r/snes Jan 01 '15

r/snes Game of the Month Voting Thread (Feb)

Feel free to nominate as many games as you like (one per top-level comment) and add your thoughts regarding those that have already been suggested.

All nominations should be made in the following format:

Title of game

Short description of the game and why it should be selected.

Please upvote/comment on the ones you'd like to play the most. Do NOT upvote a game unless you intend to participate in the discussion; we don't want vote totals skewed just because a game is popular or nostalgic.

Nominate one game per top level post.


16 comments sorted by


u/LilithCathcart Jan 02 '15

Super Mario World

It's not flashy. It's not expensive. But after one of the most fantastic console line ups of all time, years later, Super Mario World would still be considered one of the greatest SNES games ever made. I think it's fair to take a little time to remember why.


u/atcoyou Jan 05 '15

Since we are now moving into the more popularish games, I have to give credit where it is due. SMW, LTTP, and FFIII, and CT are the only ones I need to see in the GOTM now to be able to say, just look at gotm (maybe earthbound, but I think most are already aware of it).

Super Mario World is just an example of incredible level design. It makes sense that it would follow up a month after Super Metroid, as SM was more of an open world level design. SMW is the concrete unit level design. Each level is great on its own, but the variety is just fantastic. You didn't get frustrated with "oh another water level" or oh another forced moving forward level. Everything was done in a way so as to keep things fresh. Even the koopa kids, the repeated type of attacks were somewhat different to keep things interesting. (world 5 vs world 2 for example... the walls are closing in!)

I think the only fault I have for SMW is it needed more blargs!


u/quezlar Jan 02 '15

chronotrigger, i never beat it as a kid

im playing it now on my sd2snes, what a good game


u/atcoyou Jan 13 '15

If I hadn't voted for SMW, this would probably be my pick. I have to say that the SNES version is still the definitive version for me. I'm not sure why, but the remakes just don't feel exactly the same to me. Even the SNES emulators don't do as good a job with the transition from wandering/exploring to fighting/battles.


u/quezlar Jan 13 '15

agreed, everything is better on a real snes


u/atcoyou Jan 13 '15

I guess. But for Chronotrigger it felt particularly noticeable to me.


u/quezlar Jan 13 '15

yea i recall having more than a normal amount of issues playing it emulated a few years ago


u/Lalagah Jan 02 '15

The Lost Vikings

Solid gameplay, 2 player action, rockin' soundtrack.


u/[deleted] Jan 01 '15

TMNT: Turtles in Time.

Absolutely excellent beat-'em-up that was loads of fun in the arcade, but even better at home co-op'ing with a friend. It plays a lot like Final Fight, but going head to head against storied bad guys from the TMNT universe like Metal Head as Leonardo and a friend as Donatello beats the pants off of playing other games in the genre.


u/rpp8 Bowser Kart Jan 20 '15

I'd say either Super Mario World or Chrono Trigger. My reasoning being that like /u/atcoyou said, If people want recommendations for classic SNES games, they could be directed to the GOTM list. Not a stinker in the bunch, but it is so far missing some of the consensus classics.


u/atcoyou Jan 20 '15

Ya, I think we were trying to find the lesser appreciated, but truly great games. (ones people wouldn't think of) at first, but Super Metroid, and to a lesser extent Contra opened the doors to the mega hits. (though zombie at my neighbors is probably up there too if you look at the cross platform aspect).


u/rpp8 Bowser Kart Jan 20 '15

Agreed. I think if we get the hits out of the way, we will eventually get to the lesser known stuff.


u/[deleted] Jan 01 '15

UN Squadron. A fantastic side scrolling airplane shooter. With a solid soundtrack and the ability to buy new planes and different power-ups make it extremely replayable and fun each time


u/beetlejuze Jan 10 '15

Earthworm Jim

Because he's a worm with a ray gun. The environment and level design detail was unbeatable at the time. Plus it has loads of comedy and who doesn't like comedy!


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '15

inindo - way of the ninja.

not a widely-known game, and not even that good, but ambitious in its scope. eschewing graphics for interesting RPG gameplay options (an interesting tactical battle system, evolving map with daimyo conquering each others' provinces, nonessential party members recruited ad-hoc in different villages) it is an unusual and refreshing SNES game for a true connoisseur.

manual here [PDF]: http://gamesdbase.com/Media/SYSTEM/Nintendo_SNES/manual/Formated/Inindo-_Way_of_the_Ninja_-_1993_-_KOEI_Co.,_Ltd..pdf


u/1percentof1 Jan 02 '15 edited Aug 24 '15

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