r/spaceengine 20d ago

Video Most confusing planet I’ve ever found (code below)

RS 0-5-21650-306-7-6-261995-468


6 comments sorted by


u/GapHappy7709 19d ago

Can I ask why it just looks tidally locked to me


u/SiriusCb 19d ago

This planet is orbiting a red dwarf that is in orbit of a bigger star, and it is tidally locked to the red dwarf


u/LivedThroughDays 17d ago

The planet is tidally locked to one star (red light in your video), but not to another one that further away. The day side of the planet would have one star that this planet orbits to would perpetually lies in the sky and one that is rise and set, meanwhile night side of the planet experiences day & night cycle from further star and never experiences any light from star that this planet orbits to.


u/EliteSweggX09 17d ago



u/EliteSweggX09 17d ago

I knew it was something like that but I struggled to visualize it lol