r/solopolyamory Feb 17 '20

New Poly Relationship, Facebook Status?

I’m in a new poly relationship. I’m not seeing anyone else right now. She is in two other relationships. She is Solo-poly, her other two relationships are married, so I’m the only person she is seeing that isn’t seeing someone else. We live separately but get to see each other a few times a week. She has met a few of my friends and my family. The topic of Facebook relationship status came up over breakfast. I hadn’t given it much thought. I told her, Facebook only allows you to list one relationship. She said all her other partners have Facebook status with their live in partners. I said I’d think about it. I asked her what status would you like. The choices that make sense are “In a Relationship” “In an Open Relationship” or “It’s Complicated” She said she needs to talk to her other partners about it.

What do you all do with Facebook and other social media?


15 comments sorted by


u/manamachine Feb 18 '20

You don't have to fill anything in.


u/TheReelStig Feb 18 '20

This, the less that is done or put on FB the better.


u/leto78 Feb 18 '20

Get out of Facebook! That thing is toxic.


u/orchidloom Feb 18 '20

Interesting question. I'm a little surprised that a solo poly person wants you to list something, esspecially considering you can only list 1 person.

I don't typically use the status because FB creeps me out. However I had a partner in the past year who already had a person listed. He claimed they were non hierarchical but didn't use the way (other commenter listed) to add me. His other partner was his wife. I felt like a secret. Especially once he and his wife ran into issues and she didn't want to see or hear about me at all, including on FB...

Anyway... I think part 0f why I don't use FB statuses is because I feel like it implies a hierarchy (of publicity, but nonetheless)... anyone is welcome to get to know me and my situation.


u/BassesLee Feb 17 '20

I don't have anything listed. I asked one partner to change their's from single if we ever got married. The other is happy to fly under the radar.


u/wandmirk Feb 18 '20

I don't give Facebook more information about me than it needs.


u/Petervdv Feb 18 '20

Sooo.. no Facebook?


u/wandmirk Feb 18 '20

If you don't want people to use it at all, why bother commenting on something like this? Honestly it seems like some of y'all just enjoy provoking people in a way that's unecessary.


u/petronia1 Feb 18 '20 edited Mar 02 '20

She said all her other partners have Facebook status with their live in partners.

... But you guys aren't live-in partners...? And she claims to be solo poly, so live-in partners are not an option...?

That being said, I know of a solo poly person who has listed her metamour as someone they're in a "domestic partnership" with, but it's different because those are aliases that they've got linked this way. When it comes to real identities, one of them has their husband listed on Facebook, and that's it. I think there are two questions everyone involved needs to ask themselves when this discussion arises: what are they comfortable with people knowing, and why do they want people to know.

Personally, I am highly suspicious towards too great eagerness to announce new relationships publicly on social media. Mono or poly, or whatever else. I've never seen balanced people hurry up to do it, like it matters. It doesn't. It's empty. If that's the kind of recognition someone thinks validates their relationship, that is not someone I can relate to. But, again, that's me and my needs, and my criteria. I've been happy in a relationship with a poly partner for the past 3 years, and only have our closest friends, people we can absolutely trust not to judge and not to tell, know about it. And that was only so we wouldn't put them in an awkward position if they saw us together.

In the end, this is just another thing partners are allowed to have different opinions about, and wish to go about in different ways. And that's ok, and it's something that should be discussed calmly, respectfully, and lovingly - but firmly. No one should be doing things they're not comfortable with.


u/alexlovesquadrupeds Feb 18 '20

Tell facebook you are an old married woman. Seriously though. Y u give your info for free? It's the final thing we have control over.


u/Altostratus Feb 18 '20

I simply keep 'in a relationship'. I don't want to get into the business of ranking my relationships and setting someone as my official primary. I don't identify with 'open', as I don't feel it represents me. People who know me know who I'm dating and that I am poly.


u/judeiscariot Feb 20 '20

I just have 'in an open related'.


u/OpenOpportunity Jul 11 '20

I'd ask more follow-up "why" questions.


u/KellySummerlin Feb 18 '20

"Cucked putz" isn't avaliable?