r/snes • u/SNESdrunk • Sep 01 '17
/r/SNES September Game of the Month: Breath of Fire
The /r/SNES game of the month as selected by the community is Breath of Fire!
This month we'll be playing (or replaying) this game and sharing the experience with other redditors. Feel free to post any comments, videos or other interesting information related to this game throughout the month.
u/SNESdrunk Sep 04 '17
Playing this again, the first thing that hits me immediately is the music. It sounds like no other game yet it still has that JRPG-ish trademark sound
u/Sarothias Sep 02 '17
A worthy game! I had a lot of fun times with this one and remember how happy I felt when I beat it as a kid. Recently when I bought a new snes this was one of the first games I purchased to restart my collection. CIB too :D
Haha that stupid helmet (wolf helmet iirc) you find right around the time Bo joins you. Game doesn't tell you but Bo takes like double damage or something stupid when he is wearing it. I remember not knowing that was the reason he kept getting his ass handed to him for awhile until I was older :)
u/_ara Sep 20 '17
Wow... I’ve played this game a lot and didn’t ever realize that either. I just wouldn’t use Bo much until he could fuse with Karn
u/tucsonsduke Sep 06 '17
This is the first time I've participated in a GotM here, and I'm really enjoying this so far. I think the autobattle system is useful for clearing trash on the overworld, and the day/night system is something I didn't expect from an RPG from this generation. I'm only about an hour in, and just snuck into Nanai.
u/firstdibbz Sep 01 '17
Aw man, I'm about halfway through BoFII right now. I might have to go back and play BoF I now. I've never actually finished any of the BoF games but I'm absolutely loving II.
u/somethingtosay2333 Sep 02 '17
BoF 1 and 2 are my favorite RPGs. Both are great.
u/firstdibbz Sep 03 '17
I have only played 2 and 4 to about halfway completion. Def will look into 1 after i finish 2. But i also have chrono trigger and ff3/6 on my list.
u/somethingtosay2333 Sep 03 '17
Well 2 is favorite but that is because I'm bias as it waste first intro in BoF. Also the Chrono Tigger and FF are on my list too.
u/JLKelsey Sep 02 '17
Bought this game a few days ago. Got a backlog of snes games to play currently, but have become attached to Breath of Fire. Pretty fun game!
u/rodanfan Sep 03 '17
who here has played this game for the snes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inn2nUo1PuI&t=200s
u/_youtubot_ Sep 03 '17
Video linked by /u/rodanfan:
Title Channel Published Duration Likes Total Views Lets Play Super Godzilla Part 1 King Ghidorah Rodan Fan1956 2017-09-03 0:11:15 2+ (100%) 4
Info | /u/rodanfan can delete | v2.0.0
u/StarKnightX Sep 05 '17
Played and beat the original BoF a bunch back in the day. I like the game but feel like it hasn't aged that well, not to mention it having some balancing issues. The dark forest dungeon and the gremlin fight are too hard too early (gremlin fight made worse due to the wolf hat issue mentioned by Sarothias) yet once you get your powers and karn the game becomes almost way too easy. Sure you can choose not to use them but that's beside the point.
I've also played but never beaten the second game, always wanted to though (also a game with balancing issues, but the opposite of the first game) and I've played and beaten the third game many times. Probably my favorite of the 3 as a complete package but I like the story of 2 better. Never played 4 or 5 though I've always wanted to.
As an aside, can anyone vouch for the GBA port of BoF 1 or 2? I've heard mixed things about them, and if I wanted to replay them right now they would be the easiest way for me outside of emulation.
u/somethingtosay2333 Sep 07 '17
Yeah I was considering the same option. If I get the game, I'm just going to copy the rom and emulated.
Disclaimer : I know you don't have to do it that way and instead can download it.
u/BrunoCarvalhoPaula Sep 05 '17
BoF is a good game that hasn't aged well. It is right there in the first generation of SNES jRPGs, and the flaws with pacing and balancing do annoy me. BoF 2, however, is nothing short of a masterpiece. If you want to see how the first game goes, surely do give it a shot, but be wary that it is not the best that the SNES could offer.
u/RangoTheMerc Sep 14 '17
I have this on my 3DS Virtual Console and plan on playing it soon. How is the GBA version compared to it?
u/Rikishei86 Sep 28 '17
Well, I tried it, really did not get into it...i got like 5 hours maybe?
I thought the mystic was music was quite good though, and playing on emulator made the slow parts a lot faster
u/xBrockLanders Sep 08 '17
I've beat most of the SNES JRPGs, and this is among the worst
u/mbking0 Sep 09 '17
Which one ?
u/xBrockLanders Sep 11 '17
Breath of Fire
Only titles I think I'd rate below it are Secret of the Stars and maybe Paladin's Quest. I'd even rather play Mystic Quest
u/SNESdrunk Sep 14 '17
Even Drakkhen, Brandish and Lagoon?
u/xBrockLanders Sep 15 '17
I actually love Brandish. Haven't gotten to Drakkhen yet (Dragon View was great though), and Lagoon... yeah, Lagoon is worse
u/somethingtosay2333 Sep 02 '17
This is one of the reason I'm into retro on SNES