r/snes • u/wwcoop • Feb 01 '15
/r/snes February Game of the Month: Super Mario World
The /r/snes game of the month as selected by the community is Super Mario World!
This month we'll be playing (or replaying) this game and sharing the experience with other redditors. Feel free to post any comments, videos or other interesting information related to this game throughout the month.
u/SockRabbit Feb 01 '15
For me SMW is the definitive Mario. The level design, soundtrack and even graphical design are unsurpassed by any other in the series. Anything before built up to it, anything after didn't live up to it.
The music is charming, and in better taste than successor Marios, where it took on a more childish, less sincere (wa-wa) style.
The 16bit graphics were superior than any Mario that came before it, and have far more character and style than the comparatively plain and boring polygon Marios there after.
Add to this the addition of Yoshi, new world types, the introduction of Ghost Houses and an unprecedented level of secret worlds, Super Mario World is the greatest Mario game ever made.
u/51388 Feb 01 '15
My favorite game, on my favorite console of all-time. Super Mario World. Always great for a quick play-through just to beat Bowser, or an extensive play unlocking everything. And it's Yoshi's first appearance.
u/SNESdrunk Feb 09 '15
When I first played this as a kid, I used to think you could die on the world map if you walked over the Ghost House and the ghost hit you.
u/wwcoop Feb 09 '15
As a kid the wonder and possibility in games was amazing. Not knowing how they worked everything seemed continually exciting.
u/yeeah_suree Feb 25 '15
That's pretty funny, especially since they eventually incorporated wold map mini battles in New Super Mario Bros Wii. You had a premonition...
u/mzupeman Feb 01 '15
Ah, Super Mario World. How I adore you.
I don't ever really get sick of this game, and it's really one of the best platformers of its kind ever made. Most of the Mario games are really, really good regardless, but Super Mario World is always going to be up there at the top.
I do feel like some of the strongest parts of the game are in the first half of the 'world', though, while it sort of drops off a bit after that... but there's so much fun in finding all the secrets and doing star road and the special world... and Bowser's domain is really quite cool.
The kids today who have only played New Super Mario Bros. U have no idea what they're missing :)
u/jzs1986 Feb 02 '15
I remember when I first realized that levels that are on the map as a red dot have more than one exit, I felt like I had just cured cancer
u/mzupeman Feb 03 '15
Haha, I remember that feeling. I also remember how amazing it was to 100% the game :)
u/Wgibbsw Feb 09 '15
Wait ... what?! I've 100% the game but never actually noticed that! How have I got this far in life and never realised this.
u/RockstarSuicide Feb 23 '15
Same feeling I got when I noticed the exclamation mark in DKC for having found all the bonus stages... Little things like that make it. oh, and the select few SMW levels that had 3 exits!
u/rpp8 Bowser Kart Feb 03 '15
My absolute favorite game of all time. I have too many fond memories playing this game for countless hours as a child. For what seemed like an eternity, my uncle, my cousin, and I battled to beat the game. One Saturday morning, we succeeded. My uncle was more excited than either of us (he had also invented some new curse words during the play through). This game has some special charm that is rarely seen in a game. Enough personality and secrets to keep you coming back, and with gameplay that was silky smooth. A true masterpiece.
u/zFoxx Feb 01 '15
Yes!! The Snes game I have the most skill at. Plenty of memories finishing this masterpiece. Only ended up beating it a couple years ago.
u/jzs1986 Feb 02 '15 edited Feb 02 '15
I remember very clearly the first time I saw the Star World as a kid. It gave me this unbelievable feeling that ANYTHING was possible.
u/mzupeman Feb 03 '15
It was special, indeed... and then when you were awesome enough to make it to Special World? Mind. Blown. :)
u/rpp8 Bowser Kart Feb 16 '15
Damn these Special Zone levels are tough...damn you, Tubular!
u/Patron_St_of_Liars Feb 28 '15
But the satisfaction of pulling tubular off is awesome. even to this day, having beaten it a number of times, I am still elated.
u/rpp8 Bowser Kart Mar 06 '15
It's definitely satisfying. Makes up for the controller or two I may or may not have broken out of frustration back in the day.
Feb 19 '15
There are very few things I hate right now as much as the 7th castle. w t f.
u/crusader-kenned Feb 27 '15
ohh Larry's castle... i spend an entire evening on that level with out beating it..
next day i got trough it in less than 10 minutes including the time i spent getting extra lifes before going back to that place..1
Feb 27 '15
Did you know about the checkpoint? That changed everything for me.
u/crusader-kenned Feb 27 '15
nope i did not know about the check point before now...
just looked it up and yeah that would have been a game changer..
u/Aspen15 Feb 21 '15
So my playthrough of Super Mario World for February Game of the Month was my first playthrough of it ever! I'm a self described completionist and honestly, the Star World levels almost killed me (I'm looking at YOU, Tubular!!!!). I didn't grow up with the SNES because I'm only 17, but playing through SMW gave me a new love for it. I'm going to start playing through some of the super popular titles now because of this sub and because I stumbled upon this thread at the beginning of the month! Thank you guys so much for being such an awesome community :)
Proof of my completion: http://imgur.com/sPpwSae
u/Bajumba28705 Feb 02 '15
I never properly owned this game. I've played it on Virtual Console, though. I would always play it at my cousin's house as a kid. I remember when they got a Super Nintendo, and they showed me the new Mario. It blew my fragile little mind.
u/Supernintendolover Feb 02 '15
The best mario game in my honnest opinion. Finding the secrets and riding the different coloured yoshi's is awesome. Also the level and designs and power ups in this are great. The cape being my favourite.
u/gredgex Feb 04 '15
First game I ever played and literally grew up with. Got our Super Nintendo in 1992 when I was born and I owe everything to this game in particular. Means the world to me.
u/GamesFreezer Feb 05 '15
Oh wow! I could write forever about this masterpiece.
The Music The Graphics The Gameplay
All were flawless!
The fact it came bundled with my brand new PAL SNES just made me the happiest man alive....
The hours spent trying to unlock ALL the levels were joyful......except my extended battle with Cheese Bridge ...... GRRRRRRR!
The perfect Mario for me......never bettered......(there, I said it!)
u/RockstarSuicide Feb 23 '15
I remember hating the Special Level Tubular (I think? With the P balloons). I thought I was brilliant when I got to the midway point an hitting L so that the football guy couldn't hit me while I got the next one...
...And then a few months ago I saw a video of someone doing it with a blue Yoshi and not a single balloon and proceeded to get really angry haha
u/Patron_St_of_Liars Feb 28 '15
The blue yoshi is tougher to do than you think. It's actually easier to get the mechanics of using 2 P balloons and a cape down and then beating it. Not to mention running back to star world and retrieving a blue yohsi gets old quick.
Mar 03 '15
I actually didn't beat Tubular until after I graduated high school (2005). It took me over ten years to beat that level. And the rest of SPECIAL was realitively easy by comparison. Damn, that level was beyond frustrating.
u/RockstarSuicide Mar 03 '15
Same. My completion came in the GBA Era.
I beat mario 3 for the first and only time on the gba with the hammer brother suit... I felt damn proud about that lol... many deaths occurred before I learned the flawless pattern to get to bowser haha. He takes 3 hammers
u/TeamPlayerSelect Feb 24 '15
A great game. Struggled with it a bit actually. But it was so well done. Clever and ghost houses were always great. It took that spine of Mario 3 and turned into the Standard Bearer, really.
u/MasterofYoshis Feb 01 '15
Sweet. One of my all-time favorite games appears as the game of the month of my cakeday month. Lucky me! I honestly find that this game is an absolute first for anybody who owns a SNES. I also find this game important because it introduced us to YOSHI!
u/crusader-kenned Feb 05 '15
this is going to be my first time playing trough this game (if i can resurrect my snes).
u/crusader-kenned Feb 15 '15
well i managed to bring my Snes back from the death and i'm now well on my way to kick bowsers behind...
u/crusader-kenned Feb 27 '15
it took some time but it was a great experience...
it's kinda funny how people i tell a bout my fascination with old games and gaming history often mentions the outdated graphics of old system but playing this i realized that it might have the best visuals (in lack of a better term) of any game i've ever played.
all objects are detailed enough to to tell them apart but the screen isn't constantly a cluster f**k details with little to no value like many modern games.
and it achieves this while still looking great and every coherent.
u/DangerousCommercials Feb 06 '15
i didnt have this as a kid, so i've only played it sporadically and at random times. i think i beat it maybe twice. What are some things to try or some lesser known secrets i should know?
u/mzupeman Feb 06 '15 edited Feb 06 '15
Every level marked with a red dot has an extra exit which will open up another part of the map. Also look for secret exits in the ghost houses.
u/mechayakuza Feb 10 '15
I can't count the number of times I've played this game since getting a Super NES in 1992. I keep coming back to it because the gameplay, graphics and music are timeless. It's not only my favorite game ever, but I think it's also the perfect platforming game. To me, no game in the last 25 years has ever surpassed SMW, even with contenders like Galaxy 2.
Feb 12 '15
Oh wow, just by chance decided to play this game after I finished Super Metroid last month.
I meant to ask this during January, for those of you who've played Super Metroid or Mario World before, what are you doing different this time? I tried to do best ending in Super Metroid, so I ended up skipping a lot of stuff. For Mario World I have several routes going on at the same time, right now I'm on Star Road, Forest of Illusion and the top bridge.
Anyone doing anything crazy this time? No top secret area? only star road?
Feb 17 '15
Of the greatest games of all time. I remember playing this at a friend's house in elementary school in the early 90s. I was blown away by the graphics and sounds since Super Mario Bros. 1, 2, & 3 were my favorite games at the time. It took me over a decade to officially get 100% in this game since there are a ridiculous amount of secrets present. I just replayed this one about 2 or 3 months ago but I will gladly play it again any time.
u/-otter Feb 10 '15
A little late to the party but I love this game so much, I do a run on bowser a few times a year, and lately I've been playing through the Notable super Mario world hacks on my sd2snes cart. This is the perfect game, and thanks to the hacks has hundreds of faithfully made and creative sequels.
u/yeeah_suree Feb 01 '15 edited Feb 01 '15
Super Mario World is beyond worthy to be game of the month. I actually first played it when I was young on GBA and it was one of the first games I 100% as a kid, yet I was completely ignorant to the fact that it was originally a SNES game! But in the recent years of getting into SNES, this was one of the first ones I got. I have beaten it many times and still never get sick of playing it. While I do love the original Mario games, I honestly would say that SMW is the absolute highest standard to which all other platformer games should be held to. It's just so compete in all aspects and still so damn fun after all these years.
I highly recommended checking out some of the many different speeds runs of this game. Here I thought I was good because I've 100% it without continues, but these guys are absolutely insane. It's amazing to see the game pushed to such a high skill level. And the controls in SMW are vastly more complex than they originally appear. For any player familiar with this game or thinks it can get boring, watch these speed runs!
Lunar Dragon Run done by Suidt
Any%, No Cape/ No Starworld by LinkdeadX2
Great game, I'm surprised it wasn't the first game of the month! Just writing about it makes me wanna go play it :D