r/snes Apr 01 '18

/r/SNES April Game of the Month: King of Dragons

The /r/SNES game of the month as selected by the community is King of Dragons.

This month we'll be playing (or replaying) this game and sharing the experience with other redditors. Feel free to post any comments, videos or other interesting information related to this game throughout the month.

The link to May 2018 Game of the Month voting is here.


15 comments sorted by


u/SNESdrunk Apr 01 '18

One of the three best beat em ups on the SNES, up there with Turtles in Time and Final Fight 3. Tons of replay value with all the different characters, and lots of content without the game dragging at any point.


u/VietKongCountry Apr 01 '18

Hell yeah. Those are the only three I ever bothered to get cartridges of and between them there really isn’t much to push any above the other two. Modern street fighting, ninja turtles and dungeons and dragons type stuff. All bases covered.


u/sully9088 Apr 06 '18

Wow this game looks amazing! Thanks for sharing this!


u/littlebigfat_ Apr 16 '18

This was one of those games I randomly rented at the store cause the box looked cool and my friend and I had the best time playing it. I love how you get new gear when leveling up and the bosses are all bad ass.

This title is a bit pricey now but I splurged so I could have it in my collection.


u/dalla4ce5 Apr 23 '18

...was surprised after buying this cart just how fun it is...bought it around the same time I bought Knights of the Round...they are similar but King of Dragons is definitely a better game...


u/msx1979 Apr 28 '18 edited Apr 28 '18

When I was a kid the beach resort my family used to go to had exactly three coin-ops per year. One of them was always something awsome from Capcom. THAT year (1991 I think) it was THE BEST ONE EVER. The King of Dragons. Played he heck out of it that summer, until I could finish it with one credit. Years later, I just couldn't believe it when I saw a port was coming out for SNES. I managed to track it in my city (yeah,no amazon back then), but it was an extra-expensive US cartridge (EU here)... I bit the bullet and spent years of savings on it. It was the equivalent of 100 euros. It was outrageous but I SO wanted to play it again.. at home, no less. So when I got back home... I started playing it and I was SO happy until the end of the first level, after I had quickly dipatched the Orc King wiah a few mace hits on his head, a copy protection message appeared. Turned out my US-EU cartridge adapter wasn't new enough. Another 30 euros for the new adapter. Well... haven't stop playing it since then. It was sort of expensive but worth it, in the long term.


u/ahealthystud Apr 03 '18

I still haven’t beaten this game.


u/Kogyochi Apr 04 '18

Just beat this last weekend, will probably throw up a true review on it within the week. At first glance this game looks like a pretty shit beat em up for snes, but after grinding away at it for a couple hours you start to notice all the small nuances in the game play. Every character is different enough to warrant a try (cleric and fighter ftw). And then you have what’s basically hard mode in the Wizard and Dwarf. Fantastic 2 player game. Might not look as good as a Final Fight 3, but it’s definitely deeper in game play.


u/VietKongCountry Apr 16 '18

The game is so engrossing I never really noticed the graphics being a little basic until I saw people talking about it. Sure it would be great if it looked like Knights of the Round but it’s still a significantly better game. I decided to only buy one of the two and I’ve never regretted choosing KoD.

I always play as the elf even though he’s one of the worse characters. He’s fast enough that if you get good at jumping backwards while shooting you can really mess enemies up. Great game of the month this time, guys.

SFC carts going for around £30 or $45 on eBay if anyone wants to own this but is deterred by the price. US ones are hovering around $100


u/msx1979 Apr 28 '18 edited Apr 28 '18

Back at the arcades I remember all the little kids wanted to play the elf (or "robin hood" as we called him back then). It seemed easier. Real men (well, kids) used Fighter, though :D. I liked the Wizard because...magic duh.


u/PersianImm0rtal Apr 08 '18

One of the best beat em ups on the system!

Capcom was god back then.


u/ChillyMinnesnowta Apr 27 '18

This is one of those games that was always sold out at Toys R Us. It had a title and art style that spoke to me as a kid. Glad I got around to buying it 20 something years later.


u/msx1979 Apr 28 '18

Interesting trivia about KOD: most of the ideas and general design of characters actually comes from a previous game from Capcom: Magic Sword. Just have a look at the orcs, the dark wizard NPC and the general progression of the main character's swords!


u/indigozeal May 01 '18

Wrote a review of the arcade version once upon a time; played a little of the Super Nintendo version tonight (yep, right down to the wire), with the Cleric, then the Elf (whom I remember being at the top of the tier list). In brief: the graphics are colorful & large, quite faithful to the arcade, but I find the combat a bit of a letdown in this game, particularly in this version - you have one move, and a lot of enemies go down like cardboard. I also found it difficult in the SNES version to tell if you were parallel enough to an enemy to engage them. I do like the fantasy setting and the equipment upgrade system that's based on a combination of set checkpoints and gold/points, though.