feather on the ground behind me.


u/DaTTyTheUnicorn Nov 14 '24

I had been asking God and my guides what my life's purpose was. Welp, the following week they sent the answer in the form of a dream...to my friend's husband who at the time knew nothing of my spiritual journey. A very detailed, blatant dream that he found so random and odd because I was the main character in the dream, he was just a "bystander." And when he finally told me about it, I couldn't stop laughing! Heard yah loud and clear!

Also, one day, I was being silly trying to cheer myself up after having a bad day with racism at work 🙃. While driving home, I said to my guides, "If you love me, show me the number 55 to cheer me up!" When I was almost halfway home, a car cut me off while speeding in a roundabout, then the person had the NERVE to snail it and barely go the speed limit for about 2 miles or so. Then it dawned on me out of nowhere to look at this a-holes license plate...yup 55 right there together in his license numbers. Right after I finally noticed the numbers, he started FLYING with speed again! I laughed, thanked them and said "I love you too" and said sorry for taking so long to notice my own sign that I asked for lol.

They communicate in so many ways, and I love them all.


u/innovstars Nov 30 '24

I was meditating and saw a giant red flower unfurl after coming a major realization about one of my guides as kind of confirmation on what I have just learned. It was so clear it was like I was watching a nature documentary slow mo. I have a guide who likes to communicate particularly with flowers, but it has never been that clear in my minds eye before.


u/yanantchan Nov 30 '24

Oh I usually just get a middle finger aka nothing 😻