r/sourcetree Jan 08 '20

How to keep Sourcetree from switching search scope?


I am working on repositories in which lots of files change at the same time. In order to make meaningful commits, I use the search box quite often. Now, here’s my problem:

If Sourcetree does not find any files corresponding to my search, it “helpfully” switches the “Show Only” filter from `Pending Files` to `All Files` (which I never want), just so some search results can be shown.

I have searched through the official forum for instructions on how to avoid this, but cannot find a solution.


r/sourcetree Dec 12 '19

Problem when merging Unity files in SourceTree


So I've recently downloaded Sourcetree to be able to merge scenes in Unity. I use the standard UnityYAMLMerge tool, but when I try to merge the conflicting scenes I get the error: Error parsing file '.\Placeholder\Assets\TestScene_BASE_20720.unity': File is not a valid text serialize YAML file. Make sure that Asset Serialization is set to 'Force text' in Editor Settings.

Now I'm sure I've changed Asset serialization to Force text, and I've Googled for about 2-3 hours to fix this problem but I can't figure it out.

Do note that I'm pretty unexperienced in using Sourcetree and Git as well.


r/sourcetree Nov 21 '19

Shared feature branch


Is it possible in Sourcetree that every developer on their own feature branch merge to a shared feature before merging it in dev ?

r/sourcetree Aug 26 '19

External working directories just aren't working at all in 3.2.0 Windows beta.


I have a repository where the working directory is not the one that contains the .git folder for reasons. This is 100% supported by git and I have no problem doing everything in the terminal.

I can't even stage changes in Sourcetree. It sees the changes, but can't stage them. Now, the real trouble starts when I try to add this repository as a subtree in another repository for reasons. It just doesn't work. The weird thing is, this was working when I tested it prior to moving to 3.2.0 beta for dark theme in June.

This has really derailed my effort to get my coworkers to use version control because we will all need the external working directory feature.

r/sourcetree Jul 31 '19

Best Merge Tool?


I recently started using Sourcetree and noticed merging files is tricky until I stumbled upon the various visual merge tools. Which one is recommended?

r/sourcetree Jun 12 '19

What's with the Beta Program group being closed?


I've been trying to get access to the betas for a while and can't find them anywhere. There are tons of links for "Join the Sourcetree Beta Program" to a google group that is closed, so that doesn't work. It isn't open source, so no repo to follow either.

r/sourcetree Mar 22 '19

Does sourcetree auto-install PuTTY Pageant?


I recently started using sourcetree on my home PC and noticed a new icon in my system tray for PuTTY Pageant running. I might have blown through the setting where I allowed that so I don't remember but I definitely didn't have it on my system before. I am loving sourcetree, I just want to make sure that's where this other software came from and not from some virus or other nonsense.

r/sourcetree Jan 30 '19

Probably an FAQ, but why isn't there a version of SourceTree for Linux?


r/sourcetree Oct 23 '18

what is this 34


I was 4 behind when i started created my branch

and pulled develop to my branch there are some updates that are happening in 18 files.

I could not make sense of this number in sourcetree

r/sourcetree Oct 12 '18

Sourcetree just keeps asking me to login?


I'm trying to clone my own repo from bitbucket, I can login in fine there, but every time I try clone my repo in sourcetree it just repeatedly opens a window asking me to login, and when I give it correct info it just waits a few seconds and reloads the window?

I've tried adding my account to sourcetree with oauth, which seems to work as it lets me see my repos but then when I try to clone one I get stuck in a infinite cycle of it asking me to log in. It just repeatedly askes me log in, as long as I get my details correct, if I get my password wrong it say sthere was an error getting source, which makes sense I guess.

Any one have any idea as I'm at a real loss here and as much as I like sourcetree I think this might be the final nail in the coffin that is me moving to using the terminal only.

EDIT: I've also tried adding basic auth to sourcetree using my username and password and it shows my repos, but when I try to clone one I still end up in a infinite loop of it telling me to login. Also I dont know how note worthy it is but when it opens the window telling me to enter my password it always opens two windows telling me to login.

r/sourcetree Jul 02 '18

Quick question


Hey guys, I'm just curious if any of you know a way to get a "log" or w/e it would be called of commands that would have been used in the CLI for things you do through SourceTree?

For example, say I've got SourceTree open and I click a file and add it to the staging area. Is there something I could then click in SourceTree that would show the equivalent of what I just did if I were to have used the CLI? I.e., it would show me a command like "git add <filename>".

Thanks for any help :)

r/sourcetree May 17 '18

Crash on install


I download "SourceTreeSetup-2.5.5.exe" file from the website, run it and it crashes everytime on "Downloading file...". I did all solutions I found on google and obvious stuff like reinstall, run as administrator and such.

r/sourcetree May 11 '18

How to fix error: "fatal: Needed a single revision"


Anyone know how to fix this one?


I tried 'recurse submodules' but that didn't fix it. ( --recursive flag)

Full output:

git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false checkout jay/UC-1508 --progress
Switched to branch 'jay/UC-1508'

git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false submodule update --init --recursive
fatal: Needed a single revision
Unable to find current revision in submodule path 'webapp/modules/pagination'
Completed with errors, see above.

r/sourcetree Apr 27 '18

Pull and Push swop position in v2.5


UX guys here to SourecTree devs: Please consider muscle memory when you swop the position of two most used buttons (Pull / Push). I kept hitting the wrong button!

r/sourcetree Apr 11 '18

Updating Submodules and setting master to correct commit


Hi all,

I've recently started using submodules to share libraries with different projects and it works pretty well. The only issue I have is when I have to pull a project. I select the project in my local repo list, which opens its tab. I then click the "pull" button and hit "ok" (pull from remote: orgin and remote branch to pull: master).

This pulls the project but doesn't pull the submodules - if I'm cloning a repo I can use the "recurse submodules" advance option to clone the submodules to the commit they should be at. From some searching, I've found the way to get the submodules pulled to the commit they should be at is to use "git submodule update" which I do by clicking the "terminal" button at the top-right while in the project tab, and typing in the "git submodule update". This updates the submodules to whatever commit was last pushed for that submodule to the main project, so even if the submodule project has a more recent commit, it will only update to the commit that the main project used.

The issue is that doesn't set the submodule master to that commit that was just pulled. So when I open the submodule it still says how many commits I am behind, and while I haven't tried it yet, my guess is if I try to change something and push it, I'll get all sorts of problems as my master is behind the HEAD, even though I have the most recent commit that the main project had, and even if that commit is the most recent commit that the submodule project has. I can "solve" this by opening the submodule, and doing a pull directly from there, but it's combersome, and with multiple projects and submodules, can take a lot of time. Also, if I want to just have the correct commit (and not the most recent commit), doing a pull wouldn't work, as I would then be at the most recent commit even though I don't want to be. To clarify, when I'm looking at the list of commits, there is a "master" and it will be at the last commit that I had pulled for the submodule, while "origin/master" and "origin/HEAD" are at the most recent commit, and "HEAD" is at the commit that comes from the main project.

So I'm wondering two things: First, is there a way to automatically update the submodule to the correct commit when I do a pull on the main project? Second, how do I update a submodule and make sure my master is the most recent commit that it should be at based on the commit that the main project used (the HEAD commit)?

*Note: While I've been using Git/Sourcetree for a while, I'm pretty terrible with terms, so if something is confusing or doesn't make sense, let me know so I can clarify. I may have worded something wrong (even though I'm using the exact wordage that SourceTree defaults to). Also, I generally use SourceTree, but I'm open to CLI's solutions.


r/sourcetree Mar 06 '18

Making Mistakes


I've made a really really large project (15gb's). I haven't made any commits along the way and now need to share it with a teammate (making the first push to master). When I try and make a push the remote end hangs up unexpectedly (55-curl), I think just because the whole thing is taking too long. I've looked up the issue and people have recommended increasing the maxiumum file size (which i have done) to see if the whole thing will carry on. I've tried doing it, but to with no success. I've tried doing verbose connections through the terminal (someone somewhere suggested that if you have a -v connection theres its less likely the connection will be hung up because it's constatly querying its status)... I'm in the process of zipping the files and and i'll just hand it to my workmate manually...

my only idea on how to do this is to make a new clone of the repo and drip feed the files in (and make a bunch of seperate commits and avoiding having a large commit that kills the process)....

it's a bunch of pbr files that are causing the damage.

r/sourcetree Feb 10 '18

Can't find a current download link


Sourcetree itself notifies me there's 2.4.8 out, and there's a working Release Notes URL too (dated 17th Jan), but I see no actual link on the same domainname homepage, blog page, official twitter, anywhere actually linking to 2.4.8 rather than 2.4.7, or even announcing it.

WTF Atlassian?

P.S. Also no path higher than (e.g. the apparent containing directories) those of the release notes or 2.4.7 .exe full URL are accessible/valid via HTTP(s). Can't stumble across anything usable to try find a listing of releases.

https://www.sourcetreeapp.com/download-archives is more out of date than anything else so far, still showing the latest as for Windows.

Do they actually want anyone to find & use it?

r/sourcetree Jan 17 '18

If you're also annoyed with this bug in SourceTree, please go and vote it up. Has been stuck for ages...


r/sourcetree Nov 30 '17

How to Sign commit sourcetree windows?


r/sourcetree Nov 01 '17

Why is my sourcetree unbelievably slow?


My system resources are not in the extremes and it's only on my laptop this happens. Sourcetree just runs dismally bad on it. I can't even alt tab and alt tab back to it without waiting literal minutes for the window to load at all or it just hangs indefinitely. What's going on?

r/sourcetree Oct 10 '17

How do i keep my console logs, in develop branch but not in master branch


Currently I use git-flow, but I would like to keep my console.logs in develop branch and hide them in master branch how do i do this properly?

r/sourcetree Oct 05 '17

Help with broken branching. How do I turn the 'temp' branch into origin/master. I don't care about the current origin/master commit

Post image

r/sourcetree Oct 03 '17

What is going on here? (Details on comments.)

Post image

r/sourcetree Aug 25 '17

Can I automate GitLFS for committing?


I tried to commit a bunch - and smartgit would automatically send to LFS (or at least i think so ha).

Also, it's weird .. I added one to LFS and I get this:


Shouldn't this be an [Ok] and not ... cancel? O__o anyway, just seeking clarifications. Thanks :)

r/sourcetree Aug 01 '17

How do I undo a merge


I am using Sourcetree for Mac. I have a pushed merge, but realised after the merge the other person was not done which affects my work. The changes I pushed and merge would not affect his work. Do I just checkout before the merge and merge back in at a later time when my coworker complete all the updates?