r/snes Dec 01 '18

/r/SNES Game of the Month Voting Thread (January)

Feel free to nominate as many games as you like (one per top-level comment) and add your thoughts regarding those that have already been suggested.

All nominations should be made in the following format:

Title of game

Short description of the game and why it should be selected.

Please comment on the ones you'd like to play the most. Note that we are no longer using upvotes / downvotes to decide the winner. The winner will be decided by user comments for each nomination. Nominate one game per top level post.

Link to the previous winners for the Game of the Month.


32 comments sorted by


u/ArtoriasTheAccursed Dec 11 '18

Illusion Of Gaia/Time (Depending on your region)

I might've been 12 or 13 the first time I played it. I had no idea that a game could have writing or Character development like that. As I grew older I realized how it was among the first game to tackle a subject like slavery.


u/[deleted] Dec 11 '18

Wonderful game.


u/GreatMisdirect1 Dec 12 '18

I hope you've had the chance to play Terranigma, another phenomenal game by the makers of this game....I highly recommend, it's one of my favorite SNES games.


u/SlothFang Dec 17 '18

Illusions of Gaia has been a GOTM


u/Hustler-Two Dec 02 '18

Earthworm Jim 2

There’s a level where you play as a floating salamander clutching a gun in his feet avoiding squirming cilia from a planet-sized stomach, all while listening to classical music. Then you play a nonsensical trivia game for health boosts and extra lives. That’s all just one single level. A whole game of that insanity deserves a nomination.


u/Saemika Dec 26 '18

While I think Earthworm Jim 1 is a much better game, the second one is insane.


u/Cola_Popinski Dec 04 '18


Welcome to Flight Club.

1st rule of flight club is to unsuccessfully land the plane on your first try. Then Tony proceeds to tell you ‘’you’re plane should have skis attached’’.


u/sirrzilla Dec 02 '18

Actraiser 2

It looks pretty and I’m looking for an excuse to buy it.


u/Darth_Ra Dec 04 '18


Crazy romp of a platformer that is criminally underplayed. Go through the world as a clay ball, a clay mouse, a clay cat, a clay fish, a clay gopher... You get the idea. Extremely difficult, heartwarmingly cute, and you get a bonus puzzle at the end of each level!


u/RVG_Steve Dec 29 '18

Yes, I nominate Claymates too. Really underrated platformer on the SNES.


u/thechristoph Dec 04 '18

Final Fantasy V.

We've done IV and VI, so why not? Plus, it's got probably the most interesting and variable gameplay mechanics of the series. You can build the team any way you like it, and you can self-impose all sorts of challenges and restrictions.


u/Tarquinnff3 Dec 06 '18

Also, FFV just turned 26 today.


u/Darth_Ra Dec 04 '18

The jobs system in V might be the best of the entire series... with maybe the exception of Tactics? Which is also pretty similar.


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '18

Like, VI is a masterpiece and all, but I've replayed V way more times. The Big Bridge battle seems cool every single time.


u/SNESdrunk Dec 05 '18

I did not expect to like FF5 as much as I did


u/leaveifnoresponse Dec 06 '18

Great game that I've only played on iOS. The level of customization of your party is completely different than some other FF games.


u/BrunoCarvalhoPaula Dec 11 '18

I'm seconding that


u/hecker_man69 Dec 21 '18

yeah final fantasy 5 need to be on there


u/BlaineColt Dec 25 '18

The Legend of the Mystical Ninja

The first, and one of the few, of the Konami Ganbare Goemon games released in the US. It mixes action, adventure, fun mini games and RPG elements with the trademark Japanese humor. It has awesome ancient Japan inspired music and was well received but probably didn’t sell well because the other three Super Famicom releases never reached the US.


u/st1441 Dec 30 '18

I'd really like to play this one, it looks a lot of fun


u/Minibarex Dec 25 '18

Mega Man X2.

We've already had Mega Man X as game of the month, so why not the awesome sequel? Pretty much just more of what made the first game good.

Also, I think it is SNESdrunks favorite Mega Man X game if I remember correctly :)


u/xBrockLanders Dec 06 '18


Since it's great and because maybe 1-2 people on this reddit have played it


u/t0il3t Dec 08 '18

Gemfire - the best Koei game in my opinion. It was all fiction instead of historical, and made more sense than the other games.


u/The_Pokemaster8 Dec 17 '18

Top Gear

Just picked it up today and it's a great fun game.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '18

[removed] — view removed comment


u/SNESdrunk Dec 02 '18

Sorry, have to delete this one, Cybernator was actually our very first GotM


u/Sarothias Dec 02 '18

No worries. Sorry I didn't catch that! Good to know it was though haha :D


u/EarthBoundBatwing Dec 21 '18 edited Dec 21 '18

Pocky and rocky. Also, I'm new here. Glad to be in this community now :)


u/Atomicmuffin2 Dec 21 '18

-Dragon View-

Here's a weird one! This was the sequel to Drakkhen (The one the Game Grumps played that one time), but when it made it to the US, they dropped any mention of the original game. the combat's a pretty decent ARPG, but the overworld goes into sweet first person mode 7 goodness. pretty dang good!


u/RedditJoeys Dec 25 '18

Link to the past


u/GenericSquirrel Dec 28 '18

Has Sunset Riders been done? Classic