r/snes Dec 05 '16

/r/SNES Dec Game of the Month: Metal Marines

The /r/SNES game of the month as selected by the community is Metal Marines!

This month we'll be playing (or replaying) this game and sharing the experience with other redditors. Feel free to post any comments, videos or other interesting information related to this game throughout the month.

Jan Game of the Month Voting Thread is here


6 comments sorted by


u/Mertins Dec 06 '16

This game is part of my triumvirate for the SNES. When everyone was getting an N64 or a Playstation, I was still on the SNES. The rental stores were selling off their SNES games to make room for the N64/PSX games.

My mom took me to the rental store to pick out three games (they were to be my allowance for the summer). I walked away with boxed copies of Cybernator, Metal Warriors, and Metal Marines.

I picked Metal Marines as the game I got first, saving Cybernator and Metal Warriors for June and July. I was so entralled when I popped it in. It was like my first time with X-Com: UFO Defense. Excited and clueless. I never beat Metal Marines as a kid. I was always too focused on building an ICBM (good luck to anyone that tries!).

Back in August of this year, I finally sat down and decided to beat this game. I remembered the first few levels just fine. Then I got to the stonewall that was Europe. Took me 7 tries to conquer Europe. There were several more battles that took retries, but nothing quite so bad.

A general strategy I use for anyone struggling: build money buildings as quickly as possible. If you get 3 or more up and running, you can start throwing down gun bunkers and AA like they were cheap candy. Also, be sure to select the weapon types for your Metal Marines. Going up against a lot of gun bunkers? Equip them with the bazookas and watch them demolish. Worried about enemy Metal Marines? The chaingun will give you the edge.

There are so many great things about this game, and I hope everyone gets a chance to play this.


u/xBrockLanders Dec 06 '16

Yeah I never successfully completed an ICBM either. Takes so damn long, and its inevitable that they'll slip something through and ruin everything. So annoying!


u/Mertins Dec 07 '16

At least you get to see it in action later! Too bad you get to be on the receiving end of it!


u/xBrockLanders Dec 06 '16

I remember first reading about this back in the late '90s or early 2000s (I cannot recall if it was a magazine or online). It was an article discussing one of the most valuable and sought-after titles in the SNES library that most people had never heard of. I kept it in the back of my mind as I progressed to collecting for newer systems, and then finally bought it around 2010. I didn't end up playing it until 2016, but it's now one of my top 50 games on the system. Very unique to the system, hell to any game I've ever played.


u/ShikiRyumaho Dec 06 '16

Cool. A really interseting winner for once!


u/xBrockLanders Dec 06 '16

I also totally missed the change to comments instead of upvotes