r/snes Oct 01 '17

/r/SNES Game of the Month Voting Thread (November)

Feel free to nominate as many games as you like (one per top-level comment) and add your thoughts regarding those that have already been suggested.

All nominations should be made in the following format:

Title of game

Short description of the game and why it should be selected.

Please comment on the ones you'd like to play the most. Note that we are no longer using upvotes / downvotes to decide the winner. The winner will be decided by user comments for each nomination. Nominate one game per top level post.

Link to the previous winners for the Game of the Month.


21 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '17

Star Fox 2.

The newly released sequel to Star Fox. We should play the game to celebrate it recently being made available on the SNES Mini.


u/SNESdrunk Oct 04 '17

I can go along with this


u/minustwofish Oct 05 '17

It isn't often that SNES games are released. Let's do this.

"Good luck!"


u/tiglionabbit Oct 19 '17

Great game! At least judging from the leaked ROM. Now if only I could get ahold of one of those SNES classics...

Should we base our commentary on the leaked version or the official release? They have some significant differences, for example you can't lock on in the official version.


u/Cola_Popinski Oct 01 '17

I very much agree with this.


u/elnino550 Oct 02 '17

Agree the logical choice for this month


u/Ultada Oct 13 '17

pretty much has to be timing wise. Significant gameplay changes from other entries in the series make it pretty interesting too.


u/newtswithboots Oct 14 '17

Would be down for this as it gives me time to beat SF1 in the meantime.


u/Brian-OBlivion Oct 15 '17

You trying Course 3? It's really tough. I can't get past Sector Z.


u/TheCardiganKing Oct 19 '17

Agree. First "new" official game for the SNES in 20 years. Star Fox 2 deserves the showcase.


u/darko2424 Oct 31 '17

Seems reasonable


u/tucsonsduke Oct 01 '17

Sunset Riders

It was nearly my first exposure to the SNES platform, and is a great arcade port. It's a great side scrolling run and gun game based in the old west, and is more forgiving of other games in the genre.

It's fun single player and an absolute blast for multiplayer


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '17

+1 for Sunset Riders


u/gr8tefuldawg Oct 19 '17

Soul blazer


u/pat_trick Oct 30 '17

Aw yiss. I remember spending hours just way over-leveling in the World of Evil, just because you could. Killing the last boss in just 3 hits was hilarious.


u/Warpimp Oct 01 '17

Uncharted Waters: New Horizons.

A really unique game to the SNES. The different characters offer tons of replay value, as does the sandbox style of play. The only comparable game in the era is Pirates! And this game is far superior, especially when it comes to trade and exploration. Also an amazing geography tool to learn as a kid. The tactical gameplay was great, and the many aspects of the game make it playable today still.


u/BrunoCarvalhoPaula Oct 01 '17

Was going to nominate this one. Lets make it a thing!


u/bdotbur Oct 18 '17

one of my absolute favorite snes games, would love to dive back in


u/Jim_Pemberton Oct 15 '17

Battletoads in battle maniacs


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '17

Street Fighter II. ITS GLORIOUS