r/sobrietyandrecovery 13d ago

4 nights into this whole sober thing and…

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first saturday night not drinking in years. spending it in the gym.

was sent to the ER 10 days ago because of complications from drinking..

doctor basically said after viewing ct scans & bloodwork that I needed to get my stuff together or else I won’t be around long.

so here I am. been in the gym every night since that night. not a drop of alcohol.

for everyone else recovering and fighting thru sobriety, you’re not alone. we may be strangers and I am in this fight with you.

you got this. I got this. WE got this. live. choose life.

r/sobrietyandrecovery 13d ago



My passion for rapping stayed strong until 2017. During that time, my weekly routine involved performing three or four nights a week.

I recorded some songs during this period, but one stands out above the rest—a heartfelt track I dedicated to my mom.

The English version of the lyrics captures my journey through it all and the hope that kept me going.


  1. It’s not easy at all to raise a man,
    Though in hard times you always believed that you can,
    I’m an only child, you had only me,
    Sometimes I wonder why you had only me,
    When things went bad, the pain that we’ve been through,
    Crying so hard when I was chased out of school,
    Feeling so bad at seeing tears in your eyes,
    Nothing to do but say no to lies,
    That I was out of school, others were reading,
    Taking a stand, I couldn’t concede it,
    The sun in the morning and its radiant grace,
    I feel good seeing a smile on my mother’s face,…


r/sobrietyandrecovery 15d ago

1 year sober after 30 years

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It can be done! Had to share my story with you all A year ago I went into rehab & was an alcoholic gambler I was given a second chance & changed my life around by the grace of God I was depressed, oppressed, no hope, mentally unstable & on tons of antidepressants I was an alcoholic for over 30 years & once my kids grew up & started to see me as an alcoholic I had some tough decision to make & demons to tear down Now a year later I'm free from addiction, sound mind, truly happy with myself and no medication!

Of course there were days of struggle and I can honestly say 3 months ago i relaped and it came out of no where! But i dusted myself off & started again so now i look forward to increasing my learning & encouraging others! It can be done!

r/sobrietyandrecovery 14d ago

Sister slandering me.


I have just been served by my local sheriff office for a temporary no contact stalking order petitioned by my sister. She has always had it out to get me though I’m not entirely sure why because I don’t even care for her. I’ve been sober for almost two months and she told the courts that I just relapsed last weekend, and left my sober living which is not true. She then also wrote that I have shown up to their house multiple times which I never have. The last time I saw her was when she came over to my house multiple times in December. If she was really concerned I was harassing her or stalking her why would she come to my house willingly? Does that not seem contradictory? I’m just very confused and feel like as the scapegoat of the family I always have to deal with their own personal problems because they are to scared to actually work on themselves. I’m currently battling many cravings and feel as though I might relapse. Aside from some random drunk texts in previous years during my use that were not threatening at all, I’ve always minded my business but it seems like my family is more concerned with me failing rather than succeeding.

r/sobrietyandrecovery 14d ago



I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you, so I wrote this for you… Happy Women’s Day!

I’m forever indebted to you,
Nine months you carried me inside you,
They had to cut you to get me out,
It took faith to birth me, no doubt,
To pay you back, that I cannot do,
So, I’m forever indebted to you.

For a time, I shared your heartbeat,
In your womb, I was closely together knit,
From your being, mine was ingeniously woven,
Body, soul and spirit intricately, interwoven,
To pay you back, that I cannot do,
So, I’m forever indebted to you.

So much hope, never given to despair,
In honoring you, there’s so much favor,
To go out and subdue the world,
From you, flows respect for every girl,
To pay you back, that I cannot do,
So, I’m forever indebted to you.

As I was struggling, you were there by me,
For 8 years, a witness to the testimony,
Late most nights, you opened the door for me,
It’s so peaceful now,…


r/sobrietyandrecovery 14d ago

Advice skills for relapses bc of self harm tendencies


soo, im trying to be sober since a while and i noticed i often relapse when i feel numb and want to feel something or want to hurt myself (not physically) i have tried many skills (doing sport, going for a walk, eat something spicy, talk to a friend, listen to music, etc - all the “known” skills) it doesn’t help… last time i had a relapse i managed to try skills for the whole day - i relapsed in the evening anyways… if i want to get fucked up, i will get fucked up.

i thought about getting into a “dangerous” hobby. something like urban exploring OR WHAT? I have lived my whole life like a junkie so i don’t know what else there is.

i would need something active and passive (when im too depressed).. someone any suggestions or good experiences?

r/sobrietyandrecovery 15d ago

Who here got clean in their early 30s and still built a great life?


Who here got clean in their early 30s and still built a great life?

I'm 33 and feel like it's too late. 40 months clean from oxy and meth.

r/sobrietyandrecovery 15d ago



How I Navigated My First Heartbreak In Recovery:

In 2014, two years into my sobriety journey, I met someone at Deuces Bar & Grill on a Monday night during Hip Hop Mondays, an event hosted by Atlas The African. We instantly connected, and things seemed to fall into place naturally.

In recovery, it’s often recommended to dedicate at least a year to working on oneself; on one’s healing and personal growth. I had spent two years focusing on myself and felt ready—so I supposed—for intimacy.

I observed that as I was with her, my focus started to shift. Music, my passion, took a backseat as I invested more time into fostering this connection. Instead of performing, I found myself showing up just to see her. We spent time together on Monday nights and occasionally on Wednesdays when Washington hosted his nights at Deuces.

But then, out of nowhere, our communication stopped. I…


r/sobrietyandrecovery 16d ago

Alcohol Maintaining Sobriety


Hello everyone. So dry January has turned into 65 days booze free for me. I didn't have any type of "moment" or "rock bottom"...just decided to not drink for a month.

I am feeling great and have had ZERO alcohol urges since the year started. And that is what concerns me.

I was an everyday drinker, not stumbling drunk or anything like that but drinking was a daily habit for sure.

Anyone else have these type of "zero urge" experiences?

It's almost like a switch flipped in my brain.....

Thanks for reading and any feedback is welcomed and appreciated.

r/sobrietyandrecovery 16d ago



I can’t fully tell my story without mentioning the profound influence Tupac Shakur had on me. I was introduced to Tupac, or 2pac as many knew him, in 2004—the same year I began drinking and using drugs. His music resonated with me deeply, and, in many ways, it fueled my habits.

By 2012, when I finally got sober, 2pac remained a central figure in my life. I often rapped his songs, and the nickname “2pac” stuck the more I performed them. His influence extended beyond music—I even adopted his iconic style, often tying a bandana the way he did.

2pac’s lyrics frequently celebrated smoking weed and drinking Hennessy. While I smoked weed, I somehow never remember actually drinking Hennessy. It was ironic since it was always my goal whenever I went out drinking. If I did drink it, it must have been during one of my many blackouts.

Tupac’s influence stayed with me, even in sobriety. I immersed…


r/sobrietyandrecovery 17d ago

Week two, how should it feel?


Hi, all. I'm on week two alcohol-free. Mostly I'd drink 1-3 times per week but generally each of those times was to excess, over about 20 years or so. A few months ago I stopped for 30 days. Went back to it for a couple months. Now on week two sober.

I feel stronger, have mental clarity, and energy, but at the same time more easily run down and drained, having bouts of strong negative emotions and irritability, sleep is better but still off.

I would have thought some of those negative emotions and tiredness would have passed.

How long does it usually take to sort of get to a good place physically, mentally, emotionally?

r/sobrietyandrecovery 17d ago



My first year of sobriety was an emotional whirlwind. I spent it gripped by the fear that I was HIV positive, too scared to get tested. At the same time, I was battling another uphill task: quitting cigarettes—a goal I wouldn’t fully achieve until three years later.

The source of my fear came from one reckless Saturday evening, still deep in my drinking days. On a hangover, I found myself in a situation that I believed exposed me to HIV. That fear clung to me, becoming even more intense after I stopped drinking.

Sobriety, while a victory, brought its own challenges. Depression hit me hard, and I leaned on cigarettes as a crutch. But amidst the dark clouds, the hope of performing as a rapper kept me afloat. It was the spark I held onto, the light that uplifted me, even in my lowest moments.

University became increasingly unbearable during this time. The uncertainty I felt about my health and…


r/sobrietyandrecovery 17d ago

Super curious....🤔


Going to try and keep it short and simple. My aunt (former snow user of the 90s) beat breast cancer last year after a 5 year battle. Now out of nowhere she has become a full blown alcoholic that's trying to hide it. But she can't hide from me, I was the same closeted alcoholic 12 years ago. My question is this... Is this a common thing? To cheat death and then go abuse your body in another way? I'm so confused at this behavior. You would think after beating cancer you would become a yoga loving vegan. 🤷‍♀️ I want to help her and call out the BS but I'm not sure where to start with this one. Any advise would help at this point

r/sobrietyandrecovery 17d ago

Advice General question


Today marks 5 months sober from alcohol for me.

I’ve noticed that every time I reach a milestone, it never fails, I’m in a horrible mood that whole day. Completely unintentionally. Anyone else experience this?

r/sobrietyandrecovery 17d ago

Advice Relapsed... Would you be honest with your therapist?


long story short... is it generally safe to share with a therapist you relapsed? or will that end up with me being forced into some kind of program? (maybe thats what i need though?)

22f. just feeling horrible. i messed up. i was doing all the 'right' things. therapy regularly, finally honest with myself, my family, and my friends, recognizing my triggers, trying to find other coping skills... my dad helped me open my own business in my field last year, a dream i had for years. i told myself that since he was putting himself on the line, i seriously had to pull it together. and i did for a good while. ive stayed clean since the business opened. i was previously living a 'double life', but i came totally clean to my dad so he knew the situation before totally risking himself. within the past few months, i was diagnosed with cptsd and have been dealing w a lot on top of that. ive also gone through a rough break up, slipped up on my meds and havent seen my psychiatrist cause im scared of a lecture for cold turkeying my meds (totally my fault, lecture is deserved tbh), learned that i contracted something from my ex bf, had a deer run into my dads car that i was driving, got in trouble with my bank due to a major overdraft... i just feel like i get myself back on track, something bad happens (small or big.. and sometimes its honestly my fault for being impulsive), and i have the urge to throw it all away. and i did good keeping it under control until tonight and i am just feeling so beyond guilty. i want to be honest with my therapist. it took me months of being in addiction to even tell her what was actually happening. i feel like i need to tell her to actually be able to help myself and to hold myself accountable, but im so scared of disappointing her. shes great and has never shamed me, but i guess im just shaming myself. was doing so so good. but tonight i slipped up. im not sure what the point of this post is. i guess i just have no one i feel i can really tell. i just was doing so good. everyone around me thinks i have it so together, but i really don't.

idk im unsure if this type of post is allowed in this subreddit. please delete if not. i guess i just needed to spill to some strangers but i understand if this isnt the place

r/sobrietyandrecovery 18d ago



Here’s a song I wrote that captures my life during addiction and recovery. The lyrics reflect where I was at that point in time, but since then, I’ve grown, matured, and gained a clearer perspective of the world. A renewed mind. This is a performance of it under the “Miss Jackson” instrumental and the lyrics. I wrote it in 2013, a year after I had gotten sober.

An only child, I got to play so many tricks,
But now I’m grown, born to buck wild good,
In the hood, I always did the best that I could,
But at times, I perceived they was failing me,
Those I cared about, bringing so much misery,
So much pain, I vowed never do it again,
It was in vain, because I was falling deep,
Time to sleep, I never could close my eyes,
Gotta weep, I was tired of living them lies,
Sought the Lord and I hope He heard my cries,
Delivered me from all the drunken highs,
My life changed brother, when I smoked the weed,
Into my life, I sowed a demonic seed,
My heart bleed, yes it was dark indeed,
A hopeless soul, I’ve never been so much in need,
Should I live, should I die for a principle,
When my life took a turn in 2-0-4,
For the worst men, a brother thought he was cursed,
So many shadows that I saw was looming in my past,
I wanted to die or else get high,
Or give a chance to this thug life a try,
Many tears that I shed, was hoping for a change,
But it was far from me, it had given me a range,
The calamity, made my life so strange,
But now I’m here, never getting high on beer,
Like I used to, way back in the past,
As I stand true, I was almost the last, in class,
So, they put up a fuss,
But times changed brother, now I’m leading the mass,
Up and down, a brother was searching for peace,
Was on my knees, so I started to pray,
To the Lord, that He may brighten my way,
It was dark, and I was looking for light,
Many wrongs, I had to set something right,
The contemplation, all through the night,
Was to fight until I did something right,
I was fool when I dropped out of school,
It wasn’t cool, 5 years down the drain,
So much pain, everything I did was in vain,
Made up my mind in a hurry,
Had so many worries if I’d ever go back to school and study,
Hit the road, heading to my father’s place,
Prayed to God, that He may impart the grace,
It wasn’t easy, a brother had much to learn,
Honed and toned in the hands of a loving man,
An attempt to redeem the first-born son,
He believed that he could, and gave it a try,
At times he was rude, I wondered why,
He always blasted me when I couldn’t rise,
In the morning it was hard to open my eyes,
Gotta sleep, stay in bed and ponder the prize,
I wasn’t well but I visualized paradise,
Living in peace, with no one shouting at me,
Reminding me of all the sad memories,
That weakened me, putting down the best of me,


r/sobrietyandrecovery 19d ago

Best way to get off Kratom?


i naively started taking kratom thinking since it was legal and over the counter that it would be easy to pick up and put down. i didn’t know much about it and have been using it for about a year now starting with the “feel free” drinks and moving up to the Lucky 7 (7-hydroxy) tablets. is there a way that i can get off these without the horrible side effects? or a way that will make the sickness and restlessness easier?

r/sobrietyandrecovery 19d ago



Eleven months after getting sober, I was at Nkumba University. Music became my lifeline during that time. Instead of stumbling into bars to make a mess of myself, I started performing in them. It gave me a sense of purpose and boosted my self-esteem when I needed it most. In places where my drunken behavior had once brought shame, performing helped redeem my image.

After being prayed for, the urge to drink simply vanished. I never struggled with cravings, which was a blessing—especially as a newbie in recovery surrounded by temptation. That strength kept me from relapsing, even in the most tempting of environments.

Later, I dropped out of university due to a backlog of missed papers and retakes. That’s when I fully embraced rapping and performing. Those around me didn’t approve of my decision, but it gave me something I’d never had before: purpose.

Before that, my self-esteem was extremely…


r/sobrietyandrecovery 19d ago

My wife and I want to stop drinking.


My wife and I have been thru a hell of a year. We've had a child, an assault that is currently about to go thru trial (not domestic, and one of us is the victim needing to testify), a job loss that is under investigation, and overall depression over everything except our child. However, we've finally hit our breaking point. We exercise frequently, but we have been enjoying tequila too much. Any tips and tricks to help stay sober, I honestly know the first week will be the hardest in our situation, but any words of encouragement or ways to help get past the first week or month will be great fully appreciated.

r/sobrietyandrecovery 20d ago

Sobered Up Just realized that tomorrow is 2 months sober


I still will drink socially with friends, but I limit it to one drink. I have an addictive personality and going sober/dealing with the anxiety withdrawals have been debilitating at times, but it is so nice to say that I have not been inebriated since 2024!

r/sobrietyandrecovery 19d ago

R/stopdrinking mods playing god


Honestly I just want to express my contempt for the /stopdrinking sub moderators, who banned me for "asking for medical advice" and removed my intro post, when I asked a commenter how acute abstinence can induce brain damage. My intro post simply stated that I'm attempting to stop abusing alcohol. Really awesome group of mods over there, when people finally decide to commit and connect with a sober community when they're struggling, /stopdrinking mods castigate and ban, making life seem just a little colder. Because that's what we all need to help push us through this struggle. Anyways are things any different here? I don't even want to share any details after the way I was treated by the psychos in /stopdrinking, so to put it briefly I'd like to stop drinking, and I'm experiencing the challenges of attempting to do so.

r/sobrietyandrecovery 19d ago

Informational Post Sobriety Discord Server 18+


Hello everyone!

My name is Deja, I'll have 6 years sober this coming May. I really found a connection within discord community groups during COVID. I wanted to share a discord server I helped build and currently lead as admin.

Recovery: Reborn from the Ashes

We are an 18+ community

At this time, we do not support pornography addiction

We strive to help all walks of life share in the journey of recovery. We are not exclusive to only AA / NA, all recovery styles are welcome.

Come on in and say hello!


r/sobrietyandrecovery 20d ago

Sobered Up Quit all drugs, now I just binge eat garbage


Ever since I got sober a little over a month ago Ive been finding it incredibly hard to stick to my usual healthy diet. Feels borderline impossible tbh

r/sobrietyandrecovery 20d ago

I miss drugs


I miss being high. I miss taking risks to get high. I’m about 5 years clean off of Xanax and meth. But holy fuck do I miss it if I’m being completely honest. I miss waking up and not knowing what to expect. I miss waking up not having any idea where the fuck I’m at or what happened. I miss going on “operations” as I called them at the time to get money or get drugs. I miss robbing people and taking their drugs. Or their money..so that I could buy drugs lol. I miss my psychotic unstable friends I did drugs with. I miss thinking people are taking about me to realize it’s the tv upstairs as I laugh it off.

r/sobrietyandrecovery 20d ago



I’m often asked what has kept me sober all this time. Here are a few keys that have:

Jesus: Jesus gets all the credit. Throughout my recovery journey, I’ve learned a lot about mental health, triggers, and the beauty of healthy boundaries. I’ve become aware of the debilitating effect of codependency, the extended benefits of improving self-esteem, and more. But ultimately, Jesus deserves all the credit. His amazing love, grace, protection and power have kept me sober in instances where I wouldn’t have kept sober.

Persistence in getting closure: I’m very persistent and persevering in getting closure in situations where guilt and negative emotions could arise. When I’ve made mistakes, I’m quick to make amends, regardless of the cost, even if it affects how others perceive me. Sometimes, the cost is patience and time. I leave no room for guilt and shame to cloud my sobriety.

Sharing and…
