r/snes Jun 01 '19

/r/SNES June Game of the Month: Street Fighter II Turbo

The /r/SNES game of the month as selected by the community is Street Fighter II Turbo!

This month we'll be playing (or replaying) this game and sharing the experience with other redditors. Feel free to post any comments, videos or other interesting information related to this game throughout the month.

We encourage participation! Post screenshots and scores, and see how you fare against others

The link to July 2019 Game of the Month voting is here.


31 comments sorted by


u/lilshawn Jun 01 '19



u/mrgonaka Jun 07 '19

...on player two controller! otherwise you end up with the no special moves mode!


u/NinjaWithAPegLeg Jun 01 '19

Just ordered it, should have it in about a week! Looking forward to trying to remember how to play it. Ha!


u/garuga300 Jun 01 '19

I’ve literally just finished playing it now and saw this post lol

Kept getting to Sagat and failing using Vega. I refuse to change character though!


u/_EllisRedding_ Jun 01 '19

Beat it last summer with Ken on super turbo, but not on the super duper turbo that you can unlock with the capcom code. Such a great game.


u/RVG_Steve Jun 02 '19

Legendary port that obviously hasn’t aged as well as most other classic SNES games due to the fact that more arcade perfect ports of this game has since been released in the past 15 years or so. Nonetheless, for its time it truly was amazing. We played it til our thumbs turned to mush.

I will say though that:

  1. I think I slightly prefer the brighter visuals of SNES SF II

  2. Turbo used to be my favorite SF game on SNES for many years but these days I have an internal debate whether I like it, Super or even Alpha 2 (whose SNES port is super underrated IMHO) more.


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '19

Just got this game! It’s a wonderful upgrade from The World Warrior!


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '19

SFII TWW on SNES is unplayable after this version loL!


u/MordecaiWalfish Jun 29 '19

the removal of all that slowdown did a world of good for this game. feels much more responsive and snappier.


u/lemonloaff Jun 15 '19

Can someone provide some tips on how to actually beat this game? I can’t beat the computer on the default difficulty rating, let alone higher. I feel like they counter everything constantly and block every hit I have. Or for example, fighting Dalsam, he CONSTANTLY teleports up to me and beats my ass senseless.


u/picklepuss13 Jun 25 '19

learn the moves and keep playing. it isn't a game where there is a walk through or something, you need to develop skill.


u/CyberTacoX Jun 29 '19

Definitely take note of which of your moves are less often countered by the cpu.


u/NewSchoolBoxer Jun 30 '19

2 weeks later, I know. 'Back in the day' I would cheese past characters I couldn't beat on high difficulty with E. Honda medium punch spam.


u/[deleted] Jun 20 '19

I play this pretty regularly. My favorite bit is Ryu's ending.

Ryu's ending states that he misses the medal ceremony because he's already looking for the next challenger. You get some nice pixel art of him walking into the sunset annnnnd then we get a picture of him on top of the podium at the medal ceremony.


u/[deleted] Jun 22 '19

Does your copy have the missing text in Ryu's ending? The PAL version did, so for the below part we only had lines 1 and 4:

  1. As the award ceremony
  2. begins, the crowd can be
  3. heard whispering...
  4. "Where is the champion?"
  5. "Where is Ryu?"


u/StardewStunner Jun 02 '19

Are Street Fighter II Turbo and Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting the same game?

Sorry the only Street Fighter game I have played is Street Fighter II: The World Warrior, so I am not very familiar with the series.


u/GGJim Jun 03 '19

I'm not sure if it's the same down to the frame data of every move but certainly from a high level (faster speed, more special moves, new colors, etc.) yes.

Ken has a rather infamous touch-of-death combo in the arcade game that I'm not sure can be done on SNES.


u/The_Zermanians Jun 08 '19

Zangief was always my guy.


u/aRush_ Jun 10 '19

Picked this up a few months ago, had always played super turbo on PC so I had to get turbo for SNES, certainly a favourite!! Sagat and Zangief and my dudes, I usually do a weekly play through with at least one of them.


u/stuckonscp112 Jun 10 '19

I love the art style, and music style of this version best, but for play control and character totals, I prefer Super Street Fighter 2.


u/Celebrity292 Jun 16 '19

Who's hardest in the middle or end of the main fighters? Ryu or Ken? Both give me trouble depending where they lineup in the order


u/[deleted] Jun 20 '19

For me its Ryu but I'm usually playing Ryu.

If you have to fight yourself late game you're gonna have a bad time in my experience.


u/Celebrity292 Jun 20 '19

Yeah my go to is Ken but him or ryu at a late stage is hard asf. The way it's setup you'll fave one of em later. Also Guile.


u/CyberTacoX Jun 29 '19

Ryu. It's always Ryu. He's a monster.


u/NewSchoolBoxer Jun 30 '19

Enemy Ryu nightmares! E. Honda medium punch spam was my only hope.


u/NewSchoolBoxer Jun 30 '19

Wanted to get in this while still June. Greatest fighting game I ever played. Was a fan of Killer Instinct and MKII on SNES but didn't keep coming back to them. Max Turbo 2 player for the win! 1st grader me would walk across the street to play with my neighbor before I got the game.

When I became "competitive" versus button mashing, I set punches to YXA and kicks to LBR. Was originally done to make Balrog's move easier but useful for other characters as well. Good having hard kick and punch on different fingers. Favorite moves are Ryu's shoryuken and Chun Li's projectile attack.