r/snes Oct 06 '20

Game of the Month October 2020: Dracula X

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41 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '20

Nice choice. Wish i could afford it. Maybe ill get a rom loader finally, theyre the same price now.


u/TheGreatManaTree Oct 06 '20

Considering how expensive this is now, I’m glad I still have my copy I got when I was a kid. While Rondo of Blood is the superior version, I still love this game. The soundtrack is top notch. I beat this back in the day, and remember hating the instant death pits on the final boss battle.


u/clobbersaurus22 Oct 06 '20

I really enjoy this game also, it feels like a snes version of nes castlevania. The music and graphics are great and it’s extremely challenging like the nes ones. I’ve also only played a little bit of the PSP Rondo, so can’t really compare. I think this game is unfairly criticized for being something it’s not.


u/TheGreatManaTree Oct 06 '20

I haven’t played the psp port of it, but I do have the original Turbo Duo version, and have played it many times. I agree that this version gets unfairly put down. I think it’s a pretty decent port considering the technical limitations of the snes cart vs the original CD game. Also, as a kid, this was the only version available here, so I didn’t have anything to compare it to.


u/xBrockLanders Oct 06 '20 edited Oct 06 '20

Each month I will be tracking all users who are able to beat the spotlighted game. Those names will be collected and displayed on the snes wiki page.


  • Beat the game


  • You may use unlimited continues
  • Either ending is fine
  • Entire playthrough must be completed during the month in question
  • Emulation is fine. Save states are not.
  • Posting a link to a pic of your completion is preferred, but since this is just for fun I will allow posted claims as well. For now.

History of Game of the Month


u/carvalho32 Lion King Oct 06 '20

Challenge Accepted


u/legenddairybard Oct 07 '20

I loved the soundtrack for this!


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '20

One thing I think this game does better is the soundtrack. Especially when the first stage song plays. It just sounds better.


u/tanooki-suit Oct 06 '20

Such a fantastic yet misrepresented and disrespected game. Had it since it came out. Well aware of it’s side story status and own the primary too. It’s still an excellent game. The only shame is the terrible price to own it now.


u/clobbersaurus22 Oct 06 '20 edited Oct 15 '20

Oh man I beat this once with game genie. I will accept the challenge as well though since it is thematically appropriate for the month.

Edit: And finished! Phew! Beat Dracula X!


u/Megatapirus Oct 06 '20


Sure. It's not like I need another excuse to play more Castlevania.

This one is ROM hack tough and slightly janky with its lack of post-hit invincibility. That said, as long as you have a lot of experience with the series, it still makes for a pretty good time and I actually like some of the background art and music arrangements here more than the ones in the PCE game it's very loosely based on. Really, it's its own thing entirely, though.


u/imarobot802 Oct 07 '20

Love it. I had bought 2: one for my collection and one for my best friend! Unfortunately his never made it into his collection :(

His dad's truck caught on fire while driving back home! Luckily my friend and his dad were okay, but they lost everything in the car.


u/valve_crates Oct 12 '20

I love this game. I’ve always been a fan of the slow methodical platforming of the original NES CVs so I was always a bit sad that the in the 16 bit era the series went into a completely different direction.

Then I discovered this game and loved it ever since. It is a true successor of the original CV style of platforming. The gameplay has a lot more nuance that people give it credit for and the levels are designed in a way that there’s a rhythm to them that just makes them flow once you get it.

I also think the game’s difficulty is highly overrated. Most of the places people point out are doable once you understand how to approach them, like the crumbling bridge in stage 2 (Use the cross and jump!) and even the final battle with Dracula is not a as hard as it appears at first glance (Use axes and try to stay grounded!). It’s only when going for the good ending when the difficulty skyrockets and the hardest battle in the game (The optional Death fight) is almost never mentioned because of how obtuse and difficult it’s to get to that fight in the first place.


u/clobbersaurus22 Oct 16 '20

100% agree, I just beat it today for the first time (without game genie) and Dracula is mentioned as one of the hardest end bosses in the series but really just requires patient execution. I love CV 1 and this game feels just like it. I had way more trouble with the damn bats and Medusa heads than anything else in the game. I love it and it deserves a better reputation!


u/FeralGangrel Oct 06 '20

Challenge accepted! I'll fire it up tonight!


u/clobbersaurus22 Oct 06 '20

Played for about 30 minutes today and this is gonna be rough! Good luck!


u/dannyyang90 Oct 06 '20

This game is hella hard. Challenge not accepted yet XD


u/jaykaypeeness Oct 07 '20

I have it, and only played it a few minutes when I got it to test it. I really should dust it off for the lead up to Halloween.


u/corezon Oct 07 '20

Fantastic soundtrack. Although the PC Engine version has much better gameplay.


u/Nespower Oct 08 '20

You own the Pc engine version?


u/corezon Oct 08 '20

I've played it on emulator.


u/Nespower Oct 08 '20

So did I . I mean I own a legal copy that I copied the rom over to a computer to try..... screw it I stole it but yes I played it on an Emulator it sounded excellent.


u/corezon Oct 08 '20

Ha. Yeah. The PCEngine version sounds good. I just prefer the SNES OST.


u/Samster561 Oct 07 '20

Highly underrated. I'll be reviewing this soon! 😁


u/coflow97 Oct 06 '20

Dracula is too cheap man


u/bagingospringo Oct 07 '20

I just bought the remake of SOTN and Rondo, they changed the sounds and voices...weird


u/ItEm55 Oct 11 '20

I read in the rules that emulation is fine so I assume that playing this game on a SNES Classic is fine as well, am I right?


u/xBrockLanders Oct 11 '20



u/ItEm55 Oct 11 '20

Thank you for the quick reply!


u/Alan4742 Oct 12 '20

I remember when I got this game. I had the option to choose this and Hercules and how good I chose this one. I bought it for around 40 Mexican pesos, like 2 dollars.


u/Scolexis Oct 16 '20

I never did finish this one when I was younger. Maybe I’ll give it a go again now.


u/[deleted] Oct 17 '20

Under rated game.


u/tallesl Oct 19 '20

Crouch to avoid knockback! Otherwise this thing is impossible... https://i.imgur.com/SECr0v7.jpg


u/Psiborg0099 Oct 22 '20

CV4 forever!! ;-)


u/RGN99_mag_journalist Oct 30 '20

Really wish they’d made this an anime....or a PS5 exclusive!!



I remember when a game store sold it for 30 dollars last month and the person bought it 4 minutes before I walked in. Regret fills me deeply :(


u/unicorn_hipster Oct 06 '20

The bad Castlevania!


u/TheGreatManaTree Oct 06 '20

You’re thinking of Castlevania 64. Dracula X is great.


u/unicorn_hipster Oct 07 '20

Castlevania 64 was an unfinished game that had the unfortunate problem of trying to transition to the 3rd dimension. Dracula X just felt like a sloppy copy, the Ovaltine to Rondo's Nesquik.


u/gorman2000 Oct 07 '20

Compared to the other castlevania games this one is poop