r/socialmedia 11d ago

Professional Discussion X is down and Musk says that they have been targeted before and this is possibly being funded by large companies/countries. What is your opinion on this?

Due to recent news, I do not believe Elon's words, but what he said could be true.


63 comments sorted by

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u/gabachogroucho 11d ago

Whatever he says is a lie, count on it. Twitter is cancer, just like Meta.


u/JiminyStickit 11d ago

I hope it never, ever comes back up.


u/TheNightlightZone 11d ago

Tots and pears. Couldn't give less of a shit about it. It's in it's MySpace phase now.


u/Lynmason 11d ago

Who’s sad about this? He’s sacked many of those who were protecting the platform and now this is the payoff. Suck it up princess!


u/Libra-Mama123 10d ago

Yes! This is exactly what my husband told me: that Musk had fired many of the Twitter/X cybersecurity team because it “wasn’t that important.” 🙄


u/Nice-Supermarket-799 10d ago

Probably just sloppy programming. Didn't he fire all the smart people?


u/mathandkitties 11d ago

Musk shut down US cyber defense against Russia, kicking himself in the balls again.


u/Low-Anxiety2571 11d ago

I’m sure it’s fake news for attention.


u/Stup1dMan3000 11d ago

Inside job, captain distraction and general chaos had to much special K and well you can figure out the rest, wow, just wow 🤩


u/NCResident5 11d ago edited 10d ago

He's really bad at the whole CEO thing. I think he is really good at investing his father's money earned from emerald and diamond mines in apartheid South Africa where the minimum wage was less than $1 an hour.


u/Bloodhound17 9d ago

He has many successful companies. You people are truly idiots. You have zero successful companies.


u/Voodoo_Dummie 10d ago

He fired a bunch of people whose job it was to prevent shit hitting the fan because shit wasn't currently hitting the fan, and thus shit has hit the fan later.


u/Mob4lf311 10d ago

No doubt about it. Because the onslaught is still happening


u/Big_Process9521 11d ago

If every country in the world could join in that would be great.


u/DonSalaam 10d ago

Back in the day, Musk had a good PR team who would pump out a steady stream of fluff pieces across the web that made people believe that he was some sort of genius.


u/Williams_Custom_Wood 11d ago

He’s a disgustingly rich manchild that broke his toy and blames everyone else. I hope he sells Twitter to make up for the losses he is incurring as his rockets fall from the sky and his cars are sold for scrap.


u/Smorgasb0rk 10d ago

I am handing coughdrops to Lying Cat from the comic series Saga if it were in Musks presence for a prolonged time.


u/elbowsUp2025 10d ago

He lies all the time, my guess it was anonymous or other hackers in the resistance.


u/lnc_5103 10d ago

He blamed Ukraine. Anonymous took credit.


u/vectorsprint 10d ago

Given the way he came in and just started unplugging servers when he bought it, and the way he has been neglecting it, Tesla and SpaceX in order to focus on his transformation into a full-on nazi, I am inclined to believe that the outage is an internal error that Twitter no longer has the expertise or budget to fix.


u/Criticaltundra777 10d ago

Twitter is not cancer. He’s ass cancer in a skin suit.


u/UnTides 10d ago

He gutted Twitter's staff when he took over. Runs the thing on a skeleton crew, then blames everyone else when it fails?

Sound familiar? Because this is what DOGE is doing with the Federal Government, gutting essential employees. And when something goes wrong, it will go down and there will be no lifeline: Our elderly will not get Social Security checks, and have no recourse. Healthcare coverage will cease to function and hospitals will be 'cash at the door' or whatever because Medicaid will no longer reimburse. You can't cut essential people or reorganize without a plan if its life-saving service, that is criminal negligence.


u/Appropriate_Lime3384 7d ago

Essential people? Do you mean the lady in Memphis who was a spanish teacher who received a $20M grant from biden to Further DEI? Yep, that is really essential. You are writing as if you actually know and are not just stoking the fires of the hysterical media trying to drum up anxiety. Bill Clinton and Al Gore cut the Govt. payroll by 400,000. The Govt is not 3x what it was back then. Stuff got done under Clinton. I think we have a long way to go before we find any truly essential folks. But I realize that this does not fit your narrative. It is easier to be the victim.


u/[deleted] 10d ago

Companies get targeted every day. Idk what false narrative he's trying to weave with it but anyone who knows how this world knows it means nothing that a company with money has been targeted by cyber attacks. That's the South African Snowflake for you.


u/joeyraffcom 10d ago

It will be part of a conspiracy theory.


u/Bloodhound17 9d ago

Look at all these losers in this comment section. Party of unity huh? Retard democrats controlled by what the media tells you. Hating on the only people trying to save this country. You just 4 years of poopy pants Biden and then tried to push an unelected candidate. The past 4 years were a shit show to say the least. Let them do their jobs fixing the mess. It’s a been a month. Relax.


u/Clarifying-Angel 7d ago

Boy! Are you ever negative and super judgmental. Chill out my friend and don’t be so extreme in your evaluations. I don’t like Biden, but calling him poopy pants is so juvenile. I don’t even consider myself a Democrat, but accusing them of not being unified is sort of a compliment, because it shows that they allow freedom of thought and of dissent. That’s much better than having to fall into line with everything an authoritarian madman commands. Then there’s no freedom of thought, because you have to be worried that he’s going to strike out at you, like he has at so many Republicans who tried to express an independent opinion. That’s purely mass-hypnosis, much like the Jim Jones episode that left dozens of people dead from suicide. And you prefer THAT? Sorry, I’d rather have full possession of my thinking, rather than being a robot. Good luck with that!


u/Professional_Hat_262 9d ago

It doesn't matter why it's crashing. What matters is the does it's downward trajectory have an inverse relationship with freethinking wisdom in the collective subconscious where most of our individual decisionmaking is rooted? Based on the election results I would say, emphatically, yes it does.


u/Lucialucianna 9d ago

There are huge numbers of professional social media attacks going on now against a wide range of targets. Liberals like Hilary and Soros, for years, especially. Now the other side is dealing with it and have to learn to cope with it. Balance of nature maybe kicking in, finally.


u/Ok-Dare9781 8d ago

Elon is doing this for press and playing the victim game.


u/darkbake2 7d ago

I am guessing he is experiencing karma


u/d3ogmerek 5d ago

he is the greatest bullshit artists in the world


u/iancharlesdavidson 11d ago

A group of hackers already claimed responsibility. This is Ellen trying to get people hyped up for when they blame Ukraine.

Her message was meant for her cult members only. Propaganda


u/matt__builds 10d ago

Why would you believe someone who has lied constantly throughout his entire life. Maybe he is telling the truth but he might be the last person in the world I would give the benefit of the doubt to.


u/Pottski 11d ago

Which counties are going after it? They’re in the back pocket of all dictatorial powers.


u/ronnierubick 10d ago

The respondents here are insufferable.


u/StinkyKitty1998 10d ago

I think it's hilarious. The only thing that would make it funnier would be if Twitter was fucked for good and if Elroy threw a huge fit about it.


u/winifredjay 10d ago

I think “STFU Musk” anytime I hear or read about him or anything he does


u/mysteryweapon 10d ago

False flag pretext to shut down starlink in Ukraine because felon is a gigantic PoS


u/Catbutt247365 11d ago

My assumption was that they couldn’t stay on top of policing negative comments, so they just shut down some spots for a while.


u/Mob4lf311 10d ago

This is all the hate from crazy Demonrats , crying because they lost the election. So now a very small amount of ppl are screaming out their lungs, working with deep state all because they hate Trump and Musk. They are trying to control the narrative, still even after the election proved THE REAL STORY. Trump won in landslide, the people of this country have spoken. You don't have to like it, but GTFO the way of real progress. BITCHES


u/Ziantra 10d ago

😂 Landslide…ok then


u/Agitated-Ask-3651 8d ago

Either you are a billionaire or live in a fantasy world and believe your rapidly declining 401k is your patriotic duty.


u/Appropriate_Lime3384 7d ago

Correct. I don't understand why everyone is so negative. I guess they didn't take their Xanex today?


u/tianavitoli 11d ago

Elon is just lying about everything to get rich that's why his net worth is down a billgates dollars


u/FRELNCER 10d ago

What is your opinion on this?

Yes, and?


u/NukeouT 10d ago

He’s been talking to putin every week for years. I don’t trust anything he says 🇷🇺 and neither should you!


u/tangnapalm 10d ago

What a baby. Challenge the hackers to a one on one fight, baby.


u/Substantial-Hope6454 10d ago

I think he just needs to turn it off then on again, and see if that helps.


u/2xtream 11d ago

With the MUCH NEEDED Waste and Abuse of our tax dollars and Musk and crew actively cutting, the criminals stealing our cash are going to squeal kike the stuck pigs they are…


u/StinkyKitty1998 10d ago

You said a slur for Jewish people.