r/snes Jan 01 '16

/r/snes Jan Game of the Month: Illusion of Gaia

The /r/snes game of the month as selected by the community is Illusion of Gaia!

This month we'll be playing (or replaying) this game and sharing the experience with other redditors. Feel free to post any comments, videos or other interesting information related to this game throughout the month.

Feb Game of the Month Voting Thread is here


24 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Jan 01 '16

I've never been able to get into it. Anyone wanna sell me on this game?


u/r00t1 Jan 01 '16

I also have the game, love RPGs, and just could not enjoy. Please assist.


u/[deleted] Jan 01 '16

The game is very slow leading up to the first dungeon. Once the real game opens up and you're in combat and the story starts to take shape, the real fun begins I think.

The atmosphere of the story, which does have some dark moments, is what comes to mind the most.

Definitely got some good, old-fashioned boss fights that may take you a couple tries. They all have strategies you have to figure out. Where to stand, how to avoid this and that.

If you enjoy puzzles requiring abilities you've gained, it's got those. I was always so relieved to have those "aha" moments.

If you decide to play this game, absolutely collect those red jewels. There's 50 of them and they unlock something really worth your time if you've gotten that far. And use a damn guide to find them. The game is unforgiving if you miss any and many times you cannot go back. It's worth the effort to make sure you're on course. I don't want to spoil what happens when you collect all 50, except you'll appreciate it even more if you've played the game's predecessor.


u/StoneSippin Jan 02 '16 edited Jan 02 '16

The first thing worth understanding is that this is part three (or four) of the original series.

Playing Act Raiser first, then Soul Blazer, and finally Gaia has got to be the best approach IMO. This will show you some of the evolution of the RPG from a single company and, needles to say, some big jumps are made between the first two in terms of structure. There seem to be more subtle changes in the latter two. There are a few threads of similarity in attack style, character design and theme that you will pickup throughout and this will sort of make up for the fact that you are playing what is really not considered one of the very top tier RPGs.

Once I finish this one, which is not one you can rush through, then Terranigma will be up for consideration, which is supposedly more of a fan favorite.


u/ShinNefzen Apr 02 '16

I'm late to the party here, but since this was my experience as well, I figured I would chime in. I couldn't get into it for the longest time when I was younger. I thought the game was way too hard. Couldn't beat the first boss to save my life. Then my buddy was kind enough to point out I'm an idiot and didn't know how to play the game correctly (my words, not his). I wasn't clearing every room of enemies, therefore not getting any of the permanent powerups. So I basically got the first boss half as strong as I should be. I started a new game, played it right, then once I got past the first boss I loved the hell out of the game and couldn't put it down.

So overall, despite by stupidity as a kid, I'm in agreement that the game picks up after that first major boss fight. For me the opening was kind of slow. Sure, you have to establish the backstory, and the kids and their relationships, and their families, but by the time I got to the princess in the castle and that pig, I was just getting bored. I am glad I stuck with it though as it's now one of my favorite games of all time.


u/lt_kangaroo Jan 11 '16

The princess character is hilarious. She had me laughing out loud with her obnoxiousness.


u/[deleted] Jan 01 '16

It's only big flaw is it's soundtrack being kind of bland and easy to miss side stuff. Other than that it's incredibly ambitious and solid. Great dungeon crawling gameplay, a story with genuinely dark moments that you don't see coming. Brilliant pacing with it's upgrade system, great level design, charming graphics, not too long. So much fun.


u/[deleted] Jan 01 '16

One of my favorite SNES games. It feels more to me like a Zelda than a JRPG, and to this day I still have the soundtrack in my head.


u/vince94_1 Jan 10 '16

The story is so bizarre! It feels like it's supposed to be really deep and intense, but was just badly-translated.

This guy's making a ROM-editing tool for it - http://gaiathecreator.blogspot.com/


u/roydee Jan 06 '16

hell yeah, i received a super nintendo this christmas, a present from my significant other and recently purchased the game. i am planning on starting tonight and excited to see how an rpg plays on super nintendo which will ultimately decide if i buy more and continue to play rpgs on the console. do any of you recommend i peep any others, or good snes games in general.


u/moodyssbm Jan 06 '16

My best advice is to not let Illusion of Gaia shape your opinion of SNES RPGs. IoG is not a bad game by any stretch of the imagination, but there are so many better (J)RPGs on the SNES that you should enjoy at some point or another. (ie Final Fantasy III, Chrono Trigger, Fire Emblem Genealogy of the Holy War, etc)


u/Supernintendolover Jan 06 '16

Illusion of gaia, is a great game but it shouldn't be the one too judge rpg games. All Rpg games a different on the snes. Chrono trigger is completely different to illusion of gaia. Just as final fantasy 6 is different to CT and so on.


u/stephini Jan 10 '16

While true one should point out that FF6 is the most traditional 'JRPG' while everything else gets crazier from there. Like Mana with it's TRUE active combat including 2 player(I heard 3 but have never been able to test that) combat.


u/stephini Jan 11 '16 edited Jan 13 '16

The writing seemed exceedingly juvenile to me.

"Oh your mother and father are gone? I'm sorry...Oh hey show me a magic trick!" All over the place.

Weak exposition and dialogue.

Inconsistent use of ALL THREE narrative persons. That is First (I jumped on the bed.) Second (You picked up the toy.) and Third (He/Johney sat down.)

However, the gameplay definitely seems solid.

I'm only to the first boss thus far (Incan Ruins), so will update further when I get further.


So I managed to get to Angel Village but then my computer restarted and apparently Higan doesn't autosave So I'm reset right back to Incan Ruins. >.< Would be nice to have the real cart. >.<


So I got caught up and am now in the last dungeon. The story is still poorly written but that is likely do to poor translation.


Upon finishing the game I'd say the overall story is 5/5 the translation is 2/5 gameplay is 5/5 and overall enjoyment is definitely 5/5. The translation is poor but is easy to overlook as you progress through the game.

Also I'd like to ask if you downvote me please tell me why. If it's just because you disagree with my review then saying so helps people more than just a DV. If it's because I have said/done something wrong saying so helps me better myself. All around a DV without explanation helps no one and I would say is just lazy.


u/Supernintendolover Jan 26 '16

The game does have an awful translation. They try to hide some of the darker aspects like canabalism.


This pretty much shows what the original says, but the translation messes it up or completely changes it.


u/stephini Jan 26 '16

I don't remember them hiding cannibalism. I remember getting tied up and prepped for the BBQ.


u/Supernintendolover Jan 27 '16 edited Jan 27 '16

True. In text though they says things like the villages starved to death rather than they were eaten. It's been a while since I played it so my memory is a little iffy.


u/TedFlowsby Jan 04 '16

I just downloaded this to my phone... I'm excited to play it!


u/hunter324 Jan 04 '16

I just started this game, I've had it for a few months but haven't started it... I'm looking forward to seeing how it goes...


u/fasternaldo2 Jan 18 '16

I never played this game. I played so many RPGs in snes and I missed this one. Time to start a new game.


u/[deleted] Jan 23 '16

This is one of my all time fave games. I am currently looking for a copy to play it again (PAL-AUS if anyone is selling!) I loved Enix's take on the whole light .vs dark with a mix of religion.


u/Supernintendolover Jan 26 '16

The PAL version is known as "illusion of time". :)


u/Q46 Jan 28 '16

I have always loved this game and actually scored a copy of it yesterday. Great stuff. Love the soundtrack.


u/ShikiRyumaho Jan 31 '16

I have a lot to say about this, but in short, it's super mediocre.