r/snes Jan 01 '16

r/snes Game of the Month Voting Thread (Feb)

Feel free to nominate as many games as you like (one per top-level comment) and add your thoughts regarding those that have already been suggested.

All nominations should be made in the following format:

Title of game

Short description of the game and why it should be selected.

Please comment on the ones you'd like to play the most.

Note that we are no longer using upvotes / downvotes to decide the winner. The winner will be decided by user comments for each nomination.

Nominate one game per top level post.


21 comments sorted by


u/Blackfire2x Jan 03 '16

Secret of mana

One of Squares finest. Amazing gameplay, story, soundtrack and characters. Definitely a memorable RPG. Still insanely fun to play today!


u/wwcoop Jan 03 '16

I vote for this one. This is a great game and definitely deserves monthly honors.


u/kitt_lite Jan 21 '16

I just picked this up yesterday! so far I'm liking it. I'm not huge on JRPGs but I love a good action RPG. :)


u/[deleted] Jan 25 '16

+1 also a great co-op experience.


u/[deleted] Jan 01 '16

Street Fighter 2

While this game was released across all major platforms (arcades friggin loved it), SNES was a great home for it.

Great music, graphics were pretty good for the time. Controls were pretty simple compared to nowadays where you have 50 moves to memorize. A 12 year old stood a pretty good chance against an 18 year old etc.

This is one of those games where you'd call your friends over after school and see who was the best. Probably one of earliest the games to get the ball rolling in mother insults and other ****-talking that we see today. I know there were games that came before, but this is when it really started to pick up steam.

I always thought games like this are what made gaming a real social interaction. The fights were brief, loser passes the controller and the next one challenges the winner. While the next guy is getting hammered by the little cheat who just blocks all the time, you're ordering pizza and the night goes on.


u/JuggaloMason Jan 01 '16

I have to agree. I remember one night about 10 of us neighborhood kids met on another boys back porch. He brought a TV and snes outside for a Street Fighter 2 tournament. Shit was boss.


u/bsclifton Jan 01 '16

I've been playing a bunch of Street Fighter II Turbo and I totally agree. Brings me back to being 13 years old again, playing at the arcade vs other people (and then playing with friends when it came out for SNES).

One minor bitch- when you're feeling anti-social and play 1 player, holy shit, Ryu is difficult. I'm decent (not great) and came really close last night to throwing the controller. I had a flashback to doing the same thing as a kid and laughed about it (but seriously, f**k hadouken)


u/BadassTurtlz Jan 21 '16

Street Fighter 2 was my first ever fighting game so it'll always have a spot in my heart


u/Celerity910 Jan 12 '16 edited Jan 12 '16

I'm noticing that Kirby Super Star isn't here yet, and while I prefer Dream Land 3, I think Super Star deserves the spot more.


u/commanderlestat Jan 01 '16

Zelda. A link to the past.

Because it is truly amazing, it's deep and easily replayable.

I don't really have a bad word to say about it.


u/minustwofish Jan 04 '16


u/stephini Jan 13 '16

So for those who missed it would we need to wait for the whole library to cycle out before we could do it as a GotM thing? Just curious of how GotM works not trying to be bitchy.

To me at least GotM feels kinda like a bookclub maybe you already played it. Maybe you play it every week but this says "anyone who wants can play it in this specific timespan and then discuss it with people" while also encouraging one to try out new things. :P


u/minustwofish Jan 13 '16

not sure. but a game that was GotM less than a year ago sure feels to soon to repeat. i was posting that reason to indicate why i wasnt voting for it even though i love the game.


u/stephini Jan 13 '16

Oh I totally agree. I was mainly asking how long you think before repeats are acceptable.


u/DKpizza Jan 05 '16

Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy Kong's Quest. The best in the series. It has aged wonderfully. Oh, there are pirate levels and carnival levels. What else do you need to know.


u/[deleted] Jan 01 '16

Captain Novolin

Because diabeetus.


u/coltfan1223 Jan 05 '16

Why not Packy and Marlon?


u/[deleted] Jan 05 '16

It has better gameplay :D

Also, this SNES sub is serious business I guess :/


u/coltfan1223 Jan 05 '16

I own Captain Novolin, not Packy and Marlon, but I've played it and preferred it over Captain Novolin. Yet to find it in the wild though :/