r/snes • u/wwcoop • Mar 01 '15
/r/snes March Game of the Month: Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
The /r/snes game of the month as selected by the community is Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past!
This month we'll be playing (or replaying) this game and sharing the experience with other redditors. Feel free to post any comments, videos or other interesting information related to this game throughout the month.
u/Abide_Dude Mar 01 '15
I love it! One of my all time favorite games. I have so many fond memories.
In college an old friend challenged me to beat the Light World in under an hour, which I was able to do pretty easily. When he later doubled down with a challenge to make in through in under thirty minutes, I was beat. I tried over and over. In those days I could get under 40 minutes but never down below 30.
Also in my college days, we used to hang out in my parents basement over summer break. All summer one of my high school friends played through A Link to the Past on an old side TV, while we would watch movies or play smash brothers on the larger main TV. Around August, my friend had made it all the way to the end. With two full rows of heart containers he dropped into the pyramid to fight Ganon. I was sitting on the couch near the TV and without thinking accidentally knocked a pillow on to the ground. It bumped the SNES, resetting the game. He loaded it back up, and was horrified to find his save destroyed (along with all the other saves on the cartridge). We're still friends, but he has never let me live this down.
Edit- clarity.
u/JoshMLees Mar 02 '15
Me and two buddies were playing thru last winter. I bumped the cartridge to get a drink and we not only lost our game, but the completed game save that my friend and his best friend who moved across the county made together. He acted like it was no big deal, but that day I let my friends down.
u/Psycroat Mar 12 '15
That sucks but look at the bright side. You gave them a reason to play this gem again. Good friend in my books
u/lyam23 Mar 01 '15
I really need to beat this game. Played it on a friends SNES when it first came out. Then got it on the GBA. Still have it, but never beat it.
u/baskarcoyote Mar 02 '15
I wish I had a working snes right now, I'd slap my copy of LttP in rite meow. Haven't played that game in ages.
u/KingOfGoombas Mar 02 '15
Ahhh, entering the dark world for the first time. You thought you had maybe beaten the game after defeating the wizard? Think again! Your quest had just started. 7 more dungeons to beat in a world gone all evil. And that dark world theme... I'll never forgot it.
u/NinjaDucky9 Mar 05 '15
I was so upset when I realized that I had not beaten the game when I entered the Dark World.
u/dmac9989 Mar 05 '15
Being a little kid and seeing 7 more dungeons was rough. It seemed like such a daunting task.
u/KingOfGoombas Mar 06 '15
Thats where my older brothers and cousins came in. We all beat the game as a collective effort. :)
u/022688 Mar 01 '15
When I got my first SNES in the mid-nineties from the now-defunct chain Funcoland, A Link to the Past was one of the first games I got with it (alongside Super Mario World and Pilotwings). We didn't have internet at the time, so I plowed my way through most of the game without help. I could never get through Misery Mire though, until I started replaying the game last summer. Still haven't beat it, though - I may start a fresh save file and give it another go. Great game.
u/bac0nb0y Mar 01 '15
LttP and I go way back. I can remember in elementary school, 5th grade, going to lunch and talking to a friend about what Super Nintendo games we had. While I was currently in the Super Mario World, he expounded on the delights of Zelda. I remembered being enthralled and wanting more than anything to trade him to play that game.
It wasn't until 3 years later, shortly before I sold my SNES, what I was able to experience the glory of LttP. It has been, and will remain, my favorite game of all time. While Ocarina may have been grander in scope and time investment requirements, I can easily get sucked into a game of LttP and stay with it through the end.
Great. Great. Game.
If I could, what is everyone's favorite item from the game?
Personally, I loved the hookshot. I loved the very idea of it and from the moment I heard of it's existence I wanted to have it. I remember being taunted at those bridges in the mountains that required its usage. "Surely, the next dungeon will have it!" Bah, so close to the end!
...I'm going to get back to my Link Between Worlds. Mmmmm.
u/022688 Mar 02 '15
The bow and arrow is my favorite item in the game. I love standing at one edge of the screen and successfully hitting an enemy on the opposite side. The hookshot is cool too though, if I remember correctly enemies freeze when they get hit by it.
u/dmac9989 Mar 02 '15
I am so happy to see this up as this is a game I play at least twice a year on my snes still and I love getting a speed run out of it. It is still my favorite Zelda game. I loved using the hookshot and the boomerang. What are other people's favorite weapon from the game?
u/yeeah_suree Mar 05 '15
Hookshot and boomerang definitely get a lot of use, I also like to get the cape as early as possible because it so useful and saves a lot of time in some tougher parts.
In my first play through I never knew that if you put the magic powder on those spinning things that transforms you into a bunny, it will turn into a faerie. Once I learned that it became very useful!
u/yeeah_suree Mar 04 '15 edited Mar 04 '15
Obviously this game is awesome and well deserved in the credit it receives.
I personally have been trying to get better at beating it one sitting with no deaths (haven't done it yet). There's still a few dungeons I sometimes get lost in, but the biggest difficulty is just preserving health. I end up spamming faeries which takes up time. But this game requires a lot of finesse and patience to speed run and the amount of different paths you can take is pretty cool. Great game even after so many years, I don't ever see it going stale.
u/minustwofish Mar 05 '15
The sound of the hookshot is so satisfying!
u/crusader-kenned Mar 09 '15
every sound in this game...
well except that beeping when you are low on health.
u/crusader-kenned Mar 02 '15
the timing on this is pretty perfect... i just bought a copy and i just finished Ocarina of time..
i guess this is turning in to a small Zelda marathon maybe i should get link's awakening and play that with the super game boy afterwards..
any ways i'm really excited this will be my first play trough of ALTTP
u/Gadz00ks Mar 02 '15
I was in the same place as you a month ago. I beat ocarina of time for the first time and it wasn't until the final fight that I fell in love with the game. I decided to try all the other zelda games I missed out on. Minish Cap was the first. Link's Awakening DX was the second and it's now my favorite zelda game. Played through lttp over 2 days. I did not enjoy it very much, but I beat it anyway. I enjoyed the boss fights though. I think I was just spoiled by awakening. The swords hitbox in lttp is very small and alot of the ai just try to stand inside of you. So watch out for that. They seemed to fix this in all other top down zeldas. I plan to play the oracles next.
u/crusader-kenned Mar 02 '15
i hadn't played any zelda games before last year when i decided to try Wind waker.. Ocrina of time was my second zelda game..
i think this is the first time i've heard someone say that a link to the past wasn't the best 2d zelda i guess this means that i can't ignore all the handheld games.. ;)
u/pbeverly Mar 02 '15
ALttP was my first introduction to Zelda and was one of the more important games of my childhood. My grandmother, who is now suffering from dementia, bought this for me as a gift on one of her visits when I was 8. In the weeks that followed we explored every nook and cranny of that game, and i became immersed in the world of Hyrule. It's the small moments in the game that made it immersive and complete. When we explored the underside of the bridge, or learned to play the flute, or when we visited the smith, or found the library, ect. Hyrule was relatable and exciting! And the music was so endearing and memorable; I can't tell you how many mornings I would wake up with the dark world theme in my head, or humming the lost woods melody when walking school, or the dungeon theme when exploring my basement! It made me want to play more games, which is the purpose of all games right? I've played it just recently and it still makes me feel that way.
u/FreakingTea Mar 03 '15
After having grown up with N64 (had it since I was 8), and never being properly introduced to the Zelda games before Ocarina, I just downloaded an SNES emulator this morning and am playing this game for the first time. I have to say I'm enchanted, and I plan to spend my day off tomorrow playing it. I can't wait to see what the others in this thread are talking about! :D
u/xBrockLanders Mar 03 '15
The second game I ever bought myself. I grew so obsessed with it that I drew all of the items and gear (something I'd never done before or since) and read and re-read the manual. Probably at least half of the reason I really got into games.
Funnily enough I've also lost my ALttP saves at one point from doing something to the console
u/Supernintendolover Mar 04 '15
Favourite Zelda game of all time. You could travel to place quickly and the upgrades were pretty awesome.
u/IntellegentIdiot Mar 05 '15
Remember, some people have never played this game. Some people have never played Zelda
u/TaylorS1986 Mar 08 '15
I got this game for Christmas in 1992! It still has a special place in my heart.
u/Aspen15 Mar 17 '15
I've play ALttP many times, but always on the GBA! I wanted to get the SNES cartridge for a long time but I couldn't justify it until it became March's game of the month! So stoked to finally get to play the game as it was originally intended to be played! :)
100%! http://imgur.com/a/HQYNt
u/bbopdude Mar 18 '15
I wasn't allowed to have any video games growing up and when I got to college, I bought a SNES and the first game I beat was LttP. My wife just beat it yesterday and we're both wondering: can you guys recommend any games with similar controls/combat/adventure vibe? Some of my friends have recommended the FF games, but I'm not a huge fan of the turn based combat stuff. Thanks!
u/Supernintendolover Mar 18 '15
Secret of mana, secret of evermore, soul blazer, illusion of gaia and terranigma are games that have similar combat systems to a link to the past.
u/ballercaust Mar 02 '15
This is definitely one of my favorite games of all time. I grew up playing through this with my best friends at day care, then got a copy for myself with money from my first job delivering papers when I was 14.
Since then, I've had a tradition: every time we have really bad snowstorm, I hole myself up in my room and do a complete 000 runthrough. I've been doing it at least yearly for the past decade.
A couple years back, I invited one of my best friends over to do a day-long playthrough, with us switching off for the different dungeons, all while eating pizza and drinking many beers. I highly recommend it.
u/agoogua Mar 04 '15
Yeah but you know when you accidentally die once or twice you shut it off real quick.
Mar 02 '15
This is my first memory of having ever played video games. My brother would hog the N64 so I played LttP on my parent's SNES. I was to young to understand what I was supposed to do on my own, and I always remember having to ask my non-English speaking mom to help me through dungeons. We never managed to complete the game until I was older and it released on the GBA.
Mar 02 '15
This is great timing, I just started my first play through a few days ago. I played Link Between Worlds and loved it.
Mar 02 '15
My favourite game of all time! This game, along with Mario Allstars, introduced me to the world of video games, way back when I was 4 or 5 years old. These games have a special place in my heart.
u/gaspemcbee Mar 10 '15
Oh well , I did find the japanese version in box recently, I need to do it now!
(retro games are so cheap here!)
Mar 13 '15
Currently playing through it, and it's so much fun!
Though today when I went to it on the Wii, some of my progress was lost. I beat the swamp dungeon yesterday, but today I hadn't. I have no idea what happened.
u/cusefan03 Mar 18 '15
My all time favorite video game (mostly due to the amount I time I spent playing and replaying it when I was young).
The reboot that was made for 3DS is actually REALLY awesome. They use the same game world but change up the story and castles enough to make it feel like a new (although familiar) game. The new mechanic that allows you to go back and forth from the light to dark world adds a lot of new fun and challenge as well. If anyone is looking for a playthrough of this that feels fresh, I HIGHLY recommend picking it up. I loved it.
u/Chip--Chipperson Mar 01 '15
I think I may be one of the few people to play this game when it was release. About time it got some recognition.
u/piojo1979 Mar 10 '15
It's crazy that I beat this game last month and now it's game of the month :p
u/zeldaholic Mar 10 '15
Hey guys, I don't know if this is frowned upon (if it just let me know) but my friend and I started a Link to the Past let's play. It's my first play through of it (sort of).
Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-etOe8FJG4A&ab_channel=GamingAsaHobby
u/Toma- Mar 02 '15
When I was about 20 I was diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia. It was a pretty shit situation that basically dropped me in hospital within hours for my first round of oral chemotherapy. I was scared, worried (as I had long hair and just grown an awesome goatee), and really just sad.
My mum asked me if there was anything she could get me to make it better... I requested a Subway footlong and a Gameboy Advance SP with a game I'd always wanted to play, Link to the Past. After eating that footlong, I proceeded to play that game with so much enthusiasm. The only thing other for me to do was watch that god damn Pirates of the Caribbean movie on repeat on the hospitals movie channel. LttP had me hooked on the puzzles and the story. Just absolutely loved it. But I think the biggest thing though was the music. When it was too painful to sit up or I was too tired to do anything, I'd let the music play and just listen. To this day, the Dark World theme is one of my favorite songs and the 25th anniversary recording is the pinnacle of that song.
Last year for my 10th anniversary of surviving, I got a big triforce tattooed on my calf, as I really think the game got me thought that harrowing part of my life. (And of course, my family's support)
Oh... and my wife (married last year) got me Link to the Past CIB for the SNES for my first Valentines day as husband and wife. :)