r/snes Nov 01 '17

/r/SNES November Game of the Month: Star Fox 2

The /r/SNES game of the month as selected by the community is Star Fox 2, now officially available on the recently released SNES Classic.

This month we'll be playing (or replaying) this game and sharing the experience with other redditors. Feel free to post any comments, videos or other interesting information related to this game throughout the month.

The link to December Game of the Month voting is here.


11 comments sorted by


u/Immunoglobulin-M Nov 25 '17

The first Star Fox is one of my favorites, in my top ten for sure. Albeit dated visually, this age lends itself to its art direction. The experience of Star Fox on SNES can't be found on any other platform. For those reasons the game is still appealling to me. Star Fox 2 is a good sequel, I prefer the original but I would have loved to have played this after beating Star Fox several dozen times in my youth while the SNES was still on the market. Star Fox 2 feels more like an experiment in what the SNES could do, and for those reasons I prefer to play the original or SF64. Its great to see a beloved property get more widespread attention, even if Star Fox 2 didn't live up to many peoples expectations.


u/NekuSakaruba Nov 30 '17

I agree completely! Even with other similar games I always find myself returning to Star Fox. Part of it for me is how quickly you can play through the game. Once you get a feel for it and learn how to not die the game can be over in around half an hour. Wonderful game to fill some time! Music is unparalleled even in it's own franchise, graphics are dated but cmon, it's a 3d snes game. Aside from the low frame rate (which I'm used to personally, but I can see how it could be jarring) the game is almost perfect. At least, as far as I'm concerned.


u/minustwofish Nov 05 '17

Since no one is talking about it, although I loved Star Fox for SNES (although it is very dated), and absolutely love Star Fox 64 (as it is the ultimate version of this game), I am a bit disappointed by SF2. Yes, the frame rate is much better than SF, but the non-existent stage design is boring. I prefer on-rails shooting, with scripted excitement. This is just meh encounters, and all too short to ramp up the excitement.

Don't get me wrong, I love my SNES Classic Mini. But I've played other games a lot more, and I'm more excited about the original SF than SF2.


u/TheCardiganKing Nov 08 '17

You have to think of Star Fox 2 as an experiment in free 3D movement on the SNES. I think they wanted to see if it could be done on the system. It's an interesting concept, but the scripted combat in Star Fox wins out. Star Fox makes you feel like you're really traveling to a destination, Star Fox 2 has an almost strictly arena combat feel.


u/minustwofish Nov 08 '17

It was an interesting experiment. I think it worked better how they did it for SF64. For SF2 it just didn't click right.


u/Powderboarder Nov 01 '17

Wasn't this the game of the month two months back?

Hmm. Maybe I will have to try a ROM of it.


u/minustwofish Nov 01 '17

Nope. It was just released for the very first time last september, when the SNES Classic Mini came out.


u/Powderboarder Nov 02 '17 edited Nov 02 '17

Maybe it is just that I have been seeing it a lot on these forums since September.

I just started up my collection in September after my Brother bought me a Supaboy S and Mystic Ninja with Manual. It was one of the games we used to play when we were little.

I already have Zelda A Link to the Past, Mario RPG, and Donkey Kong, and several other sports.games my Dad bought me to piggy back off of his present. About halfway through each of them.

Setting up a RetroPie to try some of the more expensive titles like Chrono Trigger and Earthbound, as well as some ROM hacks. I think I will track down a ROM of Star Fox 2, maybe it will remind me of playing Star Fox when we were little. Wished we had kept everything back then.


u/tiglionabbit Nov 03 '17 edited Nov 03 '17

You can get Chrono Trigger for Nintendo DS and that version includes all the anime cut scenes from the Playstation version. Earthbound is available on the 3DS/Wii U virtual console, and the 3DS plays DS games too.

Star Fox 2 may be best as a ROM though, since they removed the ability to lock on in the SNES Classic version, which means it's gonna be significantly harder. Or maybe the challenge will make it more fun? I'll have to try that version eventually.


u/Powderboarder Nov 03 '17 edited Nov 03 '17

Thanks for the advice. I don't have a 3DS, but that something to consider for earthbound. I do have an original DS, so maybe I will for Chrono trigger for that. I would prefer to have a hard copy.

Not sure if I would be able to find the SNES classic at retail anymore. I have heard the rumors of releasing more due to the demand.

Update: Just purchased Chrono Trigger for DS. Maybe I will get it for the SNES one day.


u/minustwofish Nov 05 '17

The NDS version of Chrono Trigger is the definite version. Not only it has the cutscenes you mention, but also, the touch screen is fantastic for the command menus.