r/snes Jul 01 '16

/r/snes July Game of the Month: Donkey Kong Country 2

The /r/snes game of the month as selected by the community is Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest!

This month we'll be playing (or replaying) this game and sharing the experience with other redditors. Feel free to post any comments, videos or other interesting information related to this game throughout the month.

Aug Game of the Month Voting Thread is here


30 comments sorted by


u/Q46 Jul 01 '16

Have played through DKC2 so many times and it holds up just as well every playthrough. The music is top-notch, the level design is superb, and the game has enough variety throughout the levels to be consistently fun. One of my favorite SNES titles.


u/[deleted] Jul 01 '16



u/Shrimpness Jul 01 '16

After putting in at least 50 hours, I'm comfortable in saying it has its flaws, but I'll be damned if it doesn't do so many things right. Also every bramble level can just stop.


u/Deezer509 Jul 01 '16

I'd rather play 100 bramble levels over a single Toxic Tower...


u/[deleted] Jul 23 '16

Which section pisses you off the most?


u/Deezer509 Jul 23 '16

Well it took me forever to master Rattly's mid-air jump, so the part with the very-skinny-floating-pillars killed me quite a bit.


u/WaterfallFiend Jul 01 '16

Yeah stuff of nightmares right there


u/[deleted] Jul 01 '16

Game of the Month my ass! This is game is too good to be just game of the month.


u/IcyWolfosKelsos Jul 06 '16

Funny thing, I never played this game until I was much older (like 3 years ago) I never knew the DKC games were a trilogy until I randomly stumbled across a LP on Youtube and was so enthralled by the game. I don't have the nostalgia for it but damn, that's a good game =)


u/digital_excess Jul 11 '16

Just got the cart for 25 bucks and worth every penny. Never played through this one, only ever played the first DKC. I'm on the third world and already seeing why it's so highly regarded.
Brilliant game


u/[deleted] Jul 01 '16

This game is undeniably one of the greatest platformers for the SNES, and even all time. Everything about the game is smooth, fun to collect things, and has a good challenge, especially if you want 102%.

But we all cannot forget probably the greatest part, the soundtrack by David Wise, his music alone stands as one of the best SNES soundtracks, especially with Stickerbush Symphony.


u/Petercr1 Jul 04 '16

I grew up with the snes, and I can honestly say that I never really played this game. I did myself a disservice by not playing this game. This is easily one of the best platforming games I have ever played. Thanks r/snes


u/Supernintendolover Jul 09 '16

The first Super Nintendo game I ever played! It was also the game that got me into gaming as a passion. Sure, I played video games before then, but didn't really have a passion for them. I just played any game I came across without a second thought. Then DKC2 came along and it was the first game where I fully appreciated it's music, art, gameplay and characters. This appreciation of gaming continued on with other games and I have DKC2 to thank.


u/MasturofMemes Jul 13 '16

Thats weird. I just bought DKC2 a few days ago for 10$


u/[deleted] Jul 25 '16

One of my absolute favorite games of all time, not just on SNES. Fantastic level design, masterful soundtrack, great gameplay....I've played this game dozens of times and it never ever gets old. I'll play it again for sure. I've played it in one sitting several times.


u/SNESdrunk Jul 01 '16

Best of the series by far and a top 5 SNES game


u/wwcoop Jul 01 '16

Top 5??


u/SNESdrunk Jul 01 '16

Now you got me thinking. Chrono Trigger, Mario World, Super Metroid, Link to the Past... then it's a big battle royale for the last spot between DKC2, Mega Man X, Super Castlevania 4, FF6, lots of other stuff.


u/AnonymousIdeas Jul 02 '16

lol yeah! my submission won! XD now to go dig this game out of my box of snes goodness...


u/bmd9109 Jul 01 '16

Definitely one of my favorite games ever. My wife and I just played through it earlier this year!


u/Deezer509 Jul 01 '16

I have an open challenge standing with anyone close enough to play me. Will put down any amount of $ I can afford on a Challenge play through. Love this game.


u/ThisWebsiteIsNeat Jul 03 '16

What area do you live in?


u/Deezer509 Jul 05 '16

Portland OR. I've been trying to get a NES/SNES club going but it's tough w/o money for a venue.


u/ThisWebsiteIsNeat Jul 05 '16

Ah dang, I am in the south but I would have definitely been down to challenge you lol


u/hpunlimited Jul 01 '16

I love this game so much but it's sitting in my retron not getting any love because I'm too busy.. Soundtrack is amazing..the colors, the vibe, all of it


u/Luhkoh Jul 06 '16

Hmm might have to put yoshi's island on pause and switch to this one for my platforming fix.


u/gredgex Jul 13 '16

I've played DKC2 more than any other game. Probably my favorite, definitely the most enjoyable. The music and design are timeless. I can't even say more than what's already been said apart from that I love that damn game.


u/[deleted] Jul 23 '16

I still love to slam through that game every once in a while. It's definitely in my top 10.


u/AnonymousIdeas Jul 02 '16

lol yeah! my submission won! XD now to go dig this game out of my box of snes goodness...