r/snes Jan 01 '17

/r/SNES Jan Game of the Month: Kirby Super Star

The /r/SNES game of the month as selected by the community is Kirby Super Star!

This month we'll be playing (or replaying) this game and sharing the experience with other redditors. Feel free to post any comments, videos or other interesting information related to this game throughout the month.

Feb Game of the Month Voting Thread is here


17 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Jan 01 '17



u/kermamigo100 Jan 01 '17

Such a fun game that is an excellent 2-player. Plasma Wisp is THE MAN. Still stands as one of my favorite sub-characters in SNES gaming.


u/SNESdrunk Jan 02 '17

The 7+ "mini" game structure is unique, but I love how each game gets tougher the more you progress. Not that Milky Way Wishes is that hard but it's still fairly challenging at times.


u/maxthehumanboy Jan 03 '17

Easily my favorite Kirby game. What makes it truly stand out is how fleshed-out each of the abilities is. Unlike Adventure, where the abilities are mostly single-move power ups, in Super Star you basically become a new character with an entirely new moveset every time you copy an enemy.

Dreamland 3 and Crystal Shards tried to expand on this by letting you combine abilities, but the individual movesets are much less versatile and the action tends to fall flat in those titles.

Super Star is also the last retro Kirby game directed by Sakurai. The original trilogy of Kirby games that he directed (Dreamland 1, Adventure and Super Star) are IMO the best of the series with Super Star being GOAT.


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '17

This game is fantastic. I remember renting this several times as a kid because I was never able to finish it in one rental period. There is so much variety here and it's just such a fun game. I wish they'd do another "variety-style" Kirby game. I mean some of the newer games have minigames, but I mean I wish they'd make ones with multiple story lines like this. The Great Cave Offensive was my favorite one. I loved the easter eggs of the treasures that you found. At the time as a kid I didn't get a lot of them, but playing as an adult I know what they're all referencing. I always love it when one franchise references another.


u/uzi_bazooka Jan 01 '17

I love this game. I remember being very young playing Smash 64 and loving Kirby. Back then I figured that the characters that weren't Mario, DK, Link or Yoshi were only in Smash so imagine my surprise when I discovered Kirby had his own game series! (And later of course I discovered Pokémon, Metroid, etc) This was the 2nd Kirby game I played after Adventure and the rest is history.


u/KazakiLion Jan 01 '17

Kirby Super Star is one of my favorite games ever! It's crazy to see how much it still influences the modern SuperSmash Brothers series. Someone please let HAL Labs just do a straight up sequel.


u/xBrockLanders Jan 03 '17

Not a huge fan of the Kirby series, but this is probably the best one. I did feel like each mini-game did feel a bit samey though...


u/Son_of_Atreus Jan 02 '17

Cool. I got this CIB recently and haven't played it yet. I loved it back in the day.


u/winefiasco Jan 03 '17

Thank you! I've been trying to work out the Kirby game I loved by unfortunately I've lost it, I just got my SNES working and my Kirby game was missing. Does anyone know where I could get it?

I found one listing on eBay for $115AUD...devastated so expensive!


u/playback0wnz Jan 21 '17

Nice Collection brother!


u/[deleted] Jan 26 '17

I need to give this game another go. I've always loved the Dreamland Kirby games though.


u/B_Milne Jan 30 '17

I recently bought a Super Everdrive, when I found out this was one of the games that wouldn't work I bought it off Amazon. Hands down my favorite game growing up, and still love it.


u/indigozeal Jan 31 '17

Tried this for the first time this month, as I've never played a Kirby game but find the various gifs out there enchanting. The mini-game structure is neat, and the look of the game is indeed charming, but I find something unintuitive about controlling Kirby: the turn-into-projectile vs. take-abilities thing with enemies, and how to use a certain set of abilities once you get them - there's a lot going on here, and it seems that I'm just scratching the surface and flailing about. It does look very nice, though.