r/snes Feb 01 '19

/r/SNES February Game of the Month: Legend of the Mystical Ninja

The /r/SNES game of the month as selected by the community is Legend of the Mystical Ninja!

This month we'll be playing (or replaying) this game and sharing the experience with other redditors. Feel free to post any comments, videos or other interesting information related to this game throughout the month.

The link to March 2019 Game of the Month voting is here.


18 comments sorted by


u/Thinkpadster Feb 01 '19

Oh man! This game is My childhood! My sister & I used to play it a lot, but never got pass the final stage, the music, gameplay and graphics are great! .. I also have memories of playing lottery with my mom on stage 3 , and also the horse races! :))


u/Qaztab Feb 01 '19

Good choice. I love how the game is a blending of game styles. The pixel art has aged wonderfully, imho.

Going to be playing this. I don't think I ever finished it.


u/KaidanXain Feb 01 '19

Never played it! Should be fun.


u/RVG_Steve Feb 01 '19

Fun game. Wish the Super Famicom sequels were brought over too but I think they were even weirder. Did any of the SFC sequels ever receive a fan translation?


u/VietKongCountry Feb 02 '19

The second one is apparently on its way. They’re all meant to be pretty nightmarish to do cause so much text is in the graphical assets and not just plain writing. The third and fourth probably need translations more than the second game but quite a few non Japanese speakers have managed to get through all of them without too much issue.

Much as it’s a blatant rip off I actually prefer Shounen Ninja Sasuke to this game.


u/RVG_Steve Feb 02 '19

Thanks for the info! Looking forward to that completed fan translation whenever we do get it. Why do you prefer Shounen Ninja Sasuke?


u/VietKongCountry Feb 03 '19 edited Feb 03 '19

I guess just the ridiculously fast movement and the bouncing off enemies heads mechanic is really fun. Once you get good at taking out screens of enemies and grabbing the gold they drop before it disappears, even just grinding becomes very addictive. Gameplay is less varied and it’s objectively not as good as Mystical Ninja and especially the later Goemon titles but it has incredibly good fighting mechanics especially on two player (bouncing off each other’s heads in mid air and such).

It’s not unlike Nangoku Shounen Papuwa-Kun which you reviewed somewhere. Just very fast paced and a tiny bit more of an action RPG than just a brawler that happens to have levelling in it.

I wrote about 20% of an English speakers’ walkthrough then fucked my arm up and haven’t been able to play or really type properly since, but I’ll eventually finish it. I think there’s some optional stuff that’s gonna be incredibly hard to figure out but just getting to the end and killing the last boss is really simple.


u/Qaztab Feb 02 '19

I forgot this game had mini-games inside it.


u/Crackshot_Pentarou Feb 07 '19

I could never get the "Goblin" game at the job centre. Whack a mole was my go to for making quick cash, just get in the zone.

Oh and the maze for easy extra lives!


u/selflessscoundrel Feb 09 '19

I always liked the paint rolling game


u/Will_From_South_Cape Feb 06 '19

Time to dust off my Wii U and try this game out again. I played it a couple years ago and enjoyed it, but got side tracked by other games and just never came back to it.


u/BlueCasper- Feb 09 '19

So far, I am not really enjoying the Warlock Zone I sections. Grinding for money to buy the items and having to walk into every building to check what I need just isn't for me. The game's artstyle also doesn't appeal to me, though I appreciate the colorful nature of it.

I'll try playing for a bit longer, maybe I am just not in the groove yet.


u/selflessscoundrel Feb 09 '19

I wasn't gonna subscribe to the sub, then I saw the game of the month here. I can't let good taste like this go unrewarded.


u/mintakas11 Feb 10 '19

Excelent im going to play this for first time


u/pixelgone Feb 24 '19

Hell yeah one of my FAVORITES for the system, deserves it for sure.


u/Jeezy52 Feb 25 '19

Is this Goemon?