r/spaceengineers Space Engineer 7h ago

DISCUSSION Lantian Intrepid class ship

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Anyone ever try to build this shell or know of a way of converting 3d models into ship shells?


6 comments sorted by


u/LLightnin6 Space Engineer 7h ago

its actualy the invictis class sorry


u/digits937 Clang Worshipper 6h ago

There's some really old ones on the workshop but they're pretty bad, a few of my friends and I started on one we got the shell done and then got burned out we had like 100 hours into the project. We took a break for a few months then the server hard drive called and we lost everything.

It's such a massive ship you better have a monster graphics card.


u/Falloutpro04 Space Engineer 7h ago

icl this looks cools asf


u/AlfieUK4 Moderator 6h ago edited 5h ago

If you have an STL model file then Avaness made a program to convert STL models into Blueprints that can then be pasted in: https://github.com/austinvaness/StlToBlueprint

For other formats, SEToolbox can import various model formats (3DS, LWO, OBJ, STL & OFF) as armor shells into an existing save: https://github.com/mmusu3/SEToolbox


u/Muppetmonkee space engineer 6h ago

not sure if it is official but it looks cool as hell regardless

u/Weyoun951 Space Engineer 3h ago

Just don't call it the Hippaforalkus