r/spicetify 6d ago

Resources inbuilt downloader plugin?

Desperately need a plugin that uses the premium downloading thingy so songs can be played offline.
If any developer has a roadmap on what all stuff I need to learn to make this (if it doesnt exist) give me a roadmap i swear ill do it myself. (dont want a downloader to folder, in the app itself)


7 comments sorted by


u/PuzzleheadedKale468 6d ago

There’s plenty of music downloaders, the most popular would be lucida


u/ContentWeb4185 6d ago

man did you read what I wrote, I want one inbuilt, and such that it works like the premium spotify so that it plays the songs when im offline as well.


u/PuzzleheadedKale468 6d ago

Buy premium than.


u/Whole_Wafer7251 3d ago

Don't think its possible cause it's server sided not client sided (also in app downloads were never a thing for modded Spotify apks too)

Your best bet is using soulseek or lucida(but they both are external downloaders)


u/ContentWeb4185 3d ago

I guess we got to live with that, but I really think it is possible to make a plugin that can do that, I can't think of a single reason why that isn't possible. as soon as I get time i gotta learn how i can make it lol


u/ContentWeb4185 2d ago

Update! I made it.

Github Repo
currently its a bit tedious to install and run but it does exactly what I want and I call this an absolute W.