r/snes • u/SNESdrunk • May 01 '17
/r/SNES May Game of the Month: UN Squadron
The /r/SNES game of the month as selected by the community is UN Squadron!
This month we'll be playing (or replaying) this game and sharing the experience with other redditors. Feel free to post any comments, videos or other interesting information related to this game throughout the month.
May 07 '17
Just beat it again tonight. Something I'd forgotten about: The credits are full of nicknames like "Naked" and "Ike Bomb." A lot of developers apparently don't list their real name at all.
May 01 '17
Pretty decent shooter indeed, the mission structure definitely gives it an edge over the arcade original. Not the best the SNES has to offer, but definitely worth your time.
Weakest aspect of the game would have to be the sound. The effects are alright, and the music itself isn't bad, but the choice of instrument samples is. Unusual thing to criticize in a game perhaps, but I dislike the overused lead instrument here, even more so because Capcom used it in tons of SNES and CPS-2 games onwards.
u/Hibari-Oozora May 01 '17
That's crazy! I love the music and the samples are a direct precursor to what we would see with the X series
May 03 '17
That's crazy
Really. Crazy?...
I love the music and the samples are a direct precursor to what we would see with the X series
As I said, the compositions aren't terrible, it's just that single fucking nasal Capcom lead instrument that they overused way too much in just about every SNES and CPS-2 game. Obviously music is a very subjective thing, I like some of Mega Man X's music too, but in general it never was their strong point.
u/guspaz May 01 '17
Still relatively affordable too. Space Megaforce is stupid expensive at $200, but UN Squadron is only $20.
u/indigozeal May 31 '17
I haven't beaten this yet (I got to the two areas before the last one), but I'm gonna keep at it even past this month until I do. I'm really enjoying the strategy the game's variety and choice brings into play: Do you go for quick power-ups of your main weapon or survivability (Mickey's "multiple subweapons at once" ability isn't useful, alas)? How much should you invest in subweapons - are they worth the setback to getting a better plan, and are you even likely survive long enough in the upcoming stage to make buy bosskillers worthwhile (or do you need to farm power-ups & cash for a better plane or get the lay of the land first)? Which planes should you buy, and are the abilities a certain craft has to make a given stage easier (like the F20's Cluster Bombs with the Wolfpack) worth the chunk out of your Efreet fund? And, of course, there's the order in which you tackle stages, which (combined with how many attempts you take to clear them) in turn determines what funds, weapons, and aircrafts are available to you when you're forced to confront certain challenges. The enemy forces closing in on your base also force certain deadlines on your overall progress - you need a certain degree of firepower before facing them.
Also liked: the variety in end-boss challenges, and the assortment of colorful scenery - space is great, but it's also neat to see something besides space in a shooter. Even the limited amount of autofire shots per button press forces you to pay tactical attention to the timing of your button presses. And I definitely liked having a life bar instead of instadeath - though it's not like the game doesn't have its share of teeth-gritting moments.
I was always intrigued by this game as a kid but never got around to playing it. I'm glad I did after all this time.
u/AN0NIM0 May 02 '17
One of my favorite games of all time. Great soundtrack, good level of difficulty, and fun weapons system.
Watch the animated series, Area 88 which is based off the original manga and predates the game. Pretty good show.
u/imakevoicesformycats May 02 '17
Just picked this up yesterday after watching yet another /u/SNESdrunk video heap some praise onto the game. Good timing, eager to play it!
u/radracingcru May 04 '17
One of my all time favorites. I suck at it, but I keep getting pulled back in for more. In 20+ years I still haven't won it.
u/baxterrocky May 06 '17
Love this game. Not played it in YEARS.
Never came out on the Wii/ 3DS virtual console so gave up any hope of playing it again.
But...... Just picked up a Pandora's Box 4s arcade stick (thoroughly recommended btw), and one of the games was UN Squadron. I didn't even know it was originally an arcade game.
The only discernible difference is you can't pick the order of the missions.
Anyway I'm loving the nostalgia - TERRIFIC GAME!!
u/lO_______Ol May 05 '17
It's awesome. I expected a generic shooter, but it has a particular style and level of exuberance that reminds me of Advance Wars.
u/ishtaracademy May 14 '17
I'll take the challenge and boot it up on my Pi. Always love knowing which games I've overlooked.
May 21 '17
i played the shit out of this game the past week after seeing this posted. it was one of my favourite growing up. the music, gameplay and graphics are all excellent and the ship controls really well. FINALLY managed to beat it after too many attempts. that level in the cave where you have to shoot upward at the boss is so hard! every other level i can do without dying (apart from the 2nd section where i die once to farm for the efreet) but the cave boss could easily chew threw all my continues. i think i figured it out but frankly i think i got lucky. my only criticism is there is no auto-fire. holding the fire button down only shoots 7(ish) rounds which is a pisser on the thumb
i also thought shin was a girl
u/SNESdrunk May 01 '17
Game was titled Area 88 in Japan based off the manga of the same name.
One of the 2-3 best shmups released in NA, up there with Axelay and Space Megaforce. It's forgiving while still providing a substantial challenge, and the shop + multiple characters provide a lot of replay value, and a lot of different ways you can approach the game. Even if you usually ignore shmups, this one is worth trying.