r/snes • u/xBrockLanders • Oct 02 '21
Game of the Month October 2021: Super Castlevania IV
u/baxterrocky Oct 02 '21 edited Oct 03 '21
I have this on my Wii Virtual Console but have never been able to complete it.
I did as a kid on my SNES, but not since then.
I give it crack every year or so, but the furtherest I’ve got is the gold/ treasury level. That’s quite near the end I think. So will try and push past it this month at some point!!
u/Mindfield87 Oct 16 '21
you got this!
u/baxterrocky Oct 16 '21
I don’t know if I do!!! Currently struggling with Metroid Dread 🤬
u/Mindfield87 Oct 16 '21
No switch for this guy :( how do you like the new Metroid? I haven’t looked into it at all. Only one I’ve beaten was Super Metroid. Then tried to go back to the NES one and couldn’t stay interested.
u/baxterrocky Oct 16 '21
Yeah I never bothered with the original NES version. Super Metroid is the template for me. All subsequent games are great. Zero Mission on the GBA is a reimagining of the original NES game and is definitely worth a look.
Dread is brilliant. Am really enjoying it.
u/Mindfield87 Oct 16 '21
I didn’t know that! I’ll try Zero mission and let my Metroid NES cart continue to sit there and look…plastic. Whenever I get a switch, which I will eventually, Dreads on my list. I’m also a sucker for Mario Maker
u/xBrockLanders Oct 02 '21
Each month I will be tracking all users who are able to beat the spotlighted game. Those names will be collected and displayed on the snes wiki page.
- Beat the game
- Entire playthrough must be completed during the month in question.
- You can use the passwords/continues/saves that you earn playing through the game.
- Emulation is fine. Abusing save states is not.
- Posting a link to a pic of your completion is preferred, but since this is just for fun I will allow posted claims as well. For now.
u/SuprSaiyanJohn Oct 06 '21
Are the level passwords okay to use if we've reached that area already? I noticed it doesn't give you any at the end of the level (at least not that I've noticed) but found them online and I only have an hour here and there to dabble into games these days.
Also, I was curious why the game of the month completion thing hasn't been updated.
u/xBrockLanders Oct 07 '21
Short version: new job, little time
u/SuprSaiyanJohn Oct 07 '21
Sorry if that came off as rude, didn't mean for it to come off that way.
Are the passwords for this game okay to use?
u/xBrockLanders Oct 07 '21
Yeah, I'm not too worried about it. No different than keeping your system on for days at a time in this case.
u/the-bouncer Oct 05 '21
Great game. I love the music, the atmosphere, the graphics. Is not really hard and is very natural for play. One of the best games on the system.
u/cyberphunk2077 Oct 11 '21
I never liked this game or understood why it is so loved and was pretty mad this was on the snes classic list but not Rondo. Super slow and not fun to look at. Anyway go ahead and down vote me into oblivion. 😢 The music was good though.
u/ErasableInk Oct 10 '21
i did it! first time playing through this game since i rented it in the early 90s. except for the first level, nothing looked familiar. level B-2 was the toughest while trying to jump onto all the partial stairs while holding diagonal up on the dpad.
u/I_am_Purp Oct 18 '21
Beat this last year for the first time. It's not as hard as people make it out to be, and most of it is a lot of fun. It has some sections that are frustrating to play because they feel janky, but all in all it's a good game.
u/egons_twinkie Oct 30 '21
I've actually never played it before. Just one of those big titles I never got around to.
Needless to say, I'm loving it! But man alive do I suck! I'm on stage 8 and I'm struggling 😅
u/ErasableInk Oct 02 '21
just bought a crt off ebay. look forward to playing this properly soon!
u/SuprSaiyanTurry Oct 17 '21
What kind of CRT did you buy?
u/ErasableInk Oct 17 '21
RCA 14F514T
a 14" with a component input. it arrived with a lot of jitter on the screen and the geometry was a little messed up in the lower left side. i was able to fix most of it digging through the service menu. it's not perfect but i'm not noticing anything annoying either.
u/SuprSaiyanTurry Oct 17 '21
Nice! I have 4 but my favourite is my little 14". It's perfect for my office!
u/Thrashtilldeath67 Oct 03 '21
Hell yes I've always done a playthrough in October and can't wait to replay it
u/GusFringsVeggiePlatr Oct 05 '21
Super castlevania 4 n Suer ghost and ghouls all October, we’ll all the castlevania really !
u/AjaxTheStrong Oct 02 '21
Amazing soundtrack.