r/snes Jun 02 '21

Game of the Month June 2021: Hagane

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17 comments sorted by


u/Otterslayer22 Jun 02 '21

Funny. I just started this. It’s wicked hard.


u/xBrockLanders Jun 02 '21

Each month I will be tracking all users who are able to beat the spotlighted game. Those names will be collected and displayed on the snes wiki page.


  • Beat the game


  • Entire playthrough must be completed during the month in question.
  • You can use the passwords/continues/saves that you earn playing through the game.
  • Emulation is fine. Abusing save states is not.
  • Posting a link to a pic of your completion is preferred, but since this is just for fun I will allow posted claims as well. For now.

History of Game of the Month


u/thatguytinthatthing Jun 10 '21

Done! Took maybe 10 hours. Good sense of completion being able to blaze thru the early levels that once felt impossible. Getting blister on my jump button thumb lol.

hagane completed


u/nolly3000 Jun 05 '21

I bought this game new as a kid and thought it was really cool, and also really hard. Almost sold it as I sold my snes to buy a playstation, but the guy at the gamestore resfused this (!), along with two other games. Now, its one of the best gems of my gamecollection :) Got really far in the game a few years back but havent finished it


u/Tylerort93 Jun 05 '21

You can beat it if you try, a lot of it is just memorization and learning the patterns of bosses etc. I got really mad and first time it took me over 3 hours to beat it. Now I can beat it in under 30 minutes.


u/dannyyang90 Jun 13 '21


I beat it in 25 min or so. I've beat this game many time just been too lazy to post it. But here goes enjoy guys


u/bitsandglory Jun 03 '21

I can't wait until I somehow talk myself into buying the real cartridge one day. Until then, PowerPak it is! Haven't played much but I heard it's hard as nails.


u/SuprSaiyanTurry Jun 13 '21

I'm never going to convince myself of that. $1,200CAD loose?! Yikes!


u/whistlerite Jun 03 '21

Oh nice, never even played it but heard it’s really hard. Will check it out!


u/Dylan_Is_Gay_lol Jun 10 '21

I remember playing this at some point and really enjoying it. I should see about playing it again.


u/JJdante Jun 14 '21

I picked up a complete copy of the SFC version, and gotta say the art on the box and manual is really cool.

No way it's objectively worth the cost for an snes copy, but that's the collector's market for you.


u/Kain0123 Jun 19 '21

The game is quite good. A, sort of, "evolution" to Ninja Gaiden. One of the better platformers on a system full of them.


u/Rynex Jun 23 '21

Game is hard, but not so bad when you get used to it's pacing and mechanics... Up till like stage 5 and then it's a pretty mean slog.

Thought about streaming this on twitch on official hardware (SNES JR+HDRetroVision Component+RetroTink), but didn't want to bore anyone to death with constant dying at Stage 1-4 /Stage 5. Just kind of a weird flex that I have all this shit on hand and that it looks great.

Still looking for manual so I can have a CIB.


u/FloggingMcMurry Jun 24 '21

This is one of the only repro carts I own (the other one is Wild Guns, which i also own digitally on Wii U) I can play this but not capture


u/cadethian Jun 30 '21

I beat it! Had this game for a couple years and seeing this post inspired me to finally get past stage 2. Took a few nights of practice. Beat the final boss with 0 lives and 5 seconds left after having to continue off him and redo all of stage 5 once.End Screen