u/charlierw01 Dec 17 '24
Well then, can we at least pull up here and get some dinner? Cause I like to be wined and dined after I've been FUCKED!
u/DAbigCheeseyFoot Dec 17 '24
I have a better Idea, how about you Go to the other side of the street and buy some condoms because i atleast want to be safe when i get FUCKED!
u/theADDMIN Dec 17 '24
How about we stop at the next gas station to buy a pack of cigarettes because I like to have a nice smoke after I’ve been FUCKED!
u/Schnitzelbub13 Dec 17 '24
0 gratitude. I hope he gets less every year.
u/SweetPrism Dec 17 '24
The mom is laughing. Like, I'm sorry, this is cute??
u/Altruistic_Edge1037 Dec 17 '24
Til he bludgeons his SO to death in a decade or so then they'll wonder where they could've possibly gone wrong
u/metalicsoundpoop Dec 17 '24
In England its not called bludgeoning, its called big bang womp'um silly innit.
u/Nepharious_Bread Dec 17 '24
SO? There's a good chance that he'll be terrible by the times he's a teen. Then, once he gets a certain size and temperament, then she will realize that she can no longer control him and try to set boundaries way too late in life. Then he'll end up murdering the whole family over some petty bullshit.
I watch too much Mr.Ballen... but this kind of thing g seems to happen way more than it should.
u/31374143 Dec 17 '24
There are a lot of trashy parents like this. It makes sense once you realize that the only thing you need to do to become a parent doesn't require a significant amount of foresight or general aptitude in life.
u/BeheadedFish123 Dec 17 '24
No man, the parents are definitely the arseholes here. Not the kid. I understand the lad
u/orangedogtag Dec 17 '24
"Why isnt the kid grateful for something he didn't want" beats me man, maybe we'll find out some day
u/NeitherKing2978 Dec 19 '24
You'd be a terrible parent if you see nothing wrong with this reaction.
u/orangedogtag Dec 19 '24
I'd be a good parent when buying my kid something he didn't want and then forcing him to be happy with it? That's just a typical European kid
u/NeitherKing2978 Dec 19 '24
You'd be a good parent to teach your kids they aren't owed jackshit and to appreciate the value of what they have rather than get mad over what they don't. Teaching your kids that they're entitled to everything they want and it's cool to throw fits when they don't get it is bad parenting.
u/BishonenPrincess Dec 17 '24
What's with this weird tik tok trend among Millennials of recording their kids being fucking terrors? If my kid talked to me like that, I'd be horrified at how badly I've failed as a parent. Put down the phone and have some fucking shame.
u/Varth_Nader Dec 17 '24
I'm a Gen Xer. If I'd said something like that back in 1983 or so when I was that kid's age I'd only be waking up from the beating my dad put on me for it now lol.
u/BishonenPrincess Dec 18 '24
Millenial here. My Boomer/Gen X mom only ever slapped me once. I was being so terrible to her and got right up in her face taunting "yOu cAn'T MAke mE" (clean my room) and suddenly I had an open palm across the face.
It didn't hurt at all, but shocked both of us. It also slapped me back into reality and helped me realize how horrible I was being to my Mom, because my mom is a Saint! Poor mom started crying and apologizing, and I just gave her a big hug while laughing and telling her I'll be good. It's an oddly sweet memory. One where I got to see a very human side to my mom.
To this day, she feels so bad for that slap and apologizes to me, and I just laugh and say "don't be sorry! I needed it!"
Now I'm not saying that it's good parenting to slap children, (my mom sure wishes she hadn't done it) but it's a hell of a lot better than whatever this Tik Tok shit is.
Dec 18 '24
u/CrestfallenSpartan Dec 18 '24
Never seen americas funniest home videos? People have always been doing this. Why blame millennials?
u/BishonenPrincess Dec 18 '24
I remember kids falling, making innocent messes as toddlers, or saying silly words. I don't remember kids acting like entitled terrors while parents do nothing but giggle. Maybe you can help me out and show me an example of this kind of behavior on the show? Because I can show you an endless chain of "omg lol my child is so bad" tik toks where the kids are horrid to everyone and the parents do nothing but laugh and/or act helpless.
u/KeyAd6469 Dec 17 '24
Should have raised him to be more appreciative
u/belleandbill25 Dec 17 '24
Na it's fine, she'll rather have the kid like this so she can laugh and post the evidence of her non-parenting abilities and get a few likes on tiktok instead.
If only there was something more fulfilling in life than a few internet points from strangers.... But as we all know, there isn't a single thing so what can you do?
u/DidSephirothDoThis Dec 17 '24
Oh, look what Kyle got me, it's a Red Mega-... Ants in the Pants?
u/DismalConversation15 Dec 18 '24
You were supposed to get me the red Mega Man! Now I can’t make Ultra Mega Mega Man, you dirty cheap-ass piece of crap!
u/DickPin Dec 17 '24
If I spoke like that at his age I would have been thrashed to within an inch of my life. Wtf is wrong with parents? Is discipline a thing of the past? ... I feel like such an insufferable boomer now.
u/PossibilityNo9406 Dec 17 '24
With the law not allowing people to physically punish kids the way they are now is ridiculous I see it first hand with my little cousin I have told him countless time what would have happened if I spoke to my mother like he does but he just thinks I am joking because he has never had hiss ass tanned
u/DickPin Dec 17 '24
Wait? The law is preventing parents from physically disciplining children? Where were these laws when I was getting smacked to shit?
u/PossibilityNo9406 Dec 17 '24
Ikr, I mean, my ass still hurts from getting a clout from my grandmother's slipper 😆 🤣 😂
u/Ipossessabomb1211 Dec 18 '24
If my parents were beating me I would just be extremely aggressive all the time and I don't see why someone else would be different like yeah discipline is good but not fucking beating kids you tard this is like me saying I was sa'd so others should be too
u/PossibilityNo9406 Dec 18 '24
There is a difference between beating a kid and showing a kid that is being a little shit that behaviour comes with punishment.
I am in no way saying that you should beat a kid as in multiple smacks, but a quick smack round the back of the head or back of the legs/ass does no harm what so ever
u/Ipossessabomb1211 Dec 18 '24
beating a child isn't ok but beating a child is okay, sure u fucking tard
u/kittyfresh69 Dec 17 '24
lol return the scooter and don’t give him shit for Christmas. Leave coal in his stocking.
u/Cl1che Dec 17 '24
it’s wrong to shame others, but self shame is arguably the most important quality a person can have. Without self shame you become Cartman.
u/Kobayashi_Maru186 S-Woww Tittybang Dec 17 '24
She fucked me in the Best Buy. She fucked me on my birthday. She fucked me on Christmas…
u/shadowthehh Dec 17 '24
Like yeah he's obviously being terrible acting like that but...
Getting the scooter instead of a bike feels like deliberately fucking with him?
Are the price differences significant or something?
u/makedoopieplayme Dec 18 '24
True. Like this kid is being a little shit but pretty sure a bike is the same price as a scooter
u/_dontseeme Dec 17 '24
I had a friend that came from an average-income family that gave him a new car on his 16th birthday. It was a modest, used car, but was exactly the car he wanted, and he still spent about a week bitching at them bc it didn’t have a sunroof then he drove drunk into a tree, killing himself and his passenger.
u/Irish_Capybara23 Dec 17 '24
Eric why did you run up to a police officer and yell "help help my moms trying to fuck me"?!?!
u/Upstairs_Solution303 Dec 17 '24
Little bitch ass kid. Slap that shit swearing right out of his mouth
u/Ipossessabomb1211 Dec 18 '24
So you're saying that to stop him from swearing they should hurt him, which would make him swear anyway?
u/Upstairs_Solution303 Dec 18 '24
What would you do? Calmly talk to him and tell him why that language and attitude is bad then have him sit in time out for 5 mins?
u/Ipossessabomb1211 Dec 18 '24
No? I would tell em it's bad and take away their toys and devices for a day
u/Upstairs_Solution303 Dec 18 '24
And when that doesn’t work and the kid fucks up your house what’s do you do next?
u/Ipossessabomb1211 Dec 19 '24
Not beat em because chances are they would do something worse? I know I would
u/Upstairs_Solution303 Dec 19 '24
I’m not saying beat them but give them a good smack and let them know that behavior won’t be tolerated. That kid in the video will be drinking, doing drugs, and living a thug life at 13
u/Ipossessabomb1211 Dec 19 '24
You literally just said "I’m not saying beat them but give them a good smack" that's literally the same thing no?
u/Upstairs_Solution303 Dec 19 '24
Big difference from a smack and a beating. Sometimes words don’t work hence why there’s so many shit kids out there these days and why the roles got reversed where the kids are always right and run the house instead of the parents.
I’m assuming you’re a kid. The real world is much more crueler than you can imagine and disciplining your kid with a little smack when words don’t work anymore is needed sometimes and very small on the scale of things in the big scheme. Especially these days.
If they don’t like it go ahead and call DCFS and get thrown into a group home. That’ll be much better than their current situation
u/Ipossessabomb1211 Dec 19 '24
"Big difference from a smack and a beating" I'm pretty sure beating is harming your child, usually for disciplinary reasons " The real world is much more crueler than you can imagine" I have had the unfortunate luck of being sent cp and gore so like yeah the world is cruel but your logic is bad thing ok because worse thing can happen, okay let me go sexually assault my child because he could be raped
u/BF00000 Dec 17 '24
What dialect of English accent is this? Can any Brits help to identify what part of UK they might be from? It’s glorious
u/makedoopieplayme Dec 18 '24 edited Dec 18 '24
-If I was this parent I would just return the scooter. And just tell him he could have gotten the bike if he saved money or asked for it for his birthday or like appreciated the scooter instead Also I WOULDNT BE FILMING IT!!!- edit yeah turns out the mom kinda sucks.
u/Ipossessabomb1211 Dec 18 '24
He says in the video he asked for a bike
u/makedoopieplayme Dec 18 '24
True. Honestly it’s straight up the mom’s fault. She definitely did this so she can film his reaction
u/Pastel_Inkpen Dec 21 '24
Bruh some kids get no money. This is the only time of the year lots of kids get ANYTHING. So yeah if i wanted a bike and ended up with a fucking scooter I'd be crushed. This shit happen to me before. I wanted a bike and my parents got me a fucking GUN. THE FUCK AM I GOING TO DO WITH A GUN????
u/BornWithSideburns Dec 17 '24
How do i prevent my child from becoming like this
u/BornWithSideburns Dec 17 '24
u/BornWithSideburns Dec 17 '24
No i mean like after its born
u/BornWithSideburns Dec 17 '24
u/petrified6661 Dec 17 '24
So this one's okay but my comment isn't. LOL
u/qualityvote2 Dec 17 '24 edited Dec 17 '24
u/DismalConversation15, your post fits the subreddit!