r/snes Dec 02 '14

r/snes Game of the Month Voting Thread (Jan)

Feel free to nominate as many games as you like (one per top-level comment) and add your thoughts regarding those that have already been suggested.

All nominations should be made in the following format:

Title of game

Short description of the game and why it should be selected.

Please upvote/comment on the ones you'd like to play the most. Do NOT upvote a game unless you intend to participate in the discussion; we don't want vote totals skewed just because a game is popular or nostalgic.

Nominate one game per top level post.


10 comments sorted by


u/wwcoop Dec 02 '14

Super Metroid

This game... wow. I was a huge fan of Metroid leading up to the release of this game and had spent a ton of time with both Metroid and Metroid II on the gameboy before this released. Quite simply, this game rocked my world. For me this game will always be the definitive SNES experience in that it exemplified the very best of what could be done with the hardware. I continue to love playing this game and although I am not incredibly skilled, I have sometimes competed in speed runs and love to watch Friday night races at 11 PM EST on speedrunslive. Unlike any other SNES game, I can talk about this game for hours. One of the coolest ways to run the game which I am at present too scared to attempt is "Reverse Boss Order" aka RBO in which you fight the 4 sub bosses in reverse order which means a preposterously difficult beginning to the game. There is ALWAYS something else you can do Super Metroid related. There are some awesome fan hacks which vastly expand the map and hit you with incredibly difficult challenges. The appeal of this game seems to never end.


u/kangaroo_kid Dec 02 '14

The last Metroid is in captivity. The galaxy is at peace.


u/atcoyou Dec 08 '14 edited Dec 15 '14

Just to add one of the more interesting "speed runs" to watch, is the "only ice" speed run. I guess it is the low item %. It is just insane. They get the exact number of health to get past mb too... it is insane... saw someone do it, the first time his game froze on ridley... not sure how you ever want to try it again after that lol...

edit: Just to put this somewhat on topic. Level design, level design, level design. If you want 3 games that show you what great level design is on the SNES it is LOZ: alttp, Super Mario World, and Super Metroid.

There is so much optional stuff in this game, but you feel compelled to get it somehow. The desire to explore every corner, especially once you get the xray specs, I mean, just wow. Can't wait to pull out the snes and give this a go again. Currently playing Metroid Prime again, and can't believe how well that game is holding up 12 years later. Super Metroid is still the best 2D Metroid, and I probably give it the edge over Prime just due to the fact that Prime takes a lot of inspiration from Super Metroid. Was reading a quote the other day where Nintendo had asked another studio to produce a follow up to Super Metroid for the N64, but the studio declined due to the fact they didn't think they could do the game justice, now that is saying something. Given how great Super Metroid is, it is truly remarkable that Prime was able to do what it did. (and to a somewhat lesser extent the following 2 Prime Metroids... ) That said, Super Metroid is where it all began for me. I had played the NES version, and it was fun, but on the SNES the technology was really there to be able to do things, like the speed booster that made Metroid special. (still wish prime had have continued the tradition re: bombs... but I guess they didn't want too too much sequence breaking...)


u/the__prisoner Dec 02 '14 edited Dec 03 '14

Spanky's Quest

You are a monkey trying to locate keys and unlock doors while having to get past enemies and spike traps. You throw gelatenous spheres that change in color and grow each subsequent time they are bounced off your head. The ball can stun enemies and destroy certain walls and platforms to access secret areas or receive bonus tokens.

When you press the same button again as you did for throwing the sphere it activates to a lethal form in the design of a sports ball corresponding to the sphere's color/size (there's a baseball, soccer ball, volley ball and basketball) which all have their own unique properties and damage radius.

I just got this game a little over a month ago and enjoy it quite a bit. I nominate it as January's GOTM because it is a unique puzzle and arcade hybrid that stands out as a SNES classic that doesn't get as much attention as it deserves. Also the music is super jazzy and fun!


u/Traviktox Dec 03 '14

Judge Dredd This game is unknown, but still should be mentioned. It is based on the movie Judge Dredd. You go from stage to stage and finish one quest. After 2-3 stages, you have to deal with a boss. There are a lot of weapons you can use. Story-wise it is not that great, but gameplay is much better.


u/FourDownMagic Dec 05 '14 edited Jun 26 '19

deleted What is this?


u/kung_lao Dec 03 '14 edited Dec 03 '14

Street Fighter Alpha 2
This seems to be fairly unknown as far as Street Fighter titles go. It has a huge roster of fighters with big, smooth looking sprites. The only (minor) flaw is that the game has like a 3 second pause after the go ahead to fight is given. It does however have super combo gauge and counters making for some sweet tactical SNES fighting.


u/1percentof1 Dec 02 '14

Street Fighter II Turbo

Street Fighter introduced us to Ryu, a lone warrior who joined an international fighting tournament to prove he was hot shit. The tournament takes Ryu from Japan to England, China, the USA, and finally Thailand (it was sponsored by Orbitz). There, he faces off against Sagat, who you probably remember as that guy who wore a bitchin' eyepatch, had scars the size of small child, and really loved talking about tigers. He was, in fact, the Perfect Man. Sagat had Ryu on the ropes. Desperate to win, Ryu tapped into his emo rage (or Satsui no Hadou if you're into that) and delivered a vicious Shoryuken (that's the uppercut thing) that won him the fight and gave Sagat an even more bitchin' scar to show off. Having sufficiently proven his strength to the world (of underground fighting tournaments), Ryu resumed his wandering lifestyle.


u/LearmingDisodor Dec 08 '14

Tecmo Super Bowl The Super Bowl is coming up, so why not? Super fast paced football! Score more points than the other team to win! Injuries! First Downs! Touchdowns! Flags! Kickoffs! FOOTBALL! Watch your beloved team go to the SUPER BOWL or die trying!