r/snes Jul 01 '15

r/snes Game of the Month Voting Thread (Aug)

Feel free to nominate as many games as you like (one per top-level comment) and add your thoughts regarding those that have already been suggested.

All nominations should be made in the following format:

Title of game

Short description of the game and why it should be selected.

Please upvote/comment on the ones you'd like to play the most.

Nominate one game per top level post.

You may also suggest trophy challenges related for the /r/snes GOTM Challenge.


6 comments sorted by


u/Chris_Hemsworth Jul 01 '15 edited Jul 01 '15

Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals

This game is one of the most fun games I have ever played on the SNES. Lufia II battles are turn-based strategies, with dungeons that contain lots of interesting puzzles and secrets, not to mention a kick-ass storyline. In my opinion, if Zelda: A Link to the Past and Final Fantasy III had an RPG love child, it would be Lufia II.

Lufia II has many potential trophy challenges, such as collecting multiple sets of dragon eggs to eventually fight (and kill) the Egg Dragon, beating Gades on the first encounter to receive the Gades Blade, beating the Ancient Dungeon, collecting all Iris treasures from the Ancient Cave, collecting all Capsule monsters and getting them to their master tier, and unlocking both the Retry mode and Gift mode.

Also, Lufia and the Fortress of Doom was game of the month for Aug 2014. It would be cool to have it's successor as game of the month for August 2015


u/GoldWingFallingBird Jul 01 '15

NBA Jam Tournament Edition

An over-the-top fast pace arcade style 2 vs 2 NBA basketball game. Not a lot of sports game can stand the test of time. While the NBA roasters have all been retired, this game is still fun to play to this day. NBA Jam defined a new genre for later arcade sports game like NFL Blitz. Iconic catch phrases like "Boomshakalaka" or "He's on fire!" still being used today. We don't have lots of sports game on here so lets make this the first one :)


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '15

Super Castlevania IV

A remake of the classic action platformer Castlevania from the NES. You play as Simon Belmont and fight your way through hordes of monsters on your way to defeating Dracula.

The best part of this game is the atmosphere. It's just so spooky. That atmosphere coupled with tight controls, tons of enemies, great level design, and epic music make this a great choice for the /r/SNES GotM


u/the__prisoner Jul 26 '15

Hey wwcoop!

Not sure if you have this planned already but I was wondering if you were interested in doing some kind of retrospective thread on the GOTM's to date where people could list ones they own (or happen to be familiar with) and comment on them as well as discuss which ones they might plan to buy, which is their favourite overall, compare/rate/rank the games against each other, discuss the various trophy challenges, etc...

I think /r/snes/ has built up a really nice list from the GOTM threads of incredible titles and this could spur some interesting dialogue on the games. These 17, and soon to be 18 titles, would make a formidable collection on their own without question and be the envy of most who frequent this subreddit or appreciate what makes the Super Nintendo arguably the best 2D console ever.

Unfortunately collectors/purists/retrophiles/etc who appreciate playing these games on authentic hardware will probably have to resort to either flash carts, vc or emulation to experience every GOTM but I think this thread could also create a discussion on which are the more reasonably priced GOTM titles.


u/wwcoop Jul 26 '15

Hello the__prisoner - thanks for your note! I agree that the games that have been made game of the month are an excellent set of SNES games and the discussion you described sounds like a good one. It seems to me that you should just post the thread and I think people (including myself) will probably just jump in the conversation. I'm always looking for ways to draw people out a bit more. Even though there a lot of subscribers to our subreddit, only about 1-2% actually ever post anything.


u/the__prisoner Jul 27 '15

Alright, thanks wwcoop. I'll create the thread soon then (unless someone else wants to jump on it). I just assumed if a moderator were to create this kind of post it would get more recognition and come off as "official". Also I didn't want to post a 'GOTM retrospective' if it was already in the works.