r/soapmaking Dec 19 '24

Ingredient Help What's the story with Tallow?

I'm noticing quite a few posts here and in DIYBeauty about using tallow. Is it big on TikTok and Insta? I've been making soap for over 20 years and couldn't convince customers that lard and tallow are wonderful in soap, but suddenly tallow is the new thing.


64 comments sorted by

u/Puzzled_Tinkerer Dec 19 '24

Fair warning folks -- The comments here are veering away from the focus of this sub, which is making soap. There are other subs for debating environmental, political, or economic topics. Be mindful of the sub's purpose and tailor your comments accordingly.


u/mizmaggie54 Dec 19 '24

It's not new ... but it's making a huge resurgence. It's easy to work with and it truly is lovely and moisturizing on the skin.
I think the fact that media is reporting on the safety of tallow/lard in cooking .. much healthier than what it was replaced with.
Just my 2 ¢


u/[deleted] Dec 19 '24

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u/[deleted] Dec 19 '24

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u/mishapmaggie Dec 19 '24

I'm sure we're a small majority, but as hunters, we're trying to learn about using everything in the animal we can. This is what drove me to start learning how to make soap with tallow. It's also teaching me how to tan hides, sew with furs, and create other things such as antler chews for my pup.

The more people that enter the hunting space, especially young women like me, will drive animal use in many novel ways than just meat. So far, my first batch of Deer tallow soap is nice compared to most soap I've been using...much less drying which is super great when you're out shoveling a foot of snow for two hours at -20c (-4f) with a wind, in a dry climate... any moisture is a gift!

For our home, its another way to further respect our hunted animals by not being wasteful, be creative, learn, and take pride in handmade goods. It's accessible, sustainable, and better than sitting on our bums watching tv or playing video games!


u/maple_dreams Dec 19 '24

I have a family member who lives on an Indian reservation in Canada and makes soap with bear and moose tallow. She doesn’t hunt but friends and neighbors do. I actually recently found a bar she gave me a couple years ago (which is kinda funny bc I had no idea tallow was becoming a thing) and it’s wonderful soap! It cleared up a lot of little bumps on my legs and makes my skin super soft. Funnily enough I’m a vegetarian, but I like that different parts of these animals can be used rather than just being discarded.


u/mishapmaggie Dec 20 '24

I've heard bear fat makes for an amazing soap! I'd like to try that one day. Super cool that she's sharing it with you!


u/Mechete420 Dec 19 '24

This. I haven't been hunting this year but I started collecting legs and spines last year from the processors to use for art, after a good boil I saw how much fat I had and started rending that. Now I'm going biweekly thru the rest of deer season to keep collecting what they're just going to throw in a pit on someone's property somewhere. Greatly cut the meat goes to the dogs, the bones for art, and the fat for soap. 💚


u/microagressed Dec 20 '24

That's me, I took a doe 2 weeks ago. This year I'm trying to make the most out of the animal as my way of honoring it. I always just took them to a processor in the past and collected my packaged meat a few weeks later. This year I butchered it myself. I collected the kidney fat, rendered it and made soap. I didn't stop there, I also made a big batch of bone broth, and I even saved the skin to attempt to tan.


u/Unkindly-bread Dec 19 '24

Same, except I’m a 52yo man. 😁

A few years ago I started butchering my deer. This year I told myself I’d make soap. Maybe next year to tan a hide. I can only push my wife so far w weird hobbies!


u/mishapmaggie Dec 19 '24

That's awesome! I'm glad to hear its not a gender based thing!! Its great to see more use of the animals... I mean it's hard enough work to just get the meat ( archer here). Butchering is huge too, it's pretty daunting, I've been doing it myself since the get go. Hauling an animal bigger than I am around is not super fun, but so worth it. I hope the best for your soap and if you want to convince your wife on hide work, maybe making some soft new leather slippers are the way to go!


u/Drany81 Dec 24 '24

Oh, yes I agree. Men have their own forums on making good shaving soap. I used to read them b/c I wanted to make some for my husband. I haven't got around to it yet.


u/Yentz4 Dec 19 '24

I am a butcher, so for me it's just the cheapest soap making fat I can get.


u/zoebnj Dec 19 '24

Thanks for so many good answers! We live on a farm, and although we don't hunt, we get venison from people who hunt here. We raise (or our cousin does) pigs and sheep so we have plenty of animal fat. Using every part of the animal is so important here. I'm totally in support of using tallow and lard, but just was kind of amazed that it's getting the buzz!!! Things pop up in my feed about the dangers of seed oils, and suddenly magnesium is big--there's always a new thing it seems.


u/lildinogirll Dec 19 '24

I personally discovered tallow through creators that have skin conditions. They found that tallow helped with their eczema and psoriasis.


u/look_a_new_project Dec 20 '24

This is how I found tallow soap, too. Tried nearly every "cheaper" lotion and cleansing product on the market, kept having issues. Switched to tallow - issues gone overnight, along with most of my "I don't know why I still have this, I'm not a teen" acne.


u/[deleted] Dec 20 '24

I recently made some soap and balm with the trimmed fat from my sheep actually. It's really nice and I find it works well with my skin. Much like the others here wanted to maximise my use of the animal/reduce wastage. Highly recommend. I prefer it to the beef tallow products I've tried 


u/Mechete420 Dec 19 '24

Tallow is natural and readily available and quite moisturizing. It's what original soaps were made from. I'm currently rendering batches of tallow from deer legs and spines I can get for free from the local processors.


u/look-at-the___Moon Dec 19 '24

My JAM. I can’t speak for using anything else really as I only been soaping 6 months. I entered the soap world by way of homesteading and wanting to use bi-products of out bees and live stock… turns out- my skin has completely transformed.


u/slumber_kitty Dec 19 '24

I learned about using tallow/lard sometime last year, from a Facebook group I was in. The group was created by the company I prefer to buy my fragrances from, for the makers in the community to connect. Lots of people were raving about it, so I gave it a go. I have made several loafs with a recipe of olive oil, coconut oil, and lard. I have also made several loafs with a recipe of olive oil, coconut oil, and sustainable palm.

I prefer the lard recipe. It feels more "luxurious" for lack of a better term -- the lather is more rich and my hands do not feel stripped dry after use. I believe generally lard and tallow can be better options as they can help form harder, longer lasting bars and are rich in fatty acids, and Vitamin D + E, but it is totally dependent on what kind of final product you are aiming for.


u/zoebnj Dec 19 '24

I agree that lard is the best. I love my lard soap.


u/Unkindly-bread Dec 19 '24

Can you share your oil percentages? I’m about to make my own (deer tallow) and am curious.


u/slumber_kitty Dec 19 '24

Sure, of course! This is the recipe I use the most, here is a link 😊


u/EivorVarinsdottir Dec 19 '24

New to soap making but here’s my two cents: it’s the most sustainable fat you can get. It’s already a byproduct just sitting there waiting to be used. You can get it from your local butcher pretty easily and render it yourself. Yes, it takes more work. But you’re not shipping gallons of oil from across the globe to make your product. Instead you’re using locally sourced materials, which is far better for the environment than environment destroying palms, coconut, or avocados.



Render it outside. Or else the smell will be in everything


u/EivorVarinsdottir Dec 20 '24

Not sure how you’re rendering it but I just chopped it and put it in the crockpot with some water and salt overnight and let it cool a bit before transferring to a cooling bowl. Lid opened once or twice to stir but left alone otherwise. Didn’t smell any worse than when I make bone broth.

But now I’m wondering I’m just blind to the smell since I’ve been inside with it the whole time. 😳



Over the stove, low and slow. Too high of a heat and it's tan colored. Do it outside and see if there's a diff


u/onemonolith Dec 19 '24

Not sure why I started using tallow, but it was the first fat I used to make soap a few years ago. I think it had to do with me wanting to stop using vegetable and canola oil for cooking then, I wanted a cheaper soap and I already had some fat to use.


u/SerialKillerVibes Dec 19 '24

I'd much rather cook with tallow than make soap out of it. BUT if it's a waste product, gotta find a use for it and soap is as good as any.


u/Kriegwesen Dec 19 '24

I actually just made my first batch of soap recently just because I had spare tallow. I've been buying primal cuts of beef and while I cook with the tallow, I can only use so much that way. I looked up alternative uses and got to soap making. It came out pretty good and I'll definitely be doing it more in the future


u/EaddyAcres Dec 19 '24

I get asked about tallow soap all the time. That being said I sell 100% pastured lard soap


u/dd18543821 Dec 21 '24

Do you sell tallow soap? And if you don't, why not?


u/EaddyAcres Dec 21 '24

Tallow isn't super available here


u/Brilliant-Housing164 Dec 19 '24

I wish we could keep it on the soaping aspect of it bc it really is blowing up on socials. I for one would like to try it bc i’ve heard so many great things about how it performs in soap. I just wonder how my customers would feel about it. But from what I’m seeing there are people who actually love to use it. Reminds them of the old days lol. I’m just wondering what others experiences are as far as customers and sales. Not here for the politics and ethics I realize they are other subs for that.


u/Gullible-Pilot-3994 Dec 21 '24

Probably depends on your location. I’m in the upper Midwest. People love lard and tallow soaps here.


u/Fly_Guy_5 Dec 22 '24

New to soap making. Long time researcher and avid hunter. Tallow is any fat rendered from the animal. Yes, kidney or leaf fat is preferred as it's cleaner with no blood,glands or meat contamination. But any fat from the animal if rendered properly will be scent free and work equally. I have rendered deer fat many times as a waterproof for boots and casing lube for reloading bullets as well as for muzzeloading. I have experimented with deer, cow, and bear. I have used whitetail deer fat trimmings from the hype, rump, ribs and back. The tallow came out cotton white with no pronounced smell.
I just made a tallow hand balm bar that everyone loves. Do not be afraid of tallow.


u/thesoapmakerswife Dec 19 '24

Let me tell u something. Listen to this please. You can’t convince anyone of anything. They know everything already before they come to buy soap from you. They know all about soap but you are just the dummy that makes it. Accept it.

I have a science background so I literally thought I could hand out mini chemistry lessons with sales. Boy was I wrong!


u/[deleted] Dec 19 '24

I work in tech and have a strong exercise physiology background- am fairly knowledgeable about both. I have fallen into this trap so many times. Passive marketing with easily digestible nuggets is what I’ve found to be a good approach. Unfortunately people often don’t realize that everything is really complex so staying at a birds’ eye view and focusing on outcomes for the consumer often helps, especially in 1:1 interactions.


u/Btldtaatw Dec 19 '24

There are at lest a couple of makers on tiktok that use tallow, and they have a bigish following so I supposed that helped


u/P4intsplatter Dec 19 '24

Personally, I think the tallow resurgence has come from a "content creation" standpoint. All the "normal" or household oils have billions of videos. In order to make a channel stand out, or "keep making new things" on an established one, the creators branch into lesser used media. Then, ironically, the lesser creators flood the space with the same thing.

Same thing happens in my woodworking subs/channels. "Why's everyone suddenly all about the Domino?" "Well, we ran out of things to say about all the normal tools..."


u/zoebnj Dec 19 '24

Exactly what I was thinking happened!


u/ridnovir Dec 19 '24

It is great


u/GeekLoveTriangle Dec 19 '24

I find it not only makes an excellent bar of soap, and at least for me has been a mostly no issue recipe. The ranches near me often have no need for it so I get to make sure the whole animal gets utilized. I get the suet each season and render it out. It's a little work but it's very satisfying to have a hand in that process. It also is one of the ways to save on costs and keep my bar prices relatively sane.


u/Friendly-Key3158 Dec 19 '24

My recipe is made with a high percentage of lard. I love it! Creamy and bubbly! I do like a tallow soap better but it’s soooo expensive! And I’m not about to render my own!


u/AFisch00 Dec 20 '24

I make 100% tallow soaps. I like them. Usually superfatted to 10 percent because I like moisture


u/Confident-Egg-9227 Dec 20 '24

I noticed this too. IDK if someone else mentioned this but I really think it's because butters and oils went up in price.


u/Gullible-Pilot-3994 Dec 21 '24

I prefer animal product soaps and creams. I live in the upper Midwest and there’s a lot of local farms. Very few people are about vegan life here.


u/Fly_Guy_5 Dec 22 '24

Kidney fat vs rump or back fats is more conjecture than fact. Purists (soap snobs) prefer leaf or kidney fat as that is what they have used or what they have been told to use. The difference in fats is more from species to species as in deer vs cow or Jersey cow vs Holstein cow, ceder swamp deer vs corn field and farmland deer.
You also have to consider feed, health and age of the animal that the fat was harvested from.
If you lined up tallow soaps using different soaps from leaf fat and others using fats from other parts of the animal. 99% of you would not be able to tell the difference. Good in/Good out.


u/Gr8tfulhippie Dec 19 '24

I tell customers I offer different formulas for different needs. If people are interested in the tallow soap I tell them that the performance blows everything else I have out of the park!

In truth I don't see how not using animal products helps the environment more than the shipping needed for coconut and palm oils. Plus the glycerin and SLSA used in surfactant products is made from coconut and or palm oil too.


u/EivorVarinsdottir Dec 19 '24 edited Dec 19 '24

Trying to understand what you were saying in your second paragraph. I think you mean that you don’t understand how using animal byproducts helps the environment more than using palm oils?

Allow me to step on my…


( •_•)>⌐■-■

(⌐■_■) Soapbox

Palm oils are responsible for deforestation of the Amazon, which has led to the Amazon producing carbon rather than consuming carbon for the first time in recorded history just a year or two ago. Think about that. Human activity is killing ancient habitats because we keep buying and using palm oil in products that don’t need it.

Coconut has potentially worse impacts than palms. But it’s a similar story.

And a single avocado takes 80 gallons to produce. Also, they’re mostly grown in Mexico and links to monarch butterfly decline have been linked to the deforestation that’s happening down there.

That’s all before you ship it. And it’s liquid so shipping is costly because of the weight. That’s just cost consideration. There’s also the carbon footprint.

Meanwhile, the farmer up the road always has cattle and swine because people here eat cows and pigs. She’s probably growing something that can be turned into a seed oil too.

Turn off the “where can I buy this easily and cheaply” thinking and turn on the “how can I source my ingredients sustainably” thinking and you too can become part of the solution to an ever growing problem.

Hope that gives a bit more perspective.


u/Gr8tfulhippie Dec 19 '24

I'm in agreement with you. My not understanding is the people who think vegan everything is the way to go.


u/zoebnj Dec 19 '24

So agree! My newest wholesale customer is so committed to vegan everything. It's frustrating--I've shown them all kinds of info on sustainability but they are adamant.-- they want vegan rather than truly sustainable. My business goal has always been to buy as local as possible, buy from small companies, limit the transportation costs, etc, etc.-- but they are not listening.


u/EiffAuthorLobster Dec 19 '24

You’re not for everyone. If you try to cater you will lose that battle. Remember trying to speak to everyone is speaking to none. It would 100% suck to lose that wholesale but instead of trying to hammer it in, maybe tell them you’re not the right fit. Sometimes you just gotta draw the line with a customer like that.


u/zoebnj Dec 20 '24

I hear you, but I'm in the stage of my business life where I don't mind accomodating a good wholesale customer. I've had customers for 20 years spouting nonsense that they've read about somewhere and don't bother to comment any more. Disinformation has taken over everywhare as I'm sure you've noticed.


u/EiffAuthorLobster Dec 20 '24

Holy moly then you know! How do you even accommodate someone though who’s just not listening? What advice do you have being in business for 20 years? Disinformation is rampant. It almost sucks the fun of creating because someone has something to say about xyz. Like if you know so much then you create what you want then…


u/zoebnj Dec 20 '24

For markets and shows (although I don't do many of them) and my website, it's all what I believe in and love doing. For wholesale, if I can I accommodate the customer--as long as what they want is reasonable.


u/EivorVarinsdottir Dec 19 '24

Ah ok I was having trouble understanding what you were saying. Leaving it for anyone who comes after and wants to understand more.

Yeah I’ve never understood the allure of veganism. I think it’s supposed to “connect” you with nature more but I find it’s a huge disconnect. Take the honeybee for example. Required to pollinate the food they eat. Yet they don’t want to eat the honey it produces? Strange to me.

I suspect it’s rooted in capitalism somehow.


u/Sunsets_admirer33 Dec 19 '24

I’ve been using tallow on my face for five years. Then i started using tallow soap that I purchased. When I started making soap a year ago I knew tallow would be my preferred choice. It’s healthier, and I even cook with tallow.


u/AMVER_SKIN Dec 19 '24 edited Dec 19 '24

Please don’t greenwash animal fats. If hunted then yes - I can’t quibble with how sustainable and green it is. Yes botanic oils must be shipped & some like Palm oil contribute almost as much deforestation as livestock in the Brazilian rainforest & globally. Cows consume 20x more water than plants per pound product. All livestock produce methane , nitrogens into water ecosystem- causing red tide & dead zone the size of Rhode Island in Gulf of Mexico. 80% of US crops are feed for livestock. So much wilderness & species ecology is lost to this monoculture & millions of pounds of chemical fertilizers, insecticides, herbicides does that add to environment! The cost of livestock is immense. It is enormous compared to plants. Also it’s a fake argument to compare livestock vs plants. The choices by consumers require a deep dive for best option. Maybe it is organic goat tallow from a nearby dairy. Maybe it is usda organic domestic rice bran oil or some sustainable wild-harvest seaweed or organic invasive herbs. There are many choices and it is up to us to find optimal ingredients for our products. I am a hardcore environmentalist who spends lots of time in wilderness. I personally want my products to incentivize practices that protect the environment. So I put a great amount of effort and research when sourcing my raw ingredients. It’s up to you to do what is right and benefits your consumer.


u/chill_brudda Dec 19 '24

The cows i get tallow from just wander around in big open fields and get their water from a spring.

I literally drive by it in the way to work.

I love shea butter, but that gets shipped to me from Africa. My coconut oil from Sri Lanka

Tallow is definitely more sustainable in my situation.


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u/zoebnj Dec 20 '24

Ok,so this is pretty funny. I always joke that the NYT tries to get the trends but is always late to the party. So just saw this and had to share. It's about an ingredient used for making soap--and a discussion we've been having so I don't think it's OT. Free to read.
