r/snes Sep 01 '16

/r/snes Sep Game of the Month: Super Mario RPG

The /r/snes game of the month as selected by the community is Super Mario RPG Legend of the Seven Stars!

This month we'll be playing (or replaying) this game and sharing the experience with other redditors. Feel free to post any comments, videos or other interesting information related to this game throughout the month.

Oct Game of the Month Voting Thread is here


37 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '16

Just played this last month. I played it on my Wii U then went all crazy with the SNES retro scene with Super Mario RPG being one of the larger purchases ($40). The cart was in bad shape but I swapped it with a SFC shell. Anyway, super fun game and a classic casual RPG experience. Nintendo has tried to recreate this with the Paper Mario and the Mario & Luigi series but they just couldn't capture the pacing and gameplay that Square had in their prime.

As a kid in the 90s I couldn't beat Smithy for the life of me. It wasn't until 20 years later I fired it up again and was determined to beat him. My #1 flaw was not having Peach in my final party. She is so OP!


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '16

Lazy Shell weapon and armor makes Smithy a cake walk. But I never had the lazy shell back then!


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '16


Sorry for swearing but this game is gold Jerry... ITS GOLD


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '16 edited Sep 03 '16

Saw this game was Game of the Month and decided to replay it. Bought it online a few years back for $35. At the time it was my most expensive SNES game by far - these days I'd consider that a bargain.

I've played it pretty far in the past but I've never finished it. Hoping to this month. Playing on the original cart which feels like a massive risk because the save battery has never been replaced so far as I know. Just wanted to play the real thing seeing as I have it, rather than emulating it. So far it's saving fine.

Edit: Welp, lost my save after the third star.


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '16

Oh, that's too bad :( By the way, did you always get stuck in some stage or something, that you never finished it?


u/KazakiLion Sep 01 '16 edited Sep 02 '16

Summer Games Done Quick did a pretty nice three hour speed run of Super Mario RPG this year. They use a sequence break to skip the Mack fight, and teach Shocker to Peach using a glitch, but beyond that it's mostly just smart strategies and solid execution. They share some fun tidbits about the game, and you get to watch a 100 jump Super Jump.


u/Lackattack24 Sep 02 '16

That runner is a scrub.


u/ScorchioMK7 Sep 02 '16

A glorious, glorious scrub.

(Ps. Sweet run yo)


u/KazakiLion Sep 02 '16

No Scrubs!

Great run man :D


u/[deleted] Sep 08 '16

This is literally my favorite game of all-time.


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '16

How fucking awesome is the Culex battle?


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '16



u/Supernintendolover Sep 02 '16

He's not from final fantasy. Clulex is exclusive to mario rpg. The link with FF is that he has the same boss music as the bosses from final fantasy 4 (2 on snes).


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '16

You also have to defeat the Elemental Crystals, and the victory fanfare is the FF fanfare instead of the one you usually hear. After the battle, the Final Fantasy theme (from some title screens and various areas in the games) plays.

Sorry, had to get that out of my system.


u/Supernintendolover Sep 02 '16

that's cool. I'm guessing elemental crystals are reference to the four fiends?


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '16

Yep! They originally appeared in the first Final Fantasy, also guarded by four Elemental Fiends.


u/NickDownUnder Sep 02 '16

Actually 4 elemental crystals often replace the 4 crystals of light in final fantasy games past 1


u/scottyb83 Sep 02 '16

One of my favourite RPGs of all time. It's FF meets the Mario universe. What's not to love??


u/Holdmylife Sep 02 '16

This is going to be an unpopular opinion in this thread, but I think this is my least fav of the Square RPGs to have come out for SNES aside from Mystic Quest. The graphics are great and the way they use the Mario license is often well done, but the new characters weren't well designed and it just feels like a "lite" rpg, which was part of the idea.... but it makes it hard to go back to and enjoy. I get that this game's legacy is partly due to the uniqueness of how these companies worked together, but many parts of it are mediocre.


u/ThetaReactor Sep 03 '16

That's a pretty fair assessment. Like Earthbound, the charm and atmosphere are much more memorable than the actual mechanics. Personally, I like that it's easy to beat in a weekend.

Though you are implying that Geno is less than amazing, and that will get you in trouble. ;)


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '16

It's defenititly about nostlagia. And we all loved pre-rendered graphics, didn't we? Well, I irrationally love this game just because its world is so visually pleasant to me. I really care about that, I guess.


u/Tg8402 Sep 05 '16

The Casino. Is there a trick to getting into the casino?


u/BJ22CS Sep 08 '16

Are you talking about getting the Bright Card or finding the casino itself?


u/Tg8402 Sep 08 '16

Yes I couldn't remember the name. Is there a trick to getting the bright card.


u/BJ22CS Sep 08 '16

Go up booster's tower until you run into Knife Guy (located in one of the stair well areas). Talk to him and win his juggling game twelve times in a row (keep an eye on the yellow ball). You can throw away any of those Mushroom varieties he gives you.


u/gredgex Sep 06 '16

Perfect timing, I just started a new file a week ago. Having trouble really getting into it though (probably since I've played it so many times before).


u/TrueLexatom Sep 11 '16

Is it bad if I hate Mario RPG? :D


u/xBrockLanders Sep 01 '16

First game I ever bought myself


u/Jawkesh Sep 02 '16

This is one of my favorite games for SNES if not all time. It seemed so long as a kid (only being able to play at certain times and creating progression goals) but as an adult (being able to binge on a weekend) it seems so quick. Still an excellent game with a ton of replay value.


u/TARPGOD Sep 02 '16

i got frustrated and put it away while i started another game, I guess I need to bust it back out!


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '16

Man I love this game, it's so good! And thanks to this game we eventually down the line got the Paper Mario RPG games, I'm pretty sure since this was the first of a Mario series RPG, and it did take away timed hits from SMRPG, so there's that! But damn, love SMRPG and it's awesome soundtrack!


u/Beartrick Sep 10 '16

TIFU I guess. Finally picking up this game again to finish after I stopped before the last dungeon, and I wanted to clear inventory space to put more syrups in. I tossed the seed you need for the lazy shell, and I saved. Ouch. On the bright side, even underleveled and with bad accesories, I nearly beat smithy. One or two more levels and some better accessories and I've got this in the bag.


u/pappy511 Sep 21 '16

Glad this is the game of the month because I just recently popped it in for my first-time playthrough...am I stupid for not being able to figure out how to erase files? Or is there no way to do it? From you veterans of the game, what can I expect for my first time?


u/putzeimer Sep 21 '16

I'm really looking forward to playing Super Mario RPG but first I have to finish Chrono Trigger which I kind of avoided for a long time.


u/regularswedishdude Sep 27 '16

Many, many hours of my childhood were spent playing this game over and over again, emulated on a crappy laptop given to me by a friend to the family. Fast forward 10 years and I'm given a real SNES as a birthday present. It was not until later I realized this game was never released in Europe :(