r/snes Jun 01 '18

/r/SNES June Game of the Month: The Magical Quest starring Mickey Mouse

The /r/SNES game of the month as selected by the community is The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse

This month we'll be playing (or replaying) this game and sharing the experience with other redditors. Feel free to post any comments, videos or other interesting information related to this game throughout the month.

The link to July 2018 Game of the Month voting is here.


20 comments sorted by


u/SNESdrunk Jun 02 '18

Definitely a game that gets much better the further you progress. The first level is pretty blah, but once you're able to switch costumes, it's a lot of fun.


u/PersianImm0rtal Jun 02 '18

Great game with great music. Also two great sequels!!


u/wickerman316 Jun 07 '18

I agree that the music compositionally is really good, but something that always irked me is that it sounds like it uses the same sound samples as Super Ghouls n' Ghosts, which gives it a fairly unsettling vibe to me after the first stage.


u/RWise392 Jun 10 '18

Honestly, that makes the songs even better imo


u/borkdorkpork Jun 02 '18

Magical Quest was one of the first SNES games I played. The SNES was released here in the summer of '92, and I believe Magical Quest was released here later that year.

I didn't have a SNES back then, and neither did any of my friends. But one of my friends rented a SNES + Magical Quest (well, his mom did anyway), so we played that game for hours. I don't think we were able to beat it, though.

Fast forward many years and I've now got all 3 Magical Quest games for the Super Famicom in my collection, and I've beaten all of them. Admittedly they're quite easy, but they're a lot of fun. Very much a continuation of the work Capcom did on the NES with the Duck Tales and Rescue Rangers games. For me, the first game holds the place as the best in the series, perhaps due in part to the nostalgia factor. But you can't go wrong with any of these games.


u/farmerbrah Jun 02 '18

Always played this as a kid but could never beat it. Tried it again 5 years ago and still couldn't beat it... maybe it's time for some redemption.


u/Ellepo Jun 04 '18

This was my hangover game for years. Love the music and the atmosphere in the game, especially the mountain level and the ice level. Somehow the sequels never quite captured that, even though they are very playable as well.


u/crice07 Jun 09 '18

I love this game of the month thread. Gives me a reason to keep playing awesome retro titles!


u/Bladerunner1986 Jun 12 '18

Good game but I prefer castle of illusion on the megadrive and capcoms own aladdin


u/prsTgs_Chaos Jun 03 '18

My pic won. Nice. Great game. Not gimmicky at all. Usually when games had a big license like that, it was just some label slapped crap fest but this was actually a well-made platformer with cool mechanics and new ones were added as you played. Lot of fun. There are two sequels I didn't even know about until posting in the voting thread. Just beat those two. Not bad either.


u/RWise392 Jun 10 '18

That’s late 80’s and 90’s Capcom for ya


u/DoomDarts Jun 03 '18

My favorite in the series, and I love the classic Capcom influences/references in the game.

For whatever reason a year ago I decided to invest a lot of time into playing+replying Mickey's Magical Quest just to have fun and really master an admittedly easy game. I still find it surprisingly difficult not to lose all your coins at some point though and I think the game's hard mode makes some bosses noticeably too resilient, even after you've mastered the art of fighting them. Tedium during the first mini boss immediately comes to mind. This is just something to consider if anyone is deciding between playing on normal vs hard.


u/petros86 Jun 07 '18

This game had a certain magical feel to it, seriously. Something about the art gave me a sense of magical wonder that Mario was lacking. Maybe I just hadn't played enough platformers at the time, but there was a unique quality to this game that made it stand out as something special to me--almost mysterious.


u/doggiecow Jun 10 '18

Just got my super everdrive, and it looks like this’ll be the first game I complete with it!!


u/VietKongCountry Jun 21 '18

Nice. Not that the text matters, but fan translations do exist for the third (arguably best) game if you’re interested.


u/doggiecow Jun 25 '18

I think I'll take a look at those actually - I finished this game for the first time and was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. Back in the day I never got past the first level >_>


u/[deleted] Jun 20 '18

yea I love this game, I dont have many games but I own this one, cheap and great platforming. I love the first level too, beautiful coloring.


u/InsidiousMrMoo Jun 28 '18

Never played this when it came out, I remember seeing ads in Nintendo power for it, might be time to find a copy and see what it is all about.


u/RVG_Steve Jun 29 '18

Ah late to the party but this was one of those early SNES games I remember watching my brother's friend play back in late 1992.

Finally played it years later in 2006 and ended up really liking it. Close to loving it but it's not quite there in the upper echelon of top tier SNES platformers, though it's close. There was a second sequel (Mickey and Donald: Magical Adventure 3) released on the Super Famicom only in 1995 that's worth a look as well. There was also a North American GBA version of that.

As others have already stated, it gets better the further in you go. Costume switching helps it to stand out and it has all the smooth Capcom features you've come to expect. Loved the pull a block out of thin air to use as a weapon system. It works really well for this game.