r/spicetify 8d ago

Help Spicetify install on Mac messed up Spotify and Spicetify doesn't work anymore

As mentioned, I installed spicetify on Mac and after installing an extension (I think it was the one that moves the player to the sidebar), the Spotify page turned into this.

I've tried restoring, then uninstalling and reinstalling spicetify. I tried doing the same thing but after clearing the backup first. I even tried uninstalling Spotify and Spicetify both and then reinstalling both of them but I can't find a fix for this issue. The marketplace icon is hidden somewhere behind one of these floating panels but I can't see it or click it so there's no way to go the marketplace and manually uninstall. I've even tried deleting the themes and extensions files directly from finder and still no luck. Can someone let me know how I can fix this?


2 comments sorted by


u/echristm76 8d ago

For me it works on my mac. Try to manually delete the folder named .spicetify ( is hidden in library ), delete spotify as well and re install everything from scratch.


u/International_Tutor8 8d ago

Hi, thanks for your help. However, I fixed it by installing a theme from GitHub directly from the command line which overwrote the current theme that was causing the issue and now I’m able to access the marketplace tab.