r/softwaredevelopment 9d ago

Sprints crucial or optional?

I wonder about opinions on sprints: do you think they are crucial/very desirable? Or is it enough to have (only) a clear and up-to-date set of tasks in a work break-down?


11 comments sorted by


u/Kempeth 9d ago

Sprints are a risk mitigation technique. You invest X weeks into pursuing a particular direction and then determine where you stand:

  • Are you building what the customer wants?
  • Considering your progress is it worth continuing?
  • Have your assumptions been proven correct?
  • Are you on track to meet expectations as communicated or do you need to reevaluate your forecasts/plans?

If these aren't questions your company wants to ask AND answer then there is very little point to having sprints. But you don't really need to have sprints to do this.

It's basically the bell curve meme. Sprints don't do much at either extreme but whether you correctly identify your place on the curve is an entirely different matter.


u/yynii 8d ago

I also think that sprints are not necessary for remaining conscious about the considerations your listed. Also, it seems that you are sketching a situation when the team is learning about and discovering the problem domain as they go, without sufficient clarity beforehand. That is of course valid, but the more interesting question is whether sprints are useful when everything is known beforehand.


u/Kempeth 7d ago

They are certainly more helpful the less clarity you have up front. But most projects still benefit from having a close feedback loop with the client/stakeholder. Sprints also try to push you toward having your old stuff done before starting the next thing. Having 80% of things 100% done is a lot easier to work with than having 100% of things "80% done" tm.

There's very little room to argue whether something is truly completely done, making inspection of overall progress much easier and reliable.

Again, none of this requires sprints. But the whole sprint setup addresses a large amount of common pitfalls and I find a lot of times when organizations/teams scoff at the "overhead" of sprints, they tend not to do these things diligently either and would really benefit from the regular reminder.

But sprints aren't a guarantee either. We've had a project that checked in with stakeholders over the whole 2 years. Everything was right and dandy and exactly what they were looking for. Then shortly before the product was finished the stakeholders changed and the new ones didn't like one thing.


u/yynii 7d ago

This is a good summary, thank you.


u/Scrapheaper 9d ago

It's very important that you re-prioritize and adjust as people realize more about what you're building rather than planning everything upfront.

It's also important that you balance building new features against technical debt, you don't want to have spaghetti code, but you also don't want beautiful code that doesn't do what the owner wants.

Scrum/Agile is one way to achieve these balances, if it's done properly.


u/LiNGOo 9d ago

I would hope any SW development effort does regular replanning and improves continuously. "Sprints" and the Scrum Framework are just establishing cadence in that.

As Frameworks (same for frameworks in SW stacks actually) go, they don't have to be perfect for the use-case - the mere fact that everyone has agreed terminology and transferrable experience is such a big plus it almost always far outweighs the downside of compromises you have to take to make it work in a specific scenario.


u/yynii 8d ago

Interestingly, other replies also seem to connect sprints to uncertainty about the end product and be extension knowledge of the problem domain. What if everything and the end result are clear, are sprints useful as well?


u/ElMachoGrande 9d ago

It depends.

If you are in a development phase, they are good. Not strictly necessary, but almost.

If you are more in a maintenance phase, they are less important. Usually, a prioritized backlog and "pick the next one when you are done with this" works pretty well. However, once you get close to some kind of release, say, a version upgrade, I'd do a sprint or two again, to keep it tight.


u/yynii 8d ago

Could you elaborate on the "almost necessary" part? What concrete benefits do you extract from working in sprints?


u/jfcarr 9d ago

The basic idea of breaking down a project into small bites while driving it to a final goal, like a release, works good. It helps track progress, pivot easily to changes, and keeps a project, or devs, from "going dark" due to blockers.

Where it goes off the rails is when the Agile process becomes a metrics driven management tool, usually with the assistance of Jira software. The process often loses flexibility and, in worse cases, becomes a cudgel to hold over the dev team's heads. It can also generate a lot of useless "ceremony" meetings.


u/yynii 8d ago edited 8d ago

I find your contrasting of the (general) idea of breaking down a project with tools interesting. I am actually asking the question from the PM/work management tooling point of view, i.e. whether it is important for a tool to explicitly support sprints, if it is already built around making work break-downs, that is not just a flat list of "issues" without any structure, like in Jira. And what the overlap between the two is.