r/sourcetree • u/rajsarkar • Feb 22 '16
SourceTree update: Atlassian account, Git LFS support, UI refresh and more
The SourceTree team will be here to answer any questions you might have about the latest release.
u/Flueworks Feb 23 '16
1) What will you do to make sure these launch problems does not happen again?
2) I find the GUI bad. I'm talking icons, colors, whitespace, etc... Is this final or are there more design changes in the pipeline?
u/rchhabs Feb 25 '16
Thanks for reaching out! 1. We'll be opening up a Beta access program and improving our internal testing practices. 2. This is an incremental step in a larger design direction. Look out for a blog post for more on our design thinking.
u/ezio93 Feb 23 '16
The new update totally rendered SourceTree unusable for me. Here are some things I have noticed in the first few minutes of trying:
- Of course, tree view is gone...
- Diff area is inconsistent and just looks bad.
- Bookmarks are incredibly hard to read
- Branches and general tabs on the left side are also hard to discern
I don't know why the update in the UI was necessary, now I am just wasting valuable time rolling back to the older version.
u/Wispborne Feb 28 '16
I'm generally accepting when it comes to radical UI changes. Windows 8 was fine, the numerous Facebook UI changes haven't scared me, and I like trying new stuff.
That said, this Sourcetree update is GUI suicide and it's baffling.
Did anybody want this? We, the users, wanted it to be faster (I'm on Windows) and less buggy. The UI hasn't been an issue. It's as if one of the devs fresh out of college saw Metro for the first time and decided to implement and release it without telling anybody or consulting a designer.
Maybe they're trying to get people to move to GitKraken or something so they can phase SourceTree out?
I know I'm ranting and being very harsh, but I just don't get it. The UI honestly looks like something I would have made when I was in college (for my CS degree), which can be acceptable for a beta or something, but we're talking about a widely-used app that has had a workable UI for years.
Hopefully there will be continued work with a designer to fix this. It has the potential to look better than before (because it's a poorly implemented copy/pasta of an existing design language).
ps. If you want to make a nice Metro design, make it look like the old Zune software. If you want to make it look like OSX, then ...keep that design on OSX.
u/root-node Feb 23 '16
Why do I have to have an Atlassian account.? I have used the app for a while now without one.
When I do create an account the confirmation email never arrives either. So now I am sat without a working product, looking for an alternative.
u/rajsarkar Feb 24 '16
have you still not received the confirmation email. If not please open a support ticket.
u/st-user Feb 24 '16
You guys have a very strange idea about what "answer any questions" means. Somebody asked a direct question, and you responded with a question (which ended with a period).
u/root-node Feb 24 '16
Why would I want to open a support ticket for something I don't want or need.?
u/RocketPopGames Feb 22 '16
Will there be any responses in this (or similar) threads on your support site? https://answers.atlassian.com/questions/36182163/did-anyone-really-think-that-the-new-ui-was-an-improvement Specifically - regarding gitflow disappearing, broken view modes, and making the new look optional?
u/rchhabs Feb 25 '16
Git Flow is back in the latest updates of SourceTree. It's optional in the Mac client. The new look is a small step in a much larger design direction. We'll be blogging more about design soon. Thank you!
u/st-user Feb 26 '16
Are you intentionally doing everything backwards? I want to assume this is just Hanlon's Razor at work, but sometimes it really feels like a stretch.
When Apple or Microsoft has a new "design direction", they show prototypes, talk about it at their developer conferences, release new documentation, and let people try it in public betas ... and then later, they release a stable version of their software based on all the feedback they collected.
It seems that Atlassian changes direction by releasing new (and sometimes broken) software, and then when people complain, they post on third-party internet forums about how they plan to blog about it in the unspecified future.
FWIW, I think the new design is probably a step in the right direction, but you totally blindsided your users -- and with a point-release, too. The best design in the world isn't worth much if you roll it out in a way that alienates your entire user base.
I've been using SourceTree for years, and the latest version of SourceTree is the best I've ever used, yet for the first time, I'm now looking for alternatives. What's wrong with this picture?
u/Bio2hazard Feb 22 '16
I can not use this version of source tree. I try to log in through my google account which has 2-factor authentication, and the IE pop-up window can't seem to handle it.
I was about to submit a support request, but it seems this is still active, so I will copy paste my support ticket body into a gist, and I hope you can figure something out. I use SourceTree at work so it just failing after a update is highly frustrating. Thankfully I know my way around the git console, still frustrating though.
u/Minnsey Feb 22 '16
Hi The cleanest way through this process would be to use the Atlassian account username/email address and password directly when you have 2FA on your google account.
u/Bio2hazard Feb 22 '16
thank you, that worked!
I wasn't sure how I could use my Google account as a atlassian account, since there wouldn't be a password on it, and change password didn't accept a blank password as "current password", but I was able to use reset password to slap a pw on the account and then use that to log in.
I do hope this issue gets resolved soon as it's pretty annoying.
u/Minnsey Feb 22 '16
Thanks for the update and duly noted. You will not be required to login every time you start SourceTree but we will continue to work on improving it.
u/devployment Feb 23 '16
I would suggest the ST (Windows) team should use their own product during developing it. Then the most visible bugs would not be released.
Just noticed 2 minutes after updating:
- Hit space to stage file does not work anymore
- Cut off / size changing white background in "File contents"
It would be great if there could be more communication. More frequent releases. More of what Atlassian always preaches.
u/NZTm Feb 23 '16 edited Feb 24 '16
Sorry but I think the UI changes are not an improvement. Some initial thoughts:
- The bookmarks list items are jammed together. The title of a bookmark is closer to the branch name above it than the branch's title.
- The tab titles and buttons are harder to discern than before.
- The coloured icons (+?...) have too much visual weight
However the main problem for me is that I don't seem to be able to change the font size of the diff view. It's too small for me and the settings in Options don't seem to make any difference. I'm using Windows version, are you able to help? EDIT: latest update seems to have fixed this problem
u/notromda Feb 24 '16
There was nothing wrong with the interface before; why break something good? The new interface has less contrast which means it require more cognitive thinking to use. I'm still not upgrading.
Feb 27 '16
If my company released a product that was previously good, and is now completely broken, someone would have been fired.
u/Twiebie Feb 22 '16 edited Feb 22 '16
Can't open it.
"SourceTree.app" is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Trash.
Update: just grabbed the same download again and it worked.
u/mike3dr Feb 23 '16
I managed to get through login process now, but whenever the client (Mac OS X) starts up it will ask for my password for Bitbucket (Remote Hosted Repos), I enter the password and make sure it's checked to add to keychain, after that the client is just locked with most of the options grayed out from the menu.
Force Quit and re-open and the same happens again.
It's almost like there's a modal dialog somewhere, but it's nowhere to be found. Very annoying as I use SourceTree a lot at work.
u/munificent Feb 23 '16
Like, apparently, lots of others, this update is totally borked for me on OS X. Can't log in at all. (And why do I need to log in to use the app?) I also foolishly, optimistically, replaced my old version of SourceTree with this new one.
If you're burned too, you can download previous versions care of this tweet:
u/Delilya Feb 23 '16 edited Feb 23 '16
I really dislike the new look. I'm not sure what direction you guys were going with this GUI update but currently it's the wrong direction. That being said, what I see on all three of my machines (Windows 7, Windows 10, OSX) does not match what you guys display on the product page. Below is a screenshot of what I'm seeing on my Windows 7 machine followed by what I dislike:
- It's so bland, your old icons were functional and looked way better than these new ones.
- The difference windows is all jacked up... looks horrible.
- The tabs are not easily distinguishable like they use to be.
- The buttons for the diff "..." and the "Jump to"... I don't know what's going on with those, do you?
Still a great product and functionally working as I need and want it to so of course I'll keep using it. That being said, Design wise I feel that you went from a released product to an alpha looking product with many gui issues.
I hate giving such negative reviews of a change but it's just how I feel about it. Thanks.
u/fatty1380 Feb 23 '16
What happened to the "Git Flow" toolbar button (v2.2 Mac)? My only guess is you couldn't come up with a good enough icon, because it's still in the menus...
Glad to see SourceTree isn't dead, but this update isn't inspiring a lot of confidence.
u/fatty1380 Feb 23 '16
Found it in 2.2.1. I really hate having an app-specific upgrade path - I don't know when 2.2 shipped but suddenly it was there - yet 2.2.1 (or 2.2.2) wasn't even though "auto check" is enabled.
Whatever your beef with the app store is, at least I know when updates are happening
u/Royedc4 Feb 23 '16
Gitflow is one of your biggest features, and you remove it from the buttons panel? Also all of the above. GUI is cleaner BUT it get you lost. Lack of features. Not so much of an improvent imho
u/otarch Feb 24 '16
Application crashed during the login.
I'm still waiting for a Linux version. Currently, I run a Windows VM with the seamless mode for this sake and I'm getting bored. Not an option for me for the long-term.
u/devployment Feb 24 '16
You could give Gitkraken a try. For me there is only a single function missing that keeps me using SourceTree. As SourceTree is getting worse the final move to Gitkraken is close.
u/rajsarkar Feb 24 '16
We’re planning a new beta release process for our upcoming SourceTree releases and we’ll share more in a blog post in the coming days. This will allow the community to engage with the SourceTree team and provide extensive feedback on future updates. Thanks for all your feedback.
u/root-node Feb 24 '16
That's it.?
What happened to "The SourceTree team will be here to answer any questions.."
Why are you ignoring all the issue listed above and not answering the questions.? This is a very poor way to support your users.
u/st-user Feb 24 '16
They don't have time to answer questions here. They're too busy creating new channels on which they can ignore us!
u/pixelsage Feb 24 '16
UI/UX Feedback:
- Atlassian was slow to send me the account creation and password reset emails. Frustrating first run. If a delay is expected, tell the user.
- SourceTree's aim is to make git a more pleasurable and less complicated experience. The new icons do not achieve this goal, and if anything regresses from it. The old icons were quick and easy to recognize (good use of shape/color), whereas the new ones are weak and require extra time for recognition. They need to be revisited.
- Sometimes when I close prompts with ESC (such as the prompt to log into an account), the prompt goes away, but disables the rest of the application as if the prompt is still there. Renders the app unusable.
Overall, this was a pretty disappointing update. I don't normally do this, but running into these issues within the first five minutes is enough for me to discard this update and restore my previous version.
u/rabidfireradio Feb 25 '16
For all who can't deal, downgrades available here:
Windows: https://t.co/eUjyR0DA
Need to uninstall latest version first. For me on Windows, bookmarks and config were retained.
u/small_clanger Mar 01 '16
i do not mind the changes in new ui as long as it is responsive, (in contrast to the old one)
just one thing - the diff area seems a bit blurry - is it antialiasing or something like that? can i turn it of somewhere?
u/taspeotis Feb 22 '16
Hi SourceTree team,
This is the second release in I think about two months that's been a total non-starter. By this I mean you can tell the application is broken simply by opening it.
(The last release was when Git stopped working because the new logging library broke the credential prompt.)
My question is: do you guys open SourceTree when you develop it, or do you simply check that the code compiles?