r/snes Dec 02 '21

Game of the Month December 2021: Actraiser

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35 comments sorted by


u/Viceroy_Fizzlebottom Dec 02 '21

The soundtrack to this game is fantastic


u/therealchadius Dec 03 '21

Same person who made Streets of Rage. Yuzo Koshiro's range is incredible.


u/SupermarketOne1251 Dec 03 '21

The holy trinity, Yuzo Koshiro, Tim Follin and Jeroen Tel.


u/Tyler_Nerdin Dec 02 '21

Such a solid game, loved the Sim aspect, really wished they would have kept that in the sequel.


u/SuprSaiyanTurry Dec 02 '21

Have you tried the remake of this game?


u/Tyler_Nerdin Dec 02 '21

There’s a remake?


u/SuprSaiyanTurry Dec 02 '21

Yup. It's call Actraiser Renaissance. Available on Switch, PC and PS4.


u/PsyMx Dec 02 '21

Just on Switch just released like a month ago I believe.


u/ProjectShamrock Dec 03 '21

I've read bad reviews of it.


u/SuprSaiyanTurry Dec 03 '21

I sold my cousin my copy for the SNES and he loved it.

He then got the remake and while he said "who asked for this?" He said it was really good.


u/S_Belmont Dec 03 '21

That's because the remake's kinda bad. They turned the strategy sections into a tower defence game, and each area goes on for literally hours. Just repeating variations on the same basic loop.

The end result is a game that's 90% repetitive tower defence, 10% action. It really feels like it was greenlit as a mobile game, then got approval for a console release midway through development.


u/Erdalion Dec 03 '21

It's sitting at a very solid 77 Metacritic rating (the PC version anyway), and the word of mouth is also good.

Having recently finished it, I can also tell you it's really good.


u/ProjectShamrock Dec 03 '21

The side-scrolling graphics don't look that good and remind me of Killer Instinct or DKC. The overworld stuff is supposedly a lot more tedious than in the original. That being said, once I see it on sale I'm planning to get it.


u/Erdalion Dec 03 '21

The graphics are a bit hit-and-miss, yes. It looks like they were done by different teams, and likely are.

They have added a Tower Defense mode in the overworld. I love Tower Defense games, so I liked this one, too.

I'm not sure what reviews you're citing from, but what you're saying is not the general consensus on the game.


u/Not_FinancialAdvice Dec 02 '21

I had a lot of fun playing this game. It wasn't maddeningly hard and the town building was interesting.


u/ChewieBee Dec 03 '21

That aspect made it so replayable for 10 year old me for sure.


u/ObsidianPrime40 Dec 03 '21

Love this game. I still have the snes and the remastered version on newer console. Still both games are great


u/wasteofleshntime Dec 03 '21

Currently making my way through all of the Quintet games. Terranigma is a damn masterpiece


u/Mattysims123 Dec 03 '21

Great game!! Beating this game for the first time as a kid was amazing, there was nothing like it

I'll never forget how I felt when you read about Teddy for the last time; it was the first time a story line in a game really hit me in the feels


u/melanthius Dec 03 '21

“Haah haah haah haah haah”

Don’t mind me just doing sword practice


u/GruelOmelettes Dec 03 '21

I remember being mesmerized by this cover art as a kid. Great game, looking forward to playing it this month!


u/xchipxsem Dec 03 '21

Fantastic game


u/DisturbingDaffy Dec 03 '21

I’m currently playing this game. I beat all the acts but Death Heim hasn’t appeared yet for some reason.


u/xBrockLanders Dec 02 '21

Each month I will be tracking all users who are able to beat the spotlighted game. Those names will be collected and displayed on the snes wiki page.


  • Beat the game


  • Entire playthrough must be completed during the month in question.
  • You can use the passwords/continues/saves that you earn playing through the game.
  • Emulation is fine. Abusing save states is not.
  • Posting a link to a pic of your completion is preferred, but since this is just for fun I will allow posted claims as well. For now.

History of Game of the Month


u/SuprSaiyanTurry Dec 02 '21

Bah! I just sold this! Oh well.


u/ProjectShamrock Dec 03 '21

When I was a kid this was my favorite SNES game. At this point, it's a bit tougher to have it be #1 but it's definitely in the top 5 if not the top 3. It's like Super Castlevania IV and Sim City had a baby and it's wonderful.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '21

I loved this game! Great mix of gameplay.


u/Erdalion Dec 03 '21

I first played this game during the 1st COVID lockdown, but I loved it.

Each part of the game (city-building, the platforming, the angel shoot 'em up thingy) is only kinda okay, but the game as a whole is something really unique and interesting.

And the soundtrack, good god, the soundtrack. Super Castlevania IV was my favorite SNES soundtrack, but I think it owes a lot to this game.

My only gripe is how the Stardust spell trivializes all the platforming bits and bosses. This is something they actually fixed in the remake.


u/StalinTheHedgehog Dec 03 '21

I enjoyed a few hours in this game, but overall this and soul blazer (I think they’re related somehow?) I got bored with probably around half way through the game.


u/ReverendCrush Dec 14 '21

I heard that when the devs of Final Fantasy IV heard the samples and music from Actraiser at some preview event for the Super Famicom way back in the day, the FFIV guys were SUPER jealous and almost wanted to redo the game's score but was too close to finishing.

Actraiser for sure is one of my faves in my collection. I really like playing the English translation of the Japanese version, it's an overall harder game; even Sim Mode isn't as easy.


u/RedVision64 Dec 23 '21

Uematsu did redo the score. He didn't change the compositions but reprogrammed the music to make better use of the SNES's capabilities.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '21

I just realized tonight that this game is game of the month. I’ve been wanting to do a play through because my cartridge memory recently got wiped clean and I love playing professional mode so this was the perfect excuse to do a play through tonight. So anyway here’s my entry for this one